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When little dogs get big.

Its amazing how quickly the little puppies become big dogs. I was comparing pictures of Rocky today with pictures of him in Feb, and I'm amazed at how much he's grown. I miss the little cute Rocky, but I don't miss his little "cute" oopsie puddles if I waited just a couple minutes too long to take him outside.

I like the new, bigger Rocky who's been learning things at obedience lessons. I like that when I'm walking I can stop walking and he sits next to me (most of the time) or if I… Continue

Added by Rockstar on April 17, 2009 at 6:06pm — 1 Comment

What is frapping?


Added by Dragster and Bailee on April 17, 2009 at 5:48pm — 9 Comments


I tell you I am a woman on the edge. It would not take much to push me over the edge either. I started puppy count down on my page at 40 days had lots of time. Have bought everything we can possibly think of (and then some:) for Samantha. Was going to come home early today and dig out the remainder of the catci in the side yard. It has taken weeks to get the 500 lb. cactus cut up and carted off. It was bad enough when "father time" was dragging his tail, slowing down time but now "mother… Continue

Added by Marion and Vern on April 17, 2009 at 3:22pm — 6 Comments

1 week update on Milo

Milo has been home for a week now. He's been a very good boy and frankly I'm impressed at how sweet and gentle he is with me. I didn't really have much to expect but when I saw him I felt he was worth trying to save and find a home.

So far this week, I've found out that he doesn't like having his tail touched whatsoever. He never had a carrot in his life. He's never had a kong with peanut butter and yogurt either. He is a happy boy and is always excited to see me after meals and when… Continue

Added by Corgibyassociation on April 17, 2009 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Neutering and More

For those of you who read my blog a couple months ago "Something's Missing" you know that Finnigan is a Cryptorchid puppy which means he has one testicle dropped and the other is retained in his body. We've been wanting to get him neutered because I think his hormones are getting the best of him, but because of the Cryptorchidism the vet wanted to wait until he was 8 months old.

He will be 8 months old the end of April so next week we've scheduled his appointment to be neutered. The… Continue

Added by Alice on April 17, 2009 at 1:15pm — 9 Comments

1st week, almost over...

Our first week with Eddy is almost over! That means he's not crying through the night and we are actually sleeping for a good chunk of time. But he is a real terror-ier during the day! I don't know what to do. He is super-hyper and mouthy (bite and bark), SO we concluded that we're not burning off enough of his energy throughout the day. After doubling and then tripling his outdoors playtime over the past 4 days, he is still destructive and anxious in the house! And to top it off, he's… Continue

Added by Sunni A. on April 17, 2009 at 3:03am — 4 Comments

60 Hours to Go . . . Oh, the Agony of Waiting for Miss Daisy

Dear Reader

Oh, man (or should I say 'dog'?), it's hard to wait for Miss Daisy to get here. Momma is scrabbling around the house and garage trying to find all the necessities of new-dog-life. Currently she is missing the little post thingies and a larger thingie that all hold her dog play pen together. Since I am neither a scent nor a sight hound, I can offer her no assistance.

The kibbles, however, are another issue all together. Speaking of kibbles, do you s'pose Momma… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on April 16, 2009 at 11:01pm — 1 Comment

Murphy's Law

It really is true... whatever can go wrong will! With a new pup on the way in just 10 days and an apartment that I have to be out of in 48 hours, there is a hold up at the title company on the new house. They have decided to extend closing until some date unknown when "the issues can be resolved." Unfortunately, I have no where to go until then! It's also a little hard to bring home a new puppy when there is no home to go to!

Please send lots of prayers and good wishes are way that… Continue

Added by Sky and Lyla on April 16, 2009 at 10:22pm — 4 Comments

It's Time!

In less than 24 hours my little Crosby is coming home....Lets see...Crate/Check, Puppy Food/Check, Puppy Chew Toys/Check, Appointment with Vet/Check, Paper Towels and Carpet Spot Remover/Check, Collar and Leash/Check, Bundles of Love and Patience/Check, Waking up in the middle of the night......are you ever really ready for this one?

Wish me Luck!

Added by Cooper-n-Crosby on April 16, 2009 at 9:55pm — 3 Comments

Winston's birthday is coming up...

...And I'm excited to start planning his second birthday party/cookout but I don't know where to have it this year. Last year, we had it at my boyfriend's grandmas which is was cool, but one of her friends came and brought her grandson who was TERRIFIED of dogs. Yeah, not so good. I wish I had a fenced in backyard so I could just throw it at my house. Blah. Planning a party is hard. Especially when it's for a dog.

