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Big Ears!

Last week during one of our walks, a neighbor stopped us and said Tigger had the biggest ears on a dog he'd ever seen. The are pretty long and perky, but maybe they just look big in relationship to his short legs. HAHA!

Added by Katie on August 22, 2010 at 7:24pm — 4 Comments

Happy 1st Homecoming Anniversary, Maddie!

It's hard to believe, but Maddie came to live with us one year ago this weekend. Happy first anniversary, sweetie. She's our sweet, cuddly, fun-loving girl. We could not ask for a better dog. She's the first one waiting by the door for us when we come home from work. She shimmies her whole backside when we get up in the morning. She's great at the vet, tries so hard in her training classes, and is an absolute joy to be around.

And she's pretty darned cute, too!

Added by Beth on August 21, 2010 at 9:29pm — 10 Comments

Corgi Walk in the Pearl District

We just returned from the corgi walk in the Pearl District and I wanted to post some photos of it. There was a great turn out and Noodles enjoyed getting to meet many new friends. The youngest corgi there (as far as I know) was a 10 week old and she was absolutely precious. Please enjoy the photos

Relaxing after the walk

Water break…


Added by Alison Prasavath on August 21, 2010 at 4:38pm — 7 Comments

Saturday Morning Sleeping in with two Corgis!

I get up early 4:00am on weekdays and so on the weekend I look forward to sleeping in a little. This is how my Saturday morning went today… Sally heard me tossing around at 3:30 or so and decided she wanted out of the bedroom to lie in bathroom on the floor where the ac vent is cool. I get up and open the door and go back to lie down. Then remember I should be sure that the board with…


Added by Lynne Cerny on August 21, 2010 at 7:51am — 10 Comments

"Aw, is that a beagle corgi mix?" NO!

Does anyone else with tricolor corgis get this question ALL the time?? I don't know why it ticks me off so much, I have nothing against beagles, it just really annoys me. People think that Orion (red headed tri) is a beagle corgi mix and they have no idea what Laika (black headed tri) is. Especially at the dog park! I guess it annoys me because its not like I go around asking if dapple dachshunds or blue merle shelties are mixed with australian shepherds. I don't own dachshunds or shelties but… Continue

Added by Monica, Orion, and Laika on August 20, 2010 at 11:08pm — 6 Comments

Outstanding little Guy

So tuesday he got Fixed... Wednesday seemed normal with him until late that Evening he puked and then had a few dizzy spells... if it werent for my joy of spinning my cats when they sit in my comp chair i wouldnt know what a dizzy animal looked like... But he was falling all over the place.. given it was 11pm.. but we usually both dont go to bed until about 1am (sadly is a night owl) then he had a case of the runs, so i was Slightly scared. so Yesterday morning when i got up i called the…


Added by Ace and Jen on August 20, 2010 at 2:33pm — 4 Comments

Coyote attacks on Casey: 0; Dog attacks on Casey: 1

To all you coyote naysayer’s out there, it seems that the ole "residential nylon leash walking is much safer than extendable leash walking in a ravine" axiom has been disproved today. Why? Because on a nice suburban walk around our nice residential neigbourhood with nothing but concrete sidewalks, single family houses and manicured lawns, my dog was attacked.…


Added by Carla on August 19, 2010 at 10:38pm — 10 Comments

Corgis featured on Canon Site

So I was checking the new s95 spec on the Canon's site... and guess what I found?

Actually the corgis have been on the site for a while now. Just thought I let everyone know :)

Added by Sam Tsang on August 19, 2010 at 7:00pm — 1 Comment

Why is my dog trying to eat soap????

I have never had this come up before and I am looking to find out if anyone has?????? My 6 month old pup loves lotion and soap!! Even when he is not in the room he will come running in if he smells me putting on lotion or taking a shower. Today he kept trying to jump in the tub? Why is this??? When I put lotion on I have to make him leave the room because he will try and lick the lotion off. Help!

Added by Michelle Anderson on August 19, 2010 at 12:19pm — 3 Comments


"I do not like the Cone of Shame" Dug from the movie UP XD

That was the first words out of my mouth when i saw Ace Yesterday after his surgery! Poor little guy! he was all seepy and 'drunk' i feel bad watching him walk and get the cone stuck on things.... like the door frame/screen door/ etc he has gotten better...

