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Sidney's FHO Journey - Water Therapy!

Today it has been three weeks since Sidney had the Femoral Head Ostectomy surgery to ease the pain from hip dysplasia. He's been ok'd to start taking short walks and take water therapy sessions.

We are very lucky to have a hydrotherapy location about 10 minutes from home. It is called the Total Dog Canine Swim and Fitness Center. The owner and trainer, Natalie, is an RVT with 30 years experience. She was so good with SIdney, I can't tell you how happy…


Added by Geri & Sidney on September 28, 2010 at 8:15pm — 10 Comments

jingle jingle jingle jingle jingle jingle

No! It's not the sound of reindeer on my rooftop. It's the sound of the dog tags jingling as my dogs scratch, scratch and scratch some more!

I am so frustrated! I think there's a flea infestation at the barn from the barn cats. So I take the dogs to the barn, and even if they are on flea preventative they come home in fleas.

Last week, I gave them a flea bath and then treated them with Pro Meris. They stayed away from the barn for a week. They went out on Sunday…


Added by Katie on September 27, 2010 at 11:00pm — 13 Comments

A Doggie Knows It's Important to Say Grace...

Added by Stephanie on September 27, 2010 at 7:06pm — 8 Comments

Update to sick puppy :)

Apollo is FINALLY feeling better! Apparently switching his food was the trick. He's back on his potty training route and is lasting 4-5 hours in his crate between potty breaks again!! He even looks better already and his coat has improved. Over all he just seems much happier. Thanks again to everyone who gave advice, suggestions, and well-wishes!

Added by Christine on September 27, 2010 at 6:21pm — 5 Comments

Rehoming two beautiful Corgis.

My wife and I are trying to find a home for two of our Corgis. We have done a lot of thinking and praying about this and it seems only best for the two male's. A few reasons for our choise are as follows:

-The two males do not like each other and they need to be kept seperate which is very difficult in our situation.

-We just brought our new baby girl home from the hospital today and I can't allow the dogs to fight with each other. They are both great with kids, when they…


Added by The Dingmans on September 27, 2010 at 6:16pm — 1 Comment


Lol I am getting more and more excited! Its exactly to this date one month till ace's 1st birthday~ Yippee~ lol we are gonna through him a party on the fallowing Friday lol Have all the little Doggy friends of his come and play~

Throwing the party at my Aunts hosue since she has a fenced in pasture from where she had sheep~

Gonna have party hats for the dogs LOL and a special birthday shirt for ace XP

oddly my mom is helping me plan this as well XD she is gonna help me…


Added by Ace and Jen on September 27, 2010 at 4:55pm — 1 Comment

National Specialty results?

The National Specialty for Pembroke Corgis was this past week and I don't see any results online. I even checked InfoDog and nothing was there.

Has anyone seen results anywhere? Last year the PWCCA website took ages to get them up.

I always like to look for the tiny handful of kennel names that I recognize.

Added by Beth on September 26, 2010 at 10:28pm — 2 Comments

Halloween costumes

I'd love to know if any of you have hints about getting a dog to wear a Halloween costume.Tasha has been invited already to 2 halloween costume parties. I've never tried to put anything on her except her collar & leash.

Added by LouAnne Sassone & Tasha on September 26, 2010 at 10:45am — 14 Comments

The Big Rock And Beyond

We have had so much rain here lately. Today we had a beautiful day- sunny and warm. I took Sophie to the beach this morning and snapped these photos of her. She loves to jump up on rocks - the tide was out far enough so she could run up this giant rock. She hasn't been able to run up the rock since last summer. 7 months ago she could only walk part way down to the beach - she couldn't even get to the big rock. Her weight loss of just 4.5 pounds and pain management for her hips has given her… Continue

Added by Carole and Sophie on September 25, 2010 at 10:50pm — 11 Comments

ChesterFest's Cutest Dogs!

So, I don't usually brag, but the Cardi boys are worth an exception today. Just have to share that this morning, Jon Farleigh and Dewi swept the competition away to win their first ever First Place dog show award! Since neither of the two can compete in conformation, I am thrilled to present the 2010 ChesterFest Cutest Dogs (they tied each other). As proud as I am of the win though, nothing beats watching all the smiling children (and children at heart) walking over to ask if they can pet…


Added by Elizabeth on September 25, 2010 at 3:00pm — 10 Comments

Does AKC actually want people to get involved, or not?

