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Christmas Greetings!

Have a Corgi Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Added by Clif on December 17, 2008 at 10:00am — No Comments


Heres a big THANK YOU from Koa to everyone who voted for him!!!! This is such an honor and I can now say, I own a calendar boy!!!!

Added by Monique on December 16, 2008 at 9:52pm — 5 Comments

wanting another addition to the family =)

I was wondering if anyone on here have puppies that they are selling or know anyone who are selling puppies. I am looking to get another one within the next couple months. Thank you =)

Added by Brady James on December 16, 2008 at 7:16pm — 1 Comment

Aggressive Behavior

We "adopted" Buddy about a year and a half ago (he is almost 2 now) We knew he wasn't living in the most ideal conditions. He was kept in a crate 24 hours a day and only left out to eat and for walks. He was clean and taken for all his shots but not loved. when he arrived he had food guarding issues, was aggressive towards our other corgi and very pushy. He has come a long way, but recently he has begun to show those old signs of aggression. He snaps at us when we try to correct him. He growls… Continue

Added by Tabbi on December 16, 2008 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments

Mr. October 2009!

Just wanted to document here so this will be a quick blog. Trice made the Corgi calendar and he is Mr. October!! We are more than thrilled because it is our wedding anniversary month as well (two years ago!). Congrats to all participants/finalists. Corgis definitely photograph well. =)

That's all for now!

Added by Trice on December 16, 2008 at 5:30pm — 3 Comments

The Temple of Boom #6 - "Who's Scruffy-looking?"

For those of you who didn't know, I entered Boomer into the local PetsMart "Howl-o-ween" costume contest. I had several reasons for doing this - 1.) I myself was not planning on dressing up for Halloween, so I had that idle time on my hands; 2.) a co-worker had made Boomer a custom Han Solo shirt and vest a year ago (during an abortive attempt to do "Howl-oween" last year); and 3.) I'm all about putting my dog in embarrassing situations since he seems more than comfortable putting me in the… Continue

Added by Craig H on December 16, 2008 at 4:48pm — 3 Comments

Everything's a Game

My Cardi pup Finnigan is now 13 weeks old and we still cannot get him to walk on a leash. He will walk for a minute or two without any problems but once he realizes the leash is on him, he just wants to play with it. He will bite onto the leash and not let go and he sill usually start tugging on it like it's a game. Once I manage to get it away from him he will just do it again and it seems like the more frustrated I get, the more riled up he gets. He will start making these whining/growling… Continue

Added by Alice on December 16, 2008 at 12:19pm — 10 Comments

Famous people Dash has met

• Famke Janssen & Licorice : Soho New York, NY : Summer 2008
• Seal and Heidi Klum : Soho New York, NY : Halloween 2008

Added by Michael Hong on December 16, 2008 at 1:59am — No Comments

Dash as seen on...

Eva's Play Pups, the daycare we take Dash to in Williamsburg has been posting pictures and videos of Dash and his friends at daycare! I couldn't isolate and link to just the pictures of Dash, but here's the… Continue

Added by Michael Hong on December 16, 2008 at 1:30am — 1 Comment

It is snowing!

I am so excited it is finally snowing here. We are supposed to get 3-5 inches this weekend but since this is Hermiston I will believe it when I see it. Anyhoo, I am so excited to see the dogs tomorrow morning if it snows all night as this is their first snow.

I wish I had a camera....oh well maybe Santa will bring me one.


It has been snowing pretty much since Saturday night here in Eastern Oregon. This is the most snow we have seen in a long time. The dogs… Continue

Added by Laura Jones on December 15, 2008 at 6:15pm — 3 Comments

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas, mycorgi community!

Since I can't afford to send a Christmas card to everyone, I wanted to post our card here to share:

Here is Sidney's picture with Santa from earlier today:

And this is Bruce's picture from a couple years ago:

I hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed holiday… Continue

Added by Geri & Sidney on December 14, 2008 at 11:58pm — 15 Comments

Post-surgery expectations


I'm new to this site, and have a corgi about to be 6 months old and is about to be altered. What are some things that I should be aware of after the surgery? Are there any "pain pills" for puppies after surgery? I want to make sure I know what to expect with my little guy. Chopper loves the vet, but not sure how he'll do after the surgery. Thank you for all your help!


