Hate to post every week, but here goes
I got the last picture of him from the breeder before I pick him up. I really am in love with his markings, he is going to be one handsome fellow once he is grown
I just have one question really, is 5-7 pounds the normal weight of a puppy that is about to come home? He will be eight weeks old when I pick him up Saturday…
Added by Buddy & Wynstan on November 21, 2009 at 5:28pm —
OK, here it is! Every Where's Bear that I have posted I have thought was just too easy! This one, unless you live here or have seen the movie, might be a little tough. However, everything is there to guess Where's Bear.

Added by Tammey & Caven on November 21, 2009 at 2:44pm —
Today I picked out my puppy, Jackson, from my breeder. Unfortunately I had to choose from breeder pictures and personality descriptions. But, how can you really go wrong?
I went with my original heart-stealer named Tobias by the breeder. He is a very handsome sable with an outgoing and inquisitive personality. As most puppies are concerned, I think a lot of his personality will have to do with how he is raised and I am very excited to do so!!!!
Here are some face shots of…
Added by Kari & Jackson on November 21, 2009 at 11:50am —
Added by Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon on November 21, 2009 at 9:30am —
We met up with Stef, Bill, Tanner and Carmen at a park in Conyngham. It was the halfway point for us so neither of us would have to drive so far. We let the puppies play in a fenced tennis court so that way they could run around and be "free" and not have to get tangled on their leads. They had so much fun as did we. They played so much, 3 hours worth of playing. Of course, they took their water and snack breaks though. They didn't rest much when they did, Murphy tried to creep up on Carmen a…
Added by Alyssa & Chris W. on November 20, 2009 at 9:08pm —
Tomorrow is Bella's gradutation day, and so far she hasn't shown any signs of improvement since we left Petsmart last Saturday to today. I mean, she's doing pretty good with "Leave it", and surprisingly she'll come when called when I'm too far away in public. But suddenly she decides she won't sit for me, and she will not stay put for five seconds before pouncing on me for a treat. I have worked all week to get her ready for tomorrow, and she just doesn't seem to understand what I'm trying to…
Added by Bella & Hayes on November 20, 2009 at 7:49pm —
It has always been my understanding that Corgi's were outgoing and generally brave dogs. I recently adopted 5 month old Charley, and am having some real trouble getting her to do anything outside of my bedroom where she sleeps and eats. I worry that she is too comfortable here, so I have been getting her aquanted with the rest of the house and my roommates two pitbulls. She loves the Pits, and they love her back, but it seems to me that everything else scares her to death. When we go outside…
Added by Sean McCollum on November 18, 2009 at 6:40pm —
I know how many of us can never get enough of puppy pictures so here is Meagans and Winstons newest litter born November 5, 2009...in these pictures they are 12 days old. Eyes are opening, getting up on all 4's, and chunky little furballs. They all are spoken for so it is safe to look. I will not tempt thee!!!…

Added by Wendt Worth Corgi's on November 18, 2009 at 2:20pm —
Cupid is now named Sage.Having the time of her life on a horse farm in Louisiana!
Her ears are getting ready to 'pop' And Cupid at 9 weeks~a Lovely calm girl just hanging with me.
Little Cupid is a tiny 4lb 5 oz female at 6 weeks old. She has a perfect full collar, 4 matching white socks & nice balanced facial stripe. She is the pick of the litter ... she is a keeper but I cant :( She has had 1st & 2nd shots, 4…
Added by Leasa on November 17, 2009 at 10:00pm —
Added by Monaca Campbell on November 17, 2009 at 8:27pm —
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I took Bear and Goldy to the mall this weekend and had their pictures made - they are INCREDIBLE! You can't really tell here, because I took a picture of a picture, but it's on a crisp white background.
What you can't see is me off to the side SWEATING from chasing them around!!!…