I have come to think recently that AKC and the local clubs have not done a very good job in promoting the joys of purebred dogs.

I believe in rescue too, but the rescue people have definitely done a better job by far in promoting adoption than pure-bred fanciers have done in promoting the pluses of breeding good-quality dogs, working with them, playing with them, and competing with them.

Case in point: this morning we were walking the Corgis in the park near our house. On… Continue

Added by Beth on September 25, 2010 at 9:30am — 6 Comments

Tegan the Navigator

Our first summer with Tegan has been great! She has been kayaking in Prescott, AZ and camping on the Mogollon Rim. She is our little bundle of joy and sometimes trouble :)

Added by Patricia, Beauregard, and Tegan on September 24, 2010 at 6:43pm — 3 Comments

Sidney's FHO Journey, update

Today we took Sidney back to Veterinary Surgical Specialists in Kearney Mesa for his 2-week post surgery appointment and to have his sutures taken out.

His fur is already growing back, so it was a bit of a challenge for the tech to find all the sutures! Sidney was really good and didn't complain about that. However, when the vet tried to show us how to extend his leg back, Sidney reacted badly to that! I said…


Added by Geri & Sidney on September 24, 2010 at 5:57pm — 19 Comments

update on Queenie

first i would like to say thank you to everyone who has replied. your warm wishes and info has been very helpful. i did get the call from the vet today saying queenie will be released to come home this evening, but that she will probably have to go back tomorrow for more fluids. they also ran another enzyme test on her today. if levels have dropped we may not have to bring her back. the cause of all this was due to a quarter sized piece of hamsteak i gave her monday night. trust me i feel…


Added by Queenie on September 24, 2010 at 2:39pm — 2 Comments

Update on "worried sick"!

First I want to thank everyone for their corgi prayers and advice! Vet visit went really well and he seems to think it is a reaction to her last round of vaccinations. But since her attitude and personality are completely normal he said there is nothing to worry about as the lump is not attached to the body wall. Once again, THANKS EVERYONE!!!!!!!

Added by Donna and Lilly on September 24, 2010 at 11:57am — 3 Comments

Finally!! a Diagnosis for Katie!! Yeah!

Well, after a friends suggestion, I decided to take Kate to another vet to see what is wrong with her back legs. It took the vet all of 5 mins to tell me, Kate has Luxated Patella, and she has strained her back because of it.

I was actually tearing up at the vets i was so relieved.

She wont need surgery, and she will probably live a long and happy life, and probably wont need a wheelchair. I am so glad I pursued this and found the problem.

But she will have limited…


Added by Pat Piotrowski on September 24, 2010 at 5:34am — 14 Comments

Back home =)

Lily is back from the spay ! She is soooo ashamed using the cone ,and doesn't want to walk at all.
Now she is resting in her crate...
Hope tomorrow she feels better and walks at least to pee =))

Added by Renata M. on September 23, 2010 at 7:09pm — 10 Comments

Pancreatitis in Corgi's


Queenie has now been at the vet's 2 nights too many. I brought her in a couple nights ago because she was acting very depressed. We finally came to find out she has pancreatitis. Is this common with Corgi's? Has anyone else ever experienced this with their baby (ies)? Any info would be great. THANKS!

Queen eats very good. Blue Buffalo food and treats. Every now and then maybe a bite of people food. Never again though.

Added by Queenie on September 23, 2010 at 6:01pm — 6 Comments

Worried Sick!!!

Ok, so last friday I was on the floor again playing with all the dogs...I usually lay on the floor and its a Corgi pile time! But anyhow I was petting Lilly and felt a lump under her skin. Its on her right side, bout 2 inches down from her spine on her ribs. I can move it around like a little marble, and it doesnt seem to hurt her. Ein, my daughters corgi, had a fatty tumor when he was a puppy, and I guess they are pretty common in puppies. I have a thursday appt with my vet just to make…


Added by Donna and Lilly on September 23, 2010 at 5:23pm — 10 Comments

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