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Garage Sale Find (if you need a good laugh)

hehe, please don't lynch me for this:

"Pooka's gone LOCO"

"HypnoCorgi, bow down!"

hehehehe, I found these at a garage sale. Best quarter I ever spent ^_^. She actually doesn't mind them too much, as long as I have them on right (not in her eye) and its been less than 30 seconds.

But THIS one:

she found some ear muffs on the ground earlier (we're going on a ski… Continue

Added by GoGoRainbow on March 7, 2009 at 6:00pm — 13 Comments

Dog stomach bugs?

My question is can dogs get stomach bugs?

Zelda, my German Shepherd, has been puking up her food for the past two days. She vomits everything up, followed by bile, followed by dry heaving. Yesterday she had surprise diarrhea on the balcony. I noticed her stool was slightly softer than usual when I cleaned it up at dog park on Tuesday evening as well.

It hasn't affected her energy and she's acting completely normal other than the puking and pooping. Could she just… Continue

Added by JW on March 7, 2009 at 3:37pm — 6 Comments

Susie's Rainbow Bridge Page

When we put Susie to sleep last November, my husband created a memorial for her on the Rainbow Bridge website. He really took losing her very hard, but writing about her, remembering her, sharing photos of her, and talking with others who have lost beloved pets really helped him deal with his grief.

Added by Sarah on March 7, 2009 at 1:07pm — 3 Comments

First days with Payton

So we have had Payton now for about 2 weeks now. I never expected her to be such a great puppy. She listens so well. She is easy to train. She knows to do her business outside in the grass, and has not gone in the house yet. She is always so happy, and loves everyone. She has spent some time with us shopping in pet stores. This has actually turned out to be a great idea, she socializes so well with other pets. We are new to the Cardigan breed, and are so happy with the choice. We love the tail,… Continue

Added by Nismo, Payton & Toby on March 7, 2009 at 12:31pm — 1 Comment

Bears home for the weekend!

Bear gets to come home from the University of Florida on Fridays and then I make the 8 hr roundtrip to have her back in time for Dialysis on Monday. She is still having 3 sessions a week but we hope soon that will go down to two. She is improving and she gets a load of Love from the people at UF. She is in excellant hands. If you ever have a crisis care dogs I would recommend you take them straight to the school. It could be a matter of life or death. Thanks so all your prayers and well wishes.

Added by Betty on March 7, 2009 at 11:11am — 2 Comments

Almost time!

I will be heading out tomorrow to pick up the new addition to my family. It's going to be about a 9 & 1/2 hour drive, but will be so worth it! Luckily, I have a friend going along, so I can spend some time with the pup on the way home. Kind of nervous about her being in the car for so long, though. I know puppies have short attention spans, and I'm afraid she's going to get very antsy very fast. I still haven't decided 100% on a name. The two that I have been debating between are Emma and… Continue

Added by Jamie on March 7, 2009 at 1:09am — 8 Comments

New puppy Cooper

I went to Culpeper yesterday to pick out sweet little boy... "Cooper". He's 9 weeks old and I'll be going back at the end of March to pick him up. He's too cute for words with his (temporarily) floppy ear and chubby little body. He'll probably be a light sable. Curious but not too independent- I can't wait!!

Added by ann/cooper on March 6, 2009 at 10:45am — 10 Comments

Another one has crossed the bridge...

My parents had to put down my first dog, Hazel Nut, the Westie this morning. In November she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer that had set up shop in her nasal cavity. Towards the end she was just having so much trouble breathing, especially when she slept. We knew it wouldn't be long, but for the last few months they have been spoiling her rotten (which was well deserved), I know that she knows she was well loved by everyone who met her. While, I know this isn't necessarily a… Continue

Added by Carlie on March 6, 2009 at 10:38am — 18 Comments

An update to my previous post

Susan, and Dir & Nala had asked.

The appointment ended up going as well as could be expected, but also as expected, getting a sitter for leon ended up being the best thing. I'm glad I was able to, even if it was absolute last minute. Leon was picked up, and we left to the first stop for my appointment at 11:30a. The first bus ended up being late so we, james and I, didn't actually get to leave until almost 12:30p. It took us almost two hours to get up to where the clinic was and… Continue

Added by Cam on March 6, 2009 at 1:30am — 2 Comments

What do you think of this name? edited with name meaning

After some suggestions of using other latin names to add to Desi's name for her papers, I went to look at other latin names. This is what I came up with and rather like it. What do you think?

Desum Lili Joi Diamond

It is all latin.

