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Friday 12/16/11-Sunday 12/18/11

We had a fantastic weekend! Friday started out a little rough (barking and whining when I left, unlike the rest of the week), but I came home for an early lunch to no barking. We went for an eval at a place very close to my apartment and Poppy did well of course. Unfortunately, they won't take her for boarding over the holidays because she has had kennel cough in the last month, so that was a huge disappointment. The owner of this training, boarding and daycare center was very thorough,…


Added by Rebecca and Poppy on December 19, 2011 at 1:36pm — 1 Comment

He's here!

Got to pick up my little Avery today! I'm officially a Corgi owner!

I almost couldn't believe how perfect he was for the 3 hour car ride home - I just gave him a rawhide bone and he went to work, munching away. He got to visit the barn for a bit, because my boss has officially christened herself as his godmother, so she wanted to meet him. Now we're home so I can eat lunch before we take our first walk through the neighborhood. Meanwhile, I took some pics on my cell:…


Added by Emilie on December 18, 2011 at 1:30pm — 20 Comments

Merry Christmas!!

I hope all you Corgi lovers have a Merry Merry Christmas.  And we need to be very thankful for every precious moment we have with our fur babies!!  May God bless each and everyone of you this season along with your Corgis of course!

Added by Denise Gilbert James on December 18, 2011 at 12:42am — 4 Comments


just got back the dogs christmas pics& have posted a couple,merry christmas everyone, from mine to yours.

Added by Kevan hudson on December 17, 2011 at 8:44pm — 3 Comments

Change profile picture

Can anyone tell me how to change Baron's profile picture?

Added by Teresa on December 17, 2011 at 8:16pm — 2 Comments

Change profile picture

Can anyone tell me how to change Baron's profile picture?

Added by Teresa on December 17, 2011 at 8:16pm — No Comments


Dyllan may have another sister, we have a stray dog who has adopted us >She started following me home from my walks and some of the neighbors say she was dumped off. We have tried to see if anyone is looking for her and in the meantime we are feeding and taking care of her. She acts like a puppy and is very very shy,but she gets along great with all the dogs around us and Dyllan loves her but then he loves ALL the girls...

Added by Dyllan on December 17, 2011 at 6:20pm — 4 Comments

Fun time in store

lol Just need his blankie packed and a few more of my clothes :D but Ace and I are going on an Adventure out to Corbett Or until Wednesday 

Just got to finish doing laundry and Dishes.. tomorrow when i wake up im going to clean the cat box

then its off to Corbett and awesome fun time with my best friend and our dogs :) Ace will love it because he gets to play with his Best Dog Friends Starlet (Chihuahua) and Abby (fox terrier mix)

lol those three together are freaking…


Added by Ace and Jen on December 16, 2011 at 10:31pm — 1 Comment

My Christmas Corgis :-)

My Jeter and Cappy became Christmas corgis today. Cappy wore the Santa outfit and Jeter wore the ‘Christmas tree decorated with boned’ sweater and the antlers.


"Merry Christmas!! Please bring us more treats, Santa!!"



Added by Chris and Andrew on December 16, 2011 at 6:00pm — 7 Comments

Thursday 12/15/11

Yesterday was like THE! BEST! DAY! EVER! Started off a little strange during our morning walk, Poppy kept turning around to look behind her and wanting to "go home" until we got to the half way point and then she pulled me in the other direction to get home as fast as possible. It was very strange. Quiet as usual when I left in the morning. We had a good walk at lunch (but not so quiet when I left after that) and after work I had to run some errands in the neighborhood, so I took her with me…


Added by Rebecca and Poppy on December 16, 2011 at 12:11pm — 1 Comment

Have A Merry (Corgi) Christmas!

