April 2011 Blog Posts (95)

Vote for the Corgis!!! Final 4

Our beloved corgis are facing the hot dog!


Voting is up now, and the corgis need your support!…


Added by Kevin and Buddy! on April 5, 2011 at 9:27am — 8 Comments

corgi haiku

Walking through fresh snow

While dawn breaks, lilac & rose

Birds sing, Corgi smiles

Added by Peggy Woods on April 4, 2011 at 9:48am — 3 Comments

Agelity training

I really would love to get Ruger into agility training i have read up on alot of it and for a starter kit it would only be between 30 to 50 dollars.I know they have to be a year old to compete but i can start training him be for that. I think it would be fun for both of us or all three of us (including my boyfriend) there lots of benifits to doing it. i am taking him to regular obediance training classes to start on the puppy basics like sit, stay, come, lay down, ect which i read they need to… Continue

Added by Brittany and ruger on April 4, 2011 at 8:58am — 4 Comments

Scared of load noises

Ruger is scared of load noises for some reason.It started when we brought him home but we thought it was cause he was in a new inviroment but he still is scared and we have had him for over a week now. I will take him outside to go potty and i have to take him to the front yard and let the big dogs in the back yard or he get destractedand wont go potty and just want to play but any ways we take him into the front yard and if the other dogs bark he freaks out and runs up the stairs like he is… Continue

Added by Brittany and ruger on April 4, 2011 at 8:39am — 1 Comment

Insects, Etc.

A couple of days ago, I had my door open and Scout was right outside.  I heard a yelp then ran to see if she was ok.  --Nothing but thin air, so I assume she was stung by a bee? Well, today, I have the door open again, and a huge fly comes in the apartment.  She starts shivering and cowering next to me.  I injure the fly with a flyswatter, and then she gets brave enough to finish it off.  Then another fly, more shivering... Wish I had a screen door now.


And in other…


Added by Emily & Scout on April 3, 2011 at 6:50pm — 4 Comments

Crazy times ahead....

Well, I figure I'll get it out now...

Life...an ever moving, ever changing motion some would say.

I'm currently working on rehoming my one dog...thankfully I've found a rescue organization that is no kill and will take her.

She is a good dog and really the only issue I do have with her is she is highly food agressive and attention agressive. Jazmin won't eat now unless one of the family is downstairs because of this, and its sad because even in their crates seporated all…


Added by Don on April 3, 2011 at 12:23am — 3 Comments

It's quiet.....too quiet

I have not wrote in while, but now I must; My 8 dog house is now down to one and it is QUIET!!! My beautiful foster dog Anya, formerly Kaylee, and all her pups have left my home as of  today, when cutie pie Roxy was taken to her new home.  Yes, of course I CRIED like I did with the others.  I have grown to love each and everyone of them as they are very near and dear to my heart!! I will miss them all, but I am 100% confident they ALL have wonderful loving homes.

My Izzie is now the…


Added by Cheryl Lyons on April 2, 2011 at 9:30pm — 1 Comment

April Fools Vet Trip.....

This is so classic for a Corgi reminder of life.

I went to bed, after work and a rather long day of the usual crazyness. Why oh why did I ever assume that nothing would happen, heck its only April Fools after all.

Alright, Here it is...

I was rustled awake at around four p.m. ( only 5 hours of sleep) by my brother, he had said that there was a problem and ploped Jazmin on my bed, at first I didn't notice as I check for the usual major issues ( blood, broken bones,…


Added by Don on April 2, 2011 at 1:24am — 11 Comments

At it Again!!!

Ya'll Solomon is at it again.  This morning my husband got up before I did and took Solomon out to do his business while I slept peacefully in a nice warm cozy bed.  I wake up to the sound of "SOLOMON".  Unfortunately I recalled that terror scream!  I lept out of my nice warm bed, cussing all the while because I have stumped my toe while trying to get my robe and slippers on while rushing towards the door.  I switched on the porch lights to see my husband…


Added by Solomon & Naomi's Page on April 1, 2011 at 9:29pm — 7 Comments


In colorado a german sheperd heeler mix was drgged to his death behind a truck by some cruel person please go to www.thepetitionsite.com and sign for buddy thank you

Added by Brittany and ruger on April 1, 2011 at 8:32pm — 1 Comment

March Madness: Cats Vs. Dogs

I am not sure if anyone has posted this yet.... but Jezebel.com is running a March Madness competition between cats and dogs. As you can see, our lovable Corgi has made it to the Top 4 and needs your support! I am guessing that voting will take place this weekend or on Monday. Each competition is put to vote, and you don't have to sign up to…


Added by Kevin and Buddy! on April 1, 2011 at 4:36pm — 1 Comment

Vet today

Ruger went to the vet today for the first time since we have had him he had to get his second set of shots an exam and deworming he did really good cause he loves attention and people so much and everyone falls in love with him the girl at the vet office didnt want to give him back cause she said he was so cute he was the highlight of the office today he had to get an exam and an ok by our vet to start training classes we had an appt for his second shots on april 11 but our vet said we can just… Continue

Added by Brittany and ruger on April 1, 2011 at 2:09pm — 1 Comment

My Corgi Turned Bright Purple....

Its the weirdest thing, she was all happy and playing like usual. And when I woke up...purple.

Not that I mind purple that is, its actually almost a lovely shade of lilac where the white was, so just a minor adjustement will be needed.

Well, I can say her color now matches the name very well, and who knows...the purple Corgi might just be all the rage soon.


And in times like this...

Don't cha wish your corgi was purple like mine..

Don't cha wish your…


Added by Don on April 1, 2011 at 5:51am — 3 Comments

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