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The Queen tickled pink by Canadian Corgis!

Added by The Daily Corgi on July 28, 2009 at 5:43am — 1 Comment

Kato's First Kong

I got my 4 month old pup his first Kong and he thinks it's a treat dispenser lol. He does not even touch it unless there are treats in it. I'm suprised Kato gets the treats out so easily. Corgis are really smart! It only takes Kato a few minutes to take the treat out and I thought the Kong was a great investment for distraction lol. It is funny to see him herd the Kong around to get the treats out of it. Sometimes Kato gets the Kong stuck under the couch or entertainment system and it's… Continue

Added by Debbie and her pup Kato on July 27, 2009 at 3:17pm — 3 Comments

Almost 9 months, where has the time gone?

I just realized that Saturday, Freya will be 9 months old! Holy crap, where did all the time go? It seems like yesterday that I got her and she's still cute as a button and still terribly independent.

She really hasn't changed much in the last three months. She's a bit taller and longer but her weight has remained a stable 18 pounds even with the spay job. Once again, the Vet doesn't believe that she will be getting much bigger--she may fill out, but not that much. Either way, she's… Continue

Added by Corgibyassociation on July 27, 2009 at 11:30am — 1 Comment


Yesterday was Faye's first thunderstorm and she was so brave! I was at work for the beginning of it but my boyfriend said she jumped at the first one, then just went right along playing like nothing was wrong. When I got home I brought her down for a walk and she was so distracted, but eventually did her business. There was one loud clap of thunder that made her run around us in circles. Then she looked up at me with eyes that said "how am I supposed to feel?" When she saw how brave we were… Continue

Added by Erin & Faye on July 27, 2009 at 10:18am — 1 Comment

Uninformed PetSmart Worker

Oppy has a habit of destroying even some of the toughest toys, so we decided to take him to PetSmart to pick out a new frisbee and a bone. While we were in the store, one employee came up to him and started petting him and letting Oppy give him kisses. He asked if Oppy was a Cardigan or maybe a mix. We just looked at him with weird faces, because our little man is obviously a Pembroke. The reason he thought this was because Oppy's tail isn't docked, so he's got the full thing to wag. Other than… Continue

Added by Matt & Hilliary on July 27, 2009 at 9:30am — 27 Comments

Ginny, the travel corgi

Ginny and I are on a ROAD TRIP this week! This is the furthest she's been from home since I've had her. We got her all set up in the backseat in her big pet gear travel kennel. Day one, we drove from south Denver to Lincoln, about 8 hours. She did great! Slept most of the way and we just made a few extra pit stops for her to take potty breaks, get water, and stretch. There were only a few instances where she grumbled, I think because she was bored, so she got a couple of chewies to work on. We… Continue

Added by Ginny and Diggory on July 27, 2009 at 9:00am — 2 Comments

Hilarious read -- "The Truth About The Pembroke Welsh Corgi"

With apologies to Cardis everywhere, I enjoyed this one a LOT.

Corgis Semper Fi!

Added by The Daily Corgi on July 27, 2009 at 4:48am — 2 Comments

It's been a year since the angels took you home

My Dear Old Man,

I remeber the 1st time I saw you a funny little pup at grandpa's feet,so full of puppy love and pee!! and every year after a fine loyal companion to your master. I remember coming when Granpa was dying and him asking me to take you and care for you and be your one and only. You were so sacred I had to go to your vet and get trankalizers so I could drive you across state. I remember how you hid behind my couch for 6 months so confused about everything. Then one day you came… Continue

Added by christy fry on July 27, 2009 at 12:47am — No Comments

I'm now a half year old!!

Well sorry that I didn't post in like ages, but whatever.

Jeep is now a real teenager (only listens when he wants to). He has learned quite a few tricks and is learning new ones.

His repetoir exists of:

Sit - the sit on the butt :D

Down - laying down

Lay - lay on his side

Roll over - don't need to explain this one

Wait - wait until he can tak his cookie from the floor

Fetch - fetch things

Put 'em up - Just like when criminals are arrested… Continue

Added by Jaqueline on July 26, 2009 at 11:21am — No Comments

My poor little guy...

So, last night when he went to sleep everything appeared normal. This morning however Tommy kept saying look at his eye he is holding it funny. Not till I was fully awake did I notice that random patches from his nose to his white neck line are swollen, not bug bite swollen but wrestlers face swollen. It is sunday, so I can not do my usual paniced call to the vet. As usual...worried.