The "official" countdown to Christmas (for me) began last weekend.  Having my birthday exactly 2 weeks before Christmas means that all of our Christmas activity really begins on my birthday.  I hung our stockings over the fireplace (I always wanted to do that when I was a little girl, but my mom's house didn't have a fireplace.)  I dusted off the mantle decorations, since they had been out since Thanksgiving.  I strung lights along the bushes outside (and discovered that two strands don't…


Added by Yuki & Ellie on December 16, 2011 at 11:30am — 4 Comments

Happy Birthday Comet!!!!!

3 years ago today my best friend Comet was born.  I've always been an animal lover, but have never been truly loved by animal until I got my Corgi.  I've never known such devotion, loyalty, protection or unconditional love from a dog.  It doesn't seem to matter to him that he is just a few inches off the ground.  He has the heart (and the appetite) of the biggest dog.  I love my Corgi and I can't picture my life without him.  Happy birthday buddy.…


Added by Mickey Kalish on December 16, 2011 at 9:13am — 6 Comments

Has Anyone Gotten Their Calendar?

My order from Lulu for the Corgi calendar supposedly shipped November 28, but there's still no sign of it arriving here.  Have others ordered and gotten theirs?  I am so eager to look at it.   Their site isn't easy to navigate, I and can't find any sort of e-mail address or help/chat area.

Added by Kathryn Graham on December 15, 2011 at 3:39pm — 8 Comments

Wednesday 12/14/11

Finally, a really good day! I put Poppy into a different daycare today (first day free!) because I had a work function at lunch and couldn't come home to walk her. She seemed to do really well. I liked the place better then where I dropped her off on Monday, if only because I and anyone could look into the area where the dogs play and are kept all day. They are split into large and small dogs and while there isn't much stimulation for them, it was clean and I could see what was going on.…


Added by Rebecca and Poppy on December 15, 2011 at 12:50pm — 1 Comment


I haven't been posting anything up lately because I'm kinda busy and I'm kinda annoyed of mean people. But there are way more nice people on this forum than mean ones, so i decided to continuing posting my blog.

The puppies are 5 weeks old now and they are adorable, and so far we found really good homes for most of them. The reason why I said most of them is because we…


Added by Van Nguyen on December 14, 2011 at 8:56pm — 13 Comments

Adding a 2nd Corgi

When we rehomed Ricky (aka Rafa) Lucy wouldn't let him sleep next to her. In fact, she wouldn't allow him to sleep on our bed! So I am happy to share these photos. I believe in miracles, haha! A BIG thank you to all mycorgi friends who gave so much support when we re-homed "The Rafanator!"   xoxo wendy…


Added by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) on December 14, 2011 at 3:00pm — 14 Comments

Video: Confused Corgi Puppies

I got this from a friend. It's three corgi puppies reacting to some really strange noises :).


Added by Beni on December 14, 2011 at 2:51pm — 3 Comments

Featured in Etsy Treasury!

My little etsy shop " Three Cheers for Corgis" was just featured in an Esty Treasury!!

Check out this treasury to see wonderful corgi items!!

Added by Henrys Person on December 14, 2011 at 2:13pm — No Comments

Tuesday 12/13/11

Yesterday started off well. No whining or barking in the morning (thanks Rescue Remedy!), a good walk at lunch (though there was some crying and barking when I left) and a decent jaunt around the block when I got home from work.

When I put Poppy in her pen later to take a shower, I was greeted when I got out to pee in the pen. AGAIN. This is the second day in a row this has happened. This rarely happens when I leave her in the pen and apartment alone for 4+ hours, but for some reason…


Added by Rebecca and Poppy on December 14, 2011 at 12:53pm — No Comments

Scrappy and Ace

Oh my gosh i love coming over to my sister in law/brothers house :) they ALWAYS let me bring Ace :) well the minute we got home on sunday we opened the door and in zoomed Ace like he owned the place and the Play began.. lol seeing a 75lbs pittbull wrestling with his favorite Corgi buddy was just adorible.. and he is so gentle with Ace as well.. I just love it especially since Scrappy doesnt have anyone to play with other then People lol

I just love watching them play and its…


Added by Ace and Jen on December 14, 2011 at 4:53am — 2 Comments

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