I'm also making a list of what to get him. I wrote down a few… Continue

Added by Lauren + Winston on April 16, 2009 at 6:49pm — 1 Comment

Picked a name...

Went with Penny!
Her Great Grandmother's (I think) show name is Summithill Lucy in the Sky,
So we went to Summithill Penny Lane for her AKC registry... Penny for short :)

Added by Kelli & Penny on April 16, 2009 at 2:59pm — 3 Comments

Hachi in Fremantle

Today my friend and i went to freo, because he had to take photos for his uni project.

so decided to take hachi along since she's never been there, hahaa

its a bit cold being next to the ocean so she had her lovely new red coat on =)

she had lotsa fun playing with little kids and trying to chase the seagulls that hovered about us haha

she also learnt to climb up and down a few steps. (she still not very good at it thoguh)…


Added by chocky on April 16, 2009 at 12:00pm — 8 Comments

Litter Mates

So yesterday was our first full day with Miss Molly and there were a few things that were absolutely remarkable to us.

First of all, from the moment my mom and step-dad brought her home, she was right at HOME. Literally. I have never seen a puppy be SO comfortable with her new surroundings. Her first night was amazing. We put her right in her little pop up kennel and not ONE peep. Not ONE whine. Not one spot of pee anywhere to be found. She has already claimed her spot on the couch and…

Added by Dayna Shulack on April 16, 2009 at 6:18am — 1 Comment

A Daisy a Day . . . We're Waiting For You, Sweet Girl

This is for our almost new girl, Miss Daisy, a survivor of the Missouri puppy mill bust. I selected this song because it says a lot about our fur friends--how tenacious they are and how much we love them. It's easy to translate this lovely song from the human context to the Daisy-in-our-home context, with just a little… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on April 15, 2009 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Think we found our Breeder!

So I think we may have found our breeder. We are not 100% sure, but its starting to look that way. She sent us pics yesterday that were taken of the litter over the weekend. There are R&W's and tris in the litter. They about melted my heart! Going to visit the breeder, parents and pups over the weekend. They will be 4 weeks.

On a side note, things are just going crazy here with all the new house stuff. Going to be packing all day tomorrow (not to mention taking two online quizzes… Continue

Added by Genna, Dustin & Stewie on April 15, 2009 at 3:22pm — 2 Comments

Pictures added!!!

Flea and I decided to upload some photos of her when she was a puppy, and Flea says that she was a cutie (and still is!!!) We added one recent photo that I took with my cell phone so the quality is poor but she still looks good lol.

Added by Flea on April 15, 2009 at 11:42am — 1 Comment


I'm in need of a corgi!

I live in nevada, and i am looking for a little corgi female puppy. if any one has puppies or knows of any puppies around me i would be so happy if you'd let me know! i even have a couple names in mind, roo-lola-zoey-chloe or lulu. roo and lola are kinda my favorites ;)

I'm looking very forward to hearing from everyone!!!

Added by kimmy watt on April 15, 2009 at 10:37am — 3 Comments

Dott Previews her book for you...

Hi. My name is Dorothy Joy Wigglebottom, better known around here as Miss Dott, or just Dott. I thought that I would introduce myself by posting a preview of the first few pages of my book, “Little Dott Finds a Home.” I will be 3 human years old in July. My daddy was a Chihuahua/Doxie mix that mama sneaked out with. I took my dad's size and my mom's coat and corgi coloring.

When scanning the book pages, some of them show picture “watermarks” and… Continue

Added by Linda Brock on April 15, 2009 at 2:00am — 4 Comments

Gretchen and her feeding problems

Gretchen was bred on March 6th 2009. Almost to the day she decided to quit eating!!! Nothing had changed, she was getting the same food she had been getting for the last year. Now mind you she would eat any thing I was eating but I know that "people food' is not good for her on a regular basis, I asked the advise of a friend of mine who raises Bernise Mountain dogs, She suggested I put Gretchen back on puppy food, She needs the extra protein and they like the flavor. Well so far so good,!!!!???… Continue

Added by Nancy Dunker on April 14, 2009 at 11:08pm — No Comments

I guess Dragster likes to scare his momma..

Well i was out of town at a journalism competition this Easter weekend.

I called my mom between competitions to ask her how everything was. She told me she had to take Drag to the vet. I was about to freak out. She told me everything was fine. I had just switched vets about 3 days before i left town because if something did happen i didn't want to have to take him to that emergency vet again. Well thankfully Drag got sick during the day.. my new vet was out of town so we had to use my old… Continue

Added by Dragster and Bailee on April 14, 2009 at 10:23pm — 5 Comments

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