Spring break and spring blossoms at the University of Washington spurred a visit to this institute of higher learning. Although already highly intelligent we came away feeling better educated.
The highlight of our visit was discovering the group of Japanese exchange students enjoying their dinner of Dick's Burgers and Fries in the Quad. They dropped everything and…
ContinueAdded by Kathy Losacco on March 31, 2013 at 5:29pm — 2 Comments
HOPPY EASTER ....Hope everyone enjoys the day!!
I was't able to get pics this year, so I am reusing previous years photos, thinking Tucker isn't upset about that in the least:…
Added by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on March 31, 2013 at 12:57pm — 2 Comments
After 3 years of waiting, I am finally getting a corgi puppy this summer. I have found a breeder I like and I feel like I am so ready for him to be here, he will be born sometime next month and in my arms mid June or early July. I need some help though, I am a plan ahead type of person, what things should I be getting for my new addition? I have a small list going, but some more specific items on my list would be appreciated.
Here's the list so far:
-Crate, I've…
ContinueAdded by Dana Pride & Tobias on March 30, 2013 at 6:13pm — 12 Comments
We recently acquired a treadmill for weight loss purposes (ours, not the dogs) and both my furbabies are terrified of it. If our bedroom door is open, Wrigley hides under the bed (27 lbs) and Ryno gets as close the under it as he can fit (31 lbs). Do any of you have similar items that scare your big bad brave dogs?
Ryno is also scared of anything that blows in the wind (kites, balloons, banners, yard decorations, palm fronds).
Thank you.
Added by Carrie Baxter on March 28, 2013 at 9:27am — 20 Comments
Because I do. I love dogs, always have, but I have never come across such a happy and cheerful breed such as the Corgi. Most all vets/doctors/anyone who studies dogs will say that dogs aren't capable of smiling (or so I have read and heard; someone please correct me if I am wrong), but there is something about this breed that makes me feel otherwise. Maybe it's because I love my little (actually BIG) Maple so much and I am hopeful :).
For those of you who agree, please reply and…
ContinueAdded by Maple (owners Alicia n Orlando) on March 27, 2013 at 11:36pm — 3 Comments
We are trying to get Izzy to her home here in Michigan, she in Oklahoma City in foster care. Shes a rescue from a shelter, shes one of Carols Corgis.
we have her as far as St Louis, need help getting her from StLouis to ohio border??? across Indiana??
we are trying for either 4/6 or 4/7
Please if anyone can help, we would really appreciate it!
Added by Pat Piotrowski on March 27, 2013 at 6:54pm — 4 Comments
Hi again? clearly this is my first corgi and I have a bundle of questions, hope you all don't mind. We crate trained Boris from day one and he has been great, not a peep all night. We have had him for 3 month and suddenly the last week or so he settles in and then around 12 he barks all night we let him out to go potty he continues to bark. Could it be he is in pain with teething how should i correct this behavior. thanks for the help in advance
Added by Ashton P Futral on March 27, 2013 at 9:48am — 2 Comments
Hi all,
I received another delightful update from Susan Jacob on Mary's puppies, and this time there's video! :)
Hopefully this link works for everyone:
ContinueAdded by Bailey B. on March 26, 2013 at 11:43pm — No Comments
What an experience yesterday. Becca and I went to a rally practice match, our first. It had high points and low points. Low points I got sick and Becca blew me off on our first run. High points, everyone was very helpful and welcoming, and our second run went really well.
I have a couple of questions for people who have competed. How do you keep a corgi from vacuuming the floor? On our first run Becca was far more interested in sniffing the floor than in me. Also how do you deal with…
ContinueAdded by Marcie on March 25, 2013 at 8:19pm — 2 Comments
any corgis out there, that DO NOT like salmon/fish flavored products?
I recently found out, Momo will NOT EAT his salmon treats, he'll play and throw them around and "hunt" it, but not eat it. he leave it around on the floor when he's done playing and wait for his MEATY Flavored treats or... sometimes IF AVAILABLE, the KINGS Hawaiian Bread rolls…
Added by Momo Taro Lundgren & Mommy pk on March 25, 2013 at 1:49pm — 12 Comments
I can't believe Bentley is 1 years old today! (March 24, 2013)
Yesterday, Bentley received a clean bill of health from his veterinarian.