Added by Stephanie on November 17, 2009 at 5:40pm —
So I tried to order a crate from petco through amazon, but I received an email that said it was canceled. My credit card was not billed.
Guess what I received today? That's right. A free crate. But me being myself, I couldn't accept the generous offer through such a mistake. I called Amazon and was patched through to a CS representative rather quickly. I told the nice lady the predicament, and she said I should keep it since it was free. After a bit of talking she finally gave me the…
Added by Buddy & Wynstan on November 17, 2009 at 2:18pm —
Just thought I'd update on what's been happening and how our Murphasaurus has been. He hasn't grown much since he's hit the 8 month mark, but he seems healthy and happy. I have also noticed that he would rather play with his toys and frap around than eat his breakfast or dinner. Sometimes he ends up skipping a meal because I'll take his food away if he doesn't touch it after a half hour. Pretty different from what I hear about most Corgis loving to eat and "never eating enough". He's been a…
Added by Alyssa & Chris W. on November 17, 2009 at 2:03pm —
Jordan as of Dec. 4th will be attending daycare solo on Fridays!!! He's always gone on Mondays with my sister's Golden and they were always together while there (Apollo was his security blanket) but do to schedule conflicts he'll be going on his own now. I'm a little nervous as Jordan's my "reactive rover" but the girls think he'll be fine as a matter of fact they said it'd be better for them both not to always be a pack of 2!! Dec. 4th is a long way off though and I'm sure I'll spend the time…
Added by christy fry on November 16, 2009 at 9:07pm —
1 Comment
We have the first snow of the year here in MO. Nellie seems to like it. She didn't want to come in this morning. Unfortunately Howie isn't really going to get to enjoy it today. I dropped him off this morning at the vet to get neutered. Poor little boy. When Nellie was spayed, she had a really upset tummy all through the following night. Howie seems to have a stronger stomach, so hopefully he won't have such a bad time of it tonight. I think when I go home for lunch I may find a rather lonely…
Added by Simon & Anne on November 16, 2009 at 10:55am —
A while back I started a new group called iSpy: Corgis! I haven't done any recruiting yet so I thought I better start. This group is for those of us who find great joy in finding corgis used in things such as advertisements, movies and games. I see members posting their finds in their personal blogs (like I have) or misc. forum post but here in the iSpy: Corgis! Group we can keep them all together, like a giant corgi catalog! I am sure I am not the only one who gets a bit giddy when out…
Added by Gail and Ashton on November 16, 2009 at 12:55am —
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Well, tomorrow is the day we're going to visit the shelter (4.5 hours away) and meet the Corgi we really hope to take home. And boy, am I excited and nervous, so I hope I can sleep tonight. We bought most of the stuff we will need for the trip home with him (fingers crossed). Here's a list of stuff we're bringing:
Car harness
Stuffed toy
Doggy bags
Doggy wipes
Water with a…
Added by Abbea and Vivi on November 15, 2009 at 11:25pm —
Well, Hannah's birthday came and went. I was supposed to pick up her pupcakes on Friday, but they ended up delivering them to the wrong store, and I had to wait until Saturday. I think I was more disappointed than Hannah. Anyway, I brought them home and took some pictures of her with them. It took her forever to eat one because she had no idea what it was. Hehe!
I ended up breaking the pupcake in half after she licked off all the icing because she wouldn't…
Added by Jamie on November 15, 2009 at 10:21pm —
I've just been added to list for a litter of blue merle cardigans due the second week of December! I can't wait!
Added by Cooper, Nora, Grady, Izzy & Jax on November 15, 2009 at 5:20pm —
Hi corgi lovers,
I am hoping that you will all take time to go visit the Corgi Aid online Auction. This annual event is great fun, gives you the opportunity to purchase hard to find corgi items and helps rescue corgis and corgi mixes all over America. Being a long time rescuer I must tell you that many of the corgis that are rescued would not have been as fortunate without the financial assistance of Corgi Aid. The helpful folks at Corgi Aid also provide a grand service of having a cart…
Added by Sam on November 15, 2009 at 2:21pm —
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