Desum(short) Lili(Lily) Joi(joy) Diamond(precious gem)

Added by Desi's_Mom on March 6, 2009 at 1:30am — 3 Comments

Update on Levi and Taz

I just found out that the college in the next town over is going to be having a class in May on schooling your herding dogs, starts off with basics then moves on to them herding sheep then cows. I think that I am going to do this class with Levi. I told my husband he should go with KC but so far he isn't intersted. But Levi needs a job and I think this will be great for him. He is finally getting so much better about other people being around too. I know he isn't a corgi but I haven't found a… Continue

Added by Laura Jones on March 6, 2009 at 12:30am — 3 Comments

Owen is sick :(

Not the first entry back you want when you have taken a bit of a break.

I came home for lunch today and Owen had thrown up on his bed and almost all the evidence had been eaten, yuck. I'm think okay.. that is a little unusually but not uncommon. He took forever to pee outside and then poo was normal then runny. Worried a little. Put the bed in the washer.

Came home after work, 3 hours later and Owen has throw up remenants on the floor again. I sigh, have to use the… Continue

Added by Owen's Mom on March 5, 2009 at 6:46pm — 8 Comments

My Bags are Packed, I'm Ready to Go....

... not really. My family and I are going on a ski trip to Colorado for a week (spring break!) but I can't get excited because I know I'll be missing Pooka (and I really really wanted to take her so she could play in snow). We went on a weekend trip to visit my college roommate in Wisconsin 2 weeks ago, and I was really missing her hard by the end of it. My mom said on the last day Pooka too was acting kind've mopey and getting excited to see my sister (who looks like me) even though she had… Continue

Added by GoGoRainbow on March 5, 2009 at 3:56pm — 1 Comment

Naming your corgi...need help here.

Ok, we named our corgi Desi which is short for Desum which means "short" in latin. We have had Desi since October and I am just now getting around to sending in her AKC papers. I know I am slow. I have a delimma though. I only have one name for her. How many names are good for the papers? And how did you come up with the names? I am clueless here. HELP!

Added by Desi's_Mom on March 5, 2009 at 2:21pm — 6 Comments

Questions about my pups

Jack and Emma are 10 weeks old now and we love them to death. We have had them now for 2 weeks. We keep them in the kitchen most of the day. They get to lay with us on the couch in the evening, and on my days off I try to take them somewhere to walk them. We can't walk them in our neighborhood because we have too many loose dogs. Also we have a fenced in back yard, but the neighbor has a big pit bull and when he sees the puppies he growls and attacks the fence. (he doesn't do that if its just… Continue

Added by Emma on March 5, 2009 at 1:40pm — 8 Comments

~~Happy 2nd Birthday to my furry baby!!~~

Today is Lola's 2nd birthday (that's 14 years old in dog years!!!)... it feels like we just picked her up from the airport & she was a tiny little pup with floppy ears and a pink & black belly :) She is now the love of my & my husbands life and we can't wait for her to be a big sister in a few months. Happy Birthday Lola Bear!! Mommy & Daddy love you lots!!!!

Added by Laura & Lola on March 5, 2009 at 9:58am — 6 Comments

New friend

Here lately we've been noticing that Ein is a little lonely. So we've been looking for another corgi friend for him, however we didn't really have too much money to put towards buying another dog so we ended up rescuing a pointer mix. Her name is Chloe and so far she's crazy about us and even Ein. Unfortunately Ein isn't too thrilled yet, I'm sure they'll grow to be best friends, they're close to the same age. :) But right now we're just having to show Ein that he won't loose a second of our… Continue

Added by Carleigh and Ein on March 5, 2009 at 9:38am — 2 Comments

My Profile...

I am still trying to figure this site out so please forgive me for being slow. I did re-edit my profile and put more information about me and Desi. I look forward to knowing other corgi owners on here.

Added by Desi's_Mom on March 4, 2009 at 9:21pm — 3 Comments

Great site for you, your pets and helps homeless pets too!

I've been shopping at this site for years and I think its so great I wanted to share with all of you. Its the Greater Good Network of stores and I mostly shop at the Animal Rescue store. They have lots of things for you and your pet and with every purchase they donate money to feed, spay and neuter and vaccinate homeless animals. They have nice quality items too and good prices. Here is the address. Hope you love it as much as I… Continue

Added by LaVerne & Shirley on March 4, 2009 at 7:28pm — 3 Comments

Is this going too far?

Added by Riley & Sadie on March 4, 2009 at 6:47pm — 9 Comments

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