Today my husband and I took Bentley and his big sister Chloe to the Yorba Regional Park in Anaheim. They had fun walking around the lake and watching the ducks.
These photos are of Bentley when he was 4 wks. old and 1 yrs. old.…
ContinueAdded by Tracy & Sir Bentley on March 24, 2013 at 11:23pm — 4 Comments
This last weekend has been a little hard on my heart and on my Boomer he has been sick and we found out with a vet visit and tests he has diabetes. Now he gets 2 shots a day for the rest of his life. I did not know animals could have this. After 3 days of meds. he is feeling a little better. The vet said it was good that we where alert with his health and got him there as soon as we did. It could have gotten very bad for him. Please always be alert with your fur babies heath!!! It may save…
ContinueAdded by Ally Singleton on March 24, 2013 at 10:35pm — 2 Comments
Hi Everyone,
MY niece has decided to adopt Izzy from Carols Corgis, she is in a foster home right now in Oklahoma City, and we need help trying to Izzy from her foster home in Oklahoma City here to her permanent home in Michigan.
Is the ANYONE, I mean ANYONE that could possibly help get Izzy to her permanent home???
Even if short legs, (no pun indended)
PLEASE PLEASE, she realy wants to adopt Izzy, and has a wonderful home for her.
ContinueAdded by Pat Piotrowski on March 24, 2013 at 2:16pm — 5 Comments
yesterday we took machete to a pet photographer (Beth Oram Photography) at the local pet store...
we're still waiting on the full set, but ERMAHGERD! CORGI MADNESS!
i'm sorry, i'm not sorry!…
ContinueAdded by rae on March 24, 2013 at 12:23pm — 9 Comments
Added by Becky Focht on March 23, 2013 at 1:33pm — 2 Comments
As per the vet...I prefer to use the term "big boned". She went in for an update on her vaccines and during her physical, we were informed that she is 37 lbs...which is apparently 10 lbs too much...you can't feel her ribs, she has no waist, etc..Ouch! Needless to say, when I left there I felt like a bad mom. So now Maple is on a strict diet, going on brisk walks and is only allowed 1 treat per day. Basically, she has been enrolled in doggy boot camp! So I am just wondering, for any of you…
ContinueAdded by Maple (owners Alicia n Orlando) on March 22, 2013 at 10:02pm — 14 Comments
I have a question for all the corgi owners out there. Boris is about 41/2 months old, we took him to a 6 week puppy training and try to work with him for about 5 min a day on everything. We were told that the nipping and mouthing was a phase due to his teething and he has improved his day one but he still lunges at your face playfully or mouths your fingers or arm. What should i do to totally stop this behavior even when playing. We have tried the water bottle as well.
Added by Ashton P Futral on March 22, 2013 at 2:23pm — 5 Comments
Added by Elizabeth Throneberry on March 22, 2013 at 12:21pm — No Comments
Hello, I recently bought my first corgi, his name is Señor and I love the little guy. He is now 10 weeks old and very smart and active.
I´m pretty sure he is a sable, he has a little bit of white around his nose and down his neck and chest and has white toes. I don´t know how much his color is going to change, and how far are the white parts going to spread.
Did anyone had a similar puppy that can show me the puppy vs. adult pictures?…
ContinueAdded by Jose Manuel Franco on March 21, 2013 at 11:52am — 16 Comments
Machete’s March Bark Box arrived, and it is FULL of goodies! this time, because he’s old enough now, Machete got to help open the box. he spent a good deal of time chewing on the corners to test it for durability…
First up, we got this ADORABLE felted wool mouse from Lollycadoodle that was just his absolute favorite. Seriously, he got some other toys today from an amazon.com order as well, and…
ContinueAdded by rae on March 20, 2013 at 11:30pm — 13 Comments
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