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Country Living story online

Here is the link to our story and Le-Le's debut in Country Living. For the full story you must get the magazine. But you can see all the photo's online no problem. Not sure if you will need to copy and paste this or if it will open up if you click on this.... Enjoy! Anne

Added by Anne on May 13, 2009 at 9:15am — 6 Comments

What do people say about your corgi?

Of course our corgis get sooo much attention. But some of it is unwanted. 2 women were at PetSmart together, one of them said, not surprisingly, "OOOhh soooo cuuutteee those ears awww!"

And her friend asks, "Is that a corgi?"

"Yep!" I replied proudly, as Eddy is showcasing his ears and wiggling his butt and being cute.

And she shot back, "Huh. Never seen one as a puppy. It's cute now but I think they're fugly when they're older." GASP.

Has anyone said… Continue

Added by Sunni A. on May 13, 2009 at 12:58am — 26 Comments

Dyllan got fixed today!

Today Dyllan and his brother Koby got fixed...its so sad when they hurt...Their sister Kori {german shepherd} hurt her foot a couple days ago the vet says give it a week a see if she stops limping. It has slowed her down alot which is good for the boys in their condition. So we are all sort of laid up for a week....Dyllan is 19 pounds now and Kori is 50!! Big sister huh!! The boys love playing with her.....

Added by Dyllan on May 12, 2009 at 8:40pm — 1 Comment

Koby got fixed

Poor Koby got fixed today!! He also got an umbilical hernia removed! Please keep him in your prayers he seems to be in some pain. I gave him a half of a pain pill. He ate dinner great and everything so thats good. He is groggy and seems a bit mad at me, but I'm sure he'll get over it.

He has almost all his teeth and weighs 20 pounds now!! He is a solid muscle not fat and I hope to keep him that way!! He is growing up too fast!! He is doing excellent with potty training and tricks. I am so… Continue

Added by King Koby of the Treasure Coast on May 12, 2009 at 5:57pm — 4 Comments

Major Cuteness

Olive is such a good girl. She's all grown into herself now and still adorable. We're experiencing major shedding, as I'm sure you all are this time of year. I've brushed most of it out by now but my bedroom carpet is dark blue and her hair clings to it like no other. So we're trying to train her to sleep in a doggy bed I found. We couldn't get her to stay in it... so unbeknownst to me, my mom took a tiny drop of my shampoo last night and rubbed it into the blanket just to give it a tiny smell… Continue

Added by Bonny on May 12, 2009 at 3:19pm — No Comments

Visted Grandma and Grandpa - Taz's first overnight visit from home.

Well it is hard to believe since we have had him since Christmas but this weekend was the first time Taz has went on an overnighter anywhere and the first time he has been to my parents. Anyway, we went to Washougal for the weekend and took all three dogs with us (when we went out of town for Easter weekend we left the boy dogs home and they dug out of the yard and luckily my neighbor lady got them back into the yard) so this time everybody got to go. They all actually did really well, KC… Continue

Added by Laura Jones on May 12, 2009 at 12:30pm — No Comments

eeets my biiiiirftday....

It's been a long time since I've been on.

Zephyr is oneandahalf ish. She's doing well. She apparently has a reaccuring ear infection that the vet thinks is caused by some kinda irritation due to spring. I don't blame the puppy, I'm irritated by spring too.

She's getting much better about riding in the car. She was very scared at first and kinda just cowered in her seat or on my lap. (She's very big now to be doing that, 21 pounds last vet visit). But now that we've been… Continue

Added by Emily Schroeder on May 12, 2009 at 3:30am — 2 Comments

Jack in the Box "Mini Sirloin Burgers" - Corgi Remix

I'm sure many of you have seen Jack in the Box's "mini sirloin burgers" commercial on TV:

We totally think a corgi would've been perfect for the commercial instead of a border collie or schnauzer, but that's our opinion. Anyways, we re-wrote the words of the song to incorporate our favorite breed. Hope you like it!!

Way out in Wales (echo)

There's a story told (echo)

About a bunch of doggies

Silly yet… Continue

Added by Keahi and Kai on May 12, 2009 at 12:31am — 1 Comment

First Walk

Lyla went on her first walk today! I loaded up both of the dogs and went down to the Riverwalk for an evening stroll. I will definitely have to invest in a double leash so those two don't get so hopelessly tangled, but other than that it was great. We walked close to 2 miles and poor Lyla was so tired! On the way home she fell asleep in the car. Big brother Sky, however, was sitting up looking at me like "that was a nice warm-up mom, what's next?" =)

Added by Sky and Lyla on May 11, 2009 at 10:52pm — 1 Comment

Happy 10th Birthday, Zinfindel!!!