Added by Mike on December 14, 2008 at 4:39pm — 4 Comments

Caesar's Big Splash!

Convinced that apartment living can be tremendously tedious for a puppy I decided to take him to one of the parks nearby my complex so he could take a good run. But before we talk about that park let's back up a day.

I gave Caesar his first bath at home on Saturday. Mind that he has been groomed before but it was the first time I attempted to do so. The dog did not have it! He half jumped, half climbed out of the tub, fought with the blow dryer, attempted to eat the towel...… Continue

Added by Caesar & Molly on December 14, 2008 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Leon and the snow.

It's snowing outside right now. First snow of the season. I was fully convinced we wouldn't get any snow over here kent/auburn before christmas. Way to prove me wrong mother nature. :) Yesterday we got slush up on the hill at my mom's house and flooding down here at mine. It's funny how we're less than half a mile apart and yet the winter weather is so desperately different. This is leon's first snow. It had just barely started when we first started out on our first walk of the night. He got to… Continue

Added by Cam on December 14, 2008 at 2:57am — 4 Comments

Winter and all that white stuff.

My little boy is not so little anymore, 7 months old and 26 lbs.

He loves:

-snow (running, hopping, licking, chasing, eating, peeing & pooping in, etc etc)

-eating broke icicles

-doing tricks for treats

-biting my feet

-biting my hands

-chasing the cat

-barking at the other cat

-chewing up his toys

-gnawing on his nylabone

-sitting in my lap

-falling asleep on top of me

-dog treats

-dog food

-eating human… Continue

Added by Christine & Fargo on December 14, 2008 at 12:30am — 2 Comments

Mini corgis?

I've seen some people mention mini corgis.... What are mini corgis?

Added by Ashley on December 14, 2008 at 12:22am — 1 Comment

The worst case of animal cruelty I've ever heard...

I'll post the story here... but I'll warn you... it's not for the weak stomached. I hesitate to post it, actually, but unless you know the full extent of the cruelty and why they are asking for signatures on their petition for a maximum penalty... you may pass up the opportunity to do the right thing for the memory of Peanut, his family... and other animals that may benefit from stricter animal cruelty laws and penalties.

Remember... this could have been YOUR dog.… Continue

Added by NoClaws4Alarm on December 13, 2008 at 7:19pm — 11 Comments

thoughts about rescues....

Hello everyone,

I had seen so many posts of us encouraging everyone about think about rescuing before getting a dog from a breeder or puppy store. First of all, I would never ever buy a dog from the puppy store, cause i am against puppy mills, and i dont want to contribute profits for them. I got Superstar from a very good breeder. And many people out there are thinking "why did you get a dog from the breeder? I think it is wrong! you should get a rescue dog instead because they need… Continue

Added by Boots and Superstar! on December 13, 2008 at 2:20pm — 8 Comments

All My Corgis, Part 5: Puppy! (And her name is....)

Here it is the Christmas season, and my credit union was inexplicably closed yesterday. Seriously. No warning. (Well, a little warning, but my husband forgot to mention it to me.)

So we were a little late leaving for Middle Tennessee, but we finally hit the road around noon. Longest trip ever! I thought we'd never get there! But we did get to Lookout Farms (who has just joined, and we did pick up our puppy.

OK, I'll be honest. I spent some time talking to and… Continue

Added by Bay in TN on December 13, 2008 at 9:22am — 4 Comments


I know that corgi puppies are the cutest things on the planet... but I have seen numerous corgis (and hundreds of other dogs) in my area that need to be rescued!! Please do not bring more dogs onto the planet when there are so many here without homes!

Added by Mochi on December 13, 2008 at 2:19am — 6 Comments

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