Have problems with him in his kennel with it but... for a week i have to keep him in it... he is a Licker unfortionatly!

But I set him down inside…


Added by Ace and Jen on August 18, 2010 at 10:27pm — 3 Comments

$30 Wasted?

There's a wonderful off-leash ravine hiking trail about a 10 minute drive from my house. The last two times we were there, we spotted Coyotes. The first time I saw one, he was quite a ways in the distance, just milling about minding his own business. The second time, we were nearing the end of our walk and he (or she) was watching myself and Casey quite intently from about 15 feet away up a little side path from…


Added by Carla on August 18, 2010 at 4:00pm — 16 Comments

Lonely Dog

Once I was a lonely dog,

Just looking for a home.

I had no place to go,

No one…


Added by Cathy & LadyBug on August 18, 2010 at 11:48am — 7 Comments

Poem I found on FB - Too Cool :~~))

A dog loaned

"I'll lend you for a little time a dog of mine" he said.

"For you…


Added by Cathy & LadyBug on August 18, 2010 at 11:46am — No Comments

My old girl

My baby girl is 13 years old! She is still doing very well, especially when I don't let grandpa feed her. Her weight seems to influence her happiness the most. I'm starting to wish I took more videos of her now, but we never had a digital camera back then. I remember how cute she was as a puppy. She will never be replaced, even if I get another corgi.

Added by Carly & Libby on August 17, 2010 at 5:57pm — 13 Comments

Dog Daze of Summer

It's been really hot lately. About 104 every day! Our walks have been short and sweet. Here's a photo diary of our evening walk to the park around the corner. They just love their walks, Tigger always has to be closest to the door, so he pushes Molly out of the way and gets them both tangled up on their leash. After we are all done, Tigger is quick to rest and Molly is always waiting for something exciting to happen.…


Added by Katie on August 17, 2010 at 3:10pm — 7 Comments

Munchkin Cats: The Feline Corgi!

I was discussing with my brother how I ought to get a munchkin cat when I get my own place so that all the animals in my house are shorty shorts:…


Added by Monica, Orion, and Laika on August 16, 2010 at 8:30pm — 9 Comments

Arrrrrg LOL -whine-

Ack I feel like a Horrible parent XD Im fretting over tomorrow... and have a Strict line of things needing done today... #1 Wash Ace's night night Kennel out and his bedding (knows food and junk are hidden in the blankets XD) #2 Wash Ace... (dont want him stinking while at the vet not to mention he really needs one XD) #3 no food after 8 ._.; which is gonna kill me and Ace sicne he always gets a night night treat and a night night bowl of Kibble (meaning whatever was left of his food during…


Added by Ace and Jen on August 16, 2010 at 2:26pm — 4 Comments

Corgi won't swim

My husband and I are looking for any tips on how to get Maggie our two year old pem to become more water savy. Maggie loves playing in her own little pool with the water filled half way but the moment you get her in her life jacket and slowly introduce her to the regular swimming pool she becomes a ball of nerves and will only stay in for a brief moment. We have gingerly coaxed her back in but she will not come unless we hold her for the first few minutes and once in she only paddles with…


Added by Crystal Haslip on August 14, 2010 at 10:32pm — 5 Comments


So Winston, Midget and I are doing great. I have lots of pictures to post eventually! I've been working a TON so when I am online it is not for long!

Winston has had some problems lately though. I think I finally got his allergies under control. I believe he is allergic to chicken, duck, lamb, venison, and beef... Pretty much all he can eat is dog food with fish as the protein! Crazy right? Also, Winston has decided he wants to be food aggressive now, so I have to watch him…

Added by Lauren + Winston on August 14, 2010 at 9:07pm — 1 Comment

New Family Member!

We picked up the newest member to our family last night, yay! Her name is Poppet and she is a 4 yr. old petite, sweet, red and white pembroke with a tail. She was originally from Australia, hence the tail. She came from the same breeder as Cane. She knew that we were planning on getting a second corgi last summer but right after we brought Cane home in May I found out my cancer had returned so we had to put that on the back burner. I am now in remission and have been doing good for the last 7… Continue

Added by Gail L on August 14, 2010 at 7:43pm — 10 Comments

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