Wow, Buddy, time flies!!! And no one believes he's 10 years old today---thinks he's more like 5!!!

Zinfindel, I love you with all my heart!! Here's to many more years together!!! Thank you for being my BIG boy, my sherriff, my Roo, my buddy, my trumpets when arrive home, and my foot warmer!!! Thank you for teaching about dogs in general. Thank you for making me your extra special person. love, mom

Added by Jill M on May 11, 2009 at 10:26pm — No Comments

Better news than previously, and a funny thing happened at Petco the other day.

the depression has faded a bit, although my stresses lie in other areas that I will not go into here.

Maui is growing so much! First vet visit she was at 5lbs, and a few weeks later she is at 8lbs, before I know it, she will be at 11-12lbs! Takes up over half her crate now. Finding out she likes tennis balls so I will need to get her some. Learning some of the basics like sit, and down, and I guess instead of "Come" we will use the Danish word which sounds like "come sa", so says my… Continue

Added by The Mau on May 11, 2009 at 10:25pm — 4 Comments

Corgi Tea Party

May 23, 11:00 AM in Ashfield MA. Contact me for details if interested.

Added by Linda Taylor on May 11, 2009 at 3:53pm — 1 Comment


Sadie went to the vet on May 1st, at 14 weeks, and was 8lbs!! So she gained 2lbs in 3 weeks. While at the vet we noticed she had roundworms, but is off her medication now and goes back to get new test results next week. Hopefully they are all gone!! She received he fourth set of puppy shots, but since they were all given early to her, she will be given her additional puppy shot when we go for the check up.

She turns 4 months old tomorrow, time really does fly. We start puppy classes… Continue

Added by Sarah, Sadie & Dexter on May 11, 2009 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Teething begins

Eddy's been doing a lot of whining while chewing lately... yay, teething. Also, for the past 2 weeks, he's been really good about not chewing on non-chew toys. Then, suddenly, 2 days ago, he started going crazy and chewing everrryythinngg. So we're going to start experimenting with some new chewies, freezing some kongs and nylabones and carrots for him, etc etc.

We have to leave him while we go on vacation!! I'm having separation anxiety. A whole week without little Eddybones to… Continue

Added by Sunni A. on May 11, 2009 at 12:50am — 4 Comments

Puppy Kisses are Good for the Soul (Mail Order Annie)

I just finished this book about Mail Order Annie by Howard Weinstein and loved it. I laughed, cried, thought "oh my goodness I'm not alone!", and really felt the bond the author had with Annie and how much joy and smiles she brought to everyone she met.

The author mentioned he took Annie to the annual Star Trek convention near Baltimore where he was a speaker and she was a big hit. I wonder if anyone here met Annie (80's to early 90's).....

I also read The Courageous Corgi last… Continue

Added by Steve on May 10, 2009 at 11:15pm — 3 Comments

An observation

The only good chew toy in the world is the one your brother has in his mouth.

Added by Boo Buchheit on May 10, 2009 at 8:30am — 13 Comments

Le-Le makes her debut in Country Living Magazine June 2009

Le-Le has now make her official debut in Country Living Magazine. She is on page 117 and again on 118. We photographed our house for CL and I wrote about her experience back in March. Always fun to see a corgi in print!

Added by Anne on May 10, 2009 at 1:24am — 5 Comments

My heart dog

I cant believe I am once again sharing the dreadful news of the loss of another grand corgi pal in my life. My dear Kiss left me a week and a half ago. Kiss was a wonderful red and white girl who I shared my life with for the last 13 years. We did so much together, learned together, explored together and were a true team. I think Kiss taught me as much as I taught her, perhaps more.

Kiss was my partner in obedience, agility and was the demo dog for classes I taught for six years. We were… Continue

Added by Sam on May 9, 2009 at 10:00pm — 18 Comments

Andi's Big Day

My mom scheduled the Appt!!! I will be getting spayed May 18, 2009. I'm excited but nervous, ya'll wish me luck!!!

Added by Mary Rose Baker on May 9, 2009 at 6:58pm — 2 Comments


We drove three hours to Labelle this morning to get the little bundle of joy. He got in the car, was awake for three minutes, and then crashed for the whole ride home. When we came home we hung with him outside for a bit before taking him in. He met most of the cats, and they aren't overly impressed; they come and investigate sometimes, but then he chases them upstairs (he can't go up there). He played basically since we got home, and just recently fell asleep on the floor (the new pics). He's… Continue

Added by Amy & Miles on May 9, 2009 at 6:30pm — 7 Comments

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