Added by Carolyn on July 26, 2009 at 10:59am — 8 Comments


We took Wrigley to the dog park yesterday and halfway through our visit, he started limping slightly. We kept an eye on him the whole time and the only thing we can come up with is that he slipped a little on the pebbles they had there and maybe twisted his ankle. He was still running and playing afterwards and he didn't seem to be in pain. He was stretching it and walking on it just fine, but as we were about to leave, he wouldn't put weight on it. We let him rest for a bit while we check it… Continue

Added by Jeny (and Wrigley) on July 26, 2009 at 8:57am — 5 Comments

Sunny Saturday

Because everyone needs a coat during the summer...

Added by Esther and Winnie on July 26, 2009 at 12:22am — No Comments

Elevated ALT

Ollie went to the vet yesterday for his 8 week post-op check-up. In May, he was neutered and had some stitches put in his left eye for a pretty nasty case of "cherry eye". Thankfully, we were able to have both procedures done at the same time to save Ollie from having to go under anesthesia twice. (It was also more cost-effective!)

The surgery came and went with no problems. Ollie's eye looked almost normal as soon as it was over. We… Continue

Added by Ollie and Dinah on July 25, 2009 at 2:30pm — 2 Comments

Time flies..

We've had Caly for just over 2 months now.. I can't believe it! She just turned 6 months and is just about house trained (thank goodness!) She still has the occasional accident if her tummy's upset, like if Daddy gives her french fries, but for the most part she's doing pretty good..

Unfortunately, I think we waited too long to get her fixed.. I think she's going into heat. We had made an appt for her for next week but I think it'll have to be postponed. We would have done it earlier… Continue

Added by Krissi & Caly on July 25, 2009 at 11:07am — 4 Comments

Looking to add another corgi friend for Link!

We feel it's time to add another Corgi to our little furry family. Although Link loves any/all dogs, he seems to take a special liking to corgis (although he's only met purebreds at the dog park, never a mix like himself). I've been looking high and low at shelters and craigslist and other adoption agencies, but to no avail. Although I would love a purebred, I cannot afford the $700+ to buy one from a breeder in the area. I do prefer to adopt dogs anyway, all my many pets are adopted/rescued.… Continue

Added by Colleen Lane on July 25, 2009 at 10:52am — 7 Comments

Corgi Sighting at Comic-con

This is for all of you:

My bf went to Comic-con today and decided to take a picture for me:

He says the company was called "Corgi" where they sell toys and figurines such as Transformers, Star Wars, all kinds of stuff. But no actual corgi merchandise. But we thought it was a cool sign since it had the silhouette of a corgi.… Continue

Added by Aj on July 25, 2009 at 2:30am — No Comments

Getting things together for a Corgi Pup! :D

So I'm getting things together to get our pup. I want to make sure I have at lest almost All the stuff We will need for her before we get her. Yesterday I got a dog crate for her so when we aren't home she has a safe place to be. Today we are going to the pet store to get some more stuff Like the dog bed that goes in the crate, and her bowls. I have an idea of what collar i want to get her but i want to get her first to make sure it fits :3. I can't wait to get my Fury little friend, its going… Continue

Added by Melanie Fischer on July 24, 2009 at 4:10pm — 8 Comments

Beating the City Heat

I think Faye is settling in just fine. She's picking up on potty training and she is so well behaved with strangers. She has a tenancy to bark when excited or to squeal like a raptor when she is less than happy but hopefully it's just puppy behavior that she will grow out of. We ignore her when shes being too vocal and she calms down pretty quickly.

The only thing is that I think she is hot and it's just going to get hotter going into August. She sleeps belly-up in front of a fan… Continue

Added by Erin & Faye on July 24, 2009 at 1:22pm — 4 Comments

Can't always keep his food down

Hey everyone. Milo's been doing great lately, as we're proud to announce, and is doing all he can to help us get ready for the move to Arizona!

The only problem he's been having lately is that he's getting sick and spitting up just enough to make me feel uncomfortable. Frequently it's just (and forgive me, i'm not trying to be gross, but as medically accurate as i can be) like spit; its clear and foamy. But occasionally he throws up his whole dinner or breakfast, and it's (again,… Continue

Added by Luke & Jess on July 24, 2009 at 10:34am — 8 Comments

It's not the heat but the humidity...

Ugh, I haven't been fully paying attention to the meteorologists this week but whatever low pressure system or whatever it is that's lurking off the coast has made it quite miserable lately.

It constantly looks as though it's going to rain while simultaneously the humidity is UNBEARABLE! I haven't had the fortitude to go outside much with Matt. I sure hope the weather clears up for the weekend. I don't mind it sunny and hot, but I just cannot stand the extremely humid air. It's been… Continue

Added by Jennifer & Matt on July 24, 2009 at 10:17am — 3 Comments

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