August 2014 Blog Posts (12)

Doggy Harness: VERY pleased!

So I got two harnesses, one for Ruby and one for Cassie, to jury-rig the proposed car tie-downs. That doesn't seem like the greatest idea ever to hit the pike. BUT... I decided to try using them for the daily doggy walk, instead of their collars.

Cassie, a grown dog, is not a dragger. But Ruby the Corgi Pup is only just beginning to get the "heel" idea. She will drag for half a block or so, until her ginger wears down and she remembers. The other day I'd put a rolled leather…


Added by Vicky Hay on August 28, 2014 at 9:42pm — 6 Comments

Doggy Seat Belt: INSIGHT!

So Ruby Doo and I are driving to the vet, there to get her conjunctivitis checked. Actually, I'm driving. She's riding in her crate, which is supposed to protect her in the event of a highway mishap. The crate is tied down with the only credible tool I have to use as a tie-down: to wit, clothesline rope.

Not far into this journey, one of my Fellow Homicidal Drivers (you have to live in Arizona to appreciate this nomenclature) tries to kill us. In maneuvering out of reach, I…


Added by Vicky Hay on August 20, 2014 at 6:13pm — 3 Comments


I hoope I don't bother anyone for making a new thread but I am a bit at loss, and needs you guys advice on this... I was scared to tell about this but I am sure you guys won't judge. When I told my Therapist about getting a PWC, she actually told me that they can be really good PSD for my PTSD, Social Anxiety, Angoraphobia, and my night terrors.

All excited I called my breeder about it, and said that PWC are really not good for that kind of work without letting me explain what I… Continue

Added by Julie Alain on August 19, 2014 at 9:23pm — 18 Comments

Dog As Animate Burglar Alarm? Three War Stories

I've been reading and really enjoying Amy & Rubi Rae's discussion, "Rubi Proves Herself Worthless at Guard Dog Duty." If you haven't seen this post and its comments yet, you should go there now and check it…


Added by Vicky Hay on August 18, 2014 at 6:03pm — 4 Comments

Can a Corgi Become "Un-Housetrained"???

What is going on here?

Ruby the Corgi Pup was doing fine in the house-training department, once we addressed the UTI that she apparently had at the time she arrived here at 8 weeks of age.

Recently, she started peeing on the floor again. So forthwith it was back to the vet: he couldn't find an infection but did see some crystals (which it develops are not out of the ordinary in dogs and may not indicate pathology). But he put her back on Clavamox and the…


Added by Vicky Hay on August 13, 2014 at 12:13pm — 6 Comments

Kerfuffle in the park today

So sadly we had a mishap in our usual dog park today. We were at the MSPCAs dog park this afternoon and the only other dog there was an Aussie cattle dog. She and the owner seemed nice and another dog joined us as well. The dogs were playing with some balls that are often lying around the park. Everything was great for a while when out of nowhere the cattle dog started attacking poor Penny. She ended up with a cut on her eyelid and some hefty emergency vet bills that the other owner offered to… Continue

Added by Samantha de Jager on August 8, 2014 at 11:55pm — 12 Comments

Why is it so hard to be on the same page? <Rant>

So I went away for about a week and a half to help my dad move down to North Carolina, from Upstate NY. It was a grueling 14hr drive one way.

I left the dog home because (a)my Aunt doesn't really like dogs, and (b) her fiance is severely allergic to animals. Like we went to a Zoo and he broke out and had an attack just from being at the Zoo, and this guy loves animals to death, I really feel bad for him.

So I left my dog at home, with my fiance. We had a training plan in order,…


Added by Kay White on August 7, 2014 at 9:45pm — 18 Comments

It's not easy to create a viral video

I've posted over 60 videos of Wally, motorbiking, sky diving, plane flying, etc. but none became viral.  

The reason I do those videos is mostly for a virtual album and for my mother who's in a home and does not have any computer skill.   Therefore, bringing her a burnt DVD with the videos when I visit is a way to put a smile on her face.   Plus, in order to create a viral you can't have any copyright material so therefore the music from the web that makes such an impact on clips,…


Added by Denis J. on August 5, 2014 at 7:30am — 4 Comments

Corgi parent tee shirt!!! Limited time only!!!

Corgi Harley's mom designed this awesome tee shirt!!! Only a limited time left to order. For all corgi parents!

Added by Laura Taylor on August 4, 2014 at 3:08pm — No Comments

DIY Dog Food

Ruby the Corgi Pup is thriving on the "Real Food" (as I like to call it) that she's been getting since recovering from her UTI and subsequent spate of projectile doggyrhea. Her growth has resumed, her shiny coat practically glows in the dark, and she's full of ginger. She and Cassie have learned to play tug o'war together with some very silly-looking toys recently acquired at Costco, and for the past hour they've been sharing a frenzy over Ball.

Cassie has had Real Food ever…


Added by Vicky Hay on August 4, 2014 at 2:48am — 1 Comment

My Corgi

Addie is my first Corgi,I've always had mini schnauzers, and the experience has been so different. I was wondering if anyone has ever seen a Corgi that is marked like Addie? She's tri colored but as you can see very dark and marked very different. I love her to the moon and back and don't care about her blood line, but since she does have papers I was just curious if anyone had seen one like her. She hasn't become very fluffy or bushy around her head. Though she does shed enough to make another… Continue

Added by Sarah Walker on August 2, 2014 at 3:55am — 5 Comments

Pumpkin is 13 today!

Today Pumpkin is 13! Am I the luckiest, I know I'm the happiest because of her.  Of course she's slower but she still hops along for her walk, she sleeps much more and that's when the grey around her eyes shows, but most of the time she looks like a puppy.  Play...oh yeah, never ignores a toy, gets each one out of the basket, shakes it and growls.  She always makes me laugh. It's a very, very…


Added by Christine Glossman on August 1, 2014 at 7:42am — 14 Comments

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