November 2011 Blog Posts (75)

Have you all seen this before? My cousin just sent it to me. It's lovely and suits my little dwarf to a tee!

"Corgi Fantasy"

Would you know where Corgis come from?

How they came to live with mortals?

Hearken to the ancient legend,

Hearken to the story-teller

On the mountains of the Welsh land,

In its green and happy valleys

Lived the peasant folk of old times,

Lived our fathers and grandfathers;

And they toiled and laboured greatly

With their cattle and their ploughing,

That their women might have plenty.

And their children… Continue

Added by Carolyn and Gracie on November 30, 2011 at 10:02pm — No Comments


I'm debating fixing my corgi mix, because I'm not planning to ever breed her, and its the responsible thing to do, but I'm worried about a few things... one of my biggest worry (don't make fun please!) is that she'll hurt herself more after the surgery because of how short she is! Where she's so short, but likes to sit on the couch, or needs to be lifted up into vehicles and what not, that she'll bump the incision and irritate it or cause more pain than necessary for herself... Thoughts,…


Added by Amanda Gallant on November 30, 2011 at 8:49pm — 7 Comments

Happy 4th Birthday Steve!

Steve turns 4 tomorrow, November 30.  A very happy birthday to my sweet boy and a big "thank you" for bringing so much happiness to me and everyone you meet!

Part 1 of the celebration was tonight and he got a jacket and lots of toys.  Each toy was wrapped so it was amusing watching him rip into each one.  The surprise and joy on his face when he heard the toys squeak was priceless.…


Added by Steve on November 30, 2011 at 12:03am — 13 Comments

For Teddy.

Your grace and happiness will never leave me.


You have given all of us here laughter and now tears but we will not forget your legacy.


I love you Teddy.

Added by Nicola Porter on November 29, 2011 at 5:37pm — 4 Comments

Old Friends and New Ones

So, about two months ago Percy got really, really sick. After two nights at the vet and a biopsy we discovered it was cancer. He had to be put down. We were devastated. After a month of mourning, the whole family decided that one dog was not enough. Enter Winnie. She is a super cute Pembroke puppy that entered our lives on Thanksgiving of this year. She is already making herself Queen of the house and "terrorizing" poor Arty. 

Added by Fleagirl on November 29, 2011 at 9:45am — 5 Comments

On the smaller side of things

Ace is now coming up fast on his seven-month birthday and weighs "just" 7.5 kg (or 16.5 lb). I am a little concerned as he is from the USA and the AKC standard calls for a minimum weight of 30 lb for males, ideally. I understand that he's far from fully grown and that it could take up to 2 years for him to fill out, but he is noticeably smaller than other male Cardis we saw at his age.


WRT his weight in proportion to his frame, he is at a really great size - pressing slightly…


Added by Ludi on November 29, 2011 at 6:00am — 4 Comments

My little Chunk

tis the season where the dogs start putting on the pounds due to cold weather and not getting to chase the hose in the hot summer sun 



Well Ace is going on a diet AGAIN... thanks to a certain parentals of mine Ace has got a chub gut lol so Diet and excersize he is getting lol

Gave both dogs a bath... Ace got one last night before bed due to him.. smelling like poop *literally* and having some caked in his fur from rolling in it EEEEW lol

i didnt…


Added by Ace and Jen on November 29, 2011 at 4:51am — No Comments

Why write this?

I have never written a blog before.  But I need to write this in response to a piece I read last night, from a young woman named Rebecca whose Corgi died.


In August of 1994, my husband got me a tri-colored Pembroke for our first anniversary. Her name was Audrey.  She was spunky, funny, smart, and all things Corgi.…


Added by Jeannie on November 28, 2011 at 5:20pm — 1 Comment

What's Wrong with Waffle?

Back in February, Waffle got sick!  His ultimate diagnosis was bacterial gastroenteritis, IVDD between the L3 and L4 vertebrae, and hip dysplasia (CHD) in his back left leg (the right leg if he were facing you).  Five hundred dollars later, he was better, but I had a sour taste in my mouth about the whole thing.  I called my breeder and told her what they said, and she said we would get him looked at by her vet because she didn't like how they diagnosed CHD from a spinal X-ray. Diagnosing…


Added by Rachael & Waffle on November 28, 2011 at 3:30pm — 5 Comments

CPE agility trial.

I finally got brave enough to enter Murray in his first agility trial.  The main reason I hadn't was that he has a habit of clipping jumps.  We have been working on it, but he seldom has a totally clean run.  I've come to the conclusion that the very thing that he has gotten praised for is the main problem: he watches me very closely.  You wouldn't think that would be a problem, but it takes his attention away from the jump, especially if he gets a little ahead of me.  Very frustrating.  He…


Added by Judith Andre on November 28, 2011 at 1:01am — 4 Comments

California Cardigan Needs A Home

I've been emailing this woman that needs to re-home her 6 month old cardigan puppy. I'm just not ready for a new pup yet. Is anyone in the Visalia area that might be interested in this darling girl?

Added by Mochi on November 27, 2011 at 9:25pm — 4 Comments

Snickers is famous!

A picture of Snickers I submitted to I has a Hotdog was selected to be made into a Christmas card. For the rights to use the picture we recieved 6 cards and some stickers. Woo Hoo- no diamond collars here. Check it out just for the fun of it- go to LOLMart, gifts for the holidays and look for All U Get iz me Boxed Card set. I will post some other pictures that I took at the same time last year when it gets closer to Christmas.…


Added by Snickmom on November 27, 2011 at 5:37pm — 8 Comments

Corgi biting neighbors dogs!

I don't know what to do.I am reaching out to this community.We have a spayed female Corgi purebread.She was from a reputalble breeder who lived out in the country.No health probloms.Great weight.Wonderful dog who was always socialized with other dogs.Here is the problom.After moning into our new house in 2006 which does not have a fenced in yard she has become aggressive towards other dogs.In 2008 she got out the garage door when it didn't shut all the way.She attacked our neighbors poodle…


Added by Christine Gregory on November 27, 2011 at 3:25pm — 8 Comments

color change

Pudge's color is evolving. First it was just his drummies with the tan coming in, then his wings and now I see that he has new eye decals!! His color keeps changing! His drummies are getting darker.

I wonder when we will see his final look!






Added by DeeDea & Pudge on November 26, 2011 at 12:54pm — 6 Comments

Happy Birthday, Yewbee

Little Yewbee would have been 10 years old today. It was 9 years ago this week that the Lord brought her to me and 10 years since I've spent Thanksgivings alone.

I sure miss her

Always will

I love you, Yewbee Dew !

Added by Sandy StJohn-Yewbee's 4ever mom on November 24, 2011 at 9:56pm — 6 Comments

That can't possibly have been normal....HELP

Bootsie put his front paws on my lap to be picked up. I grabbed him and went to lift him but did not have a good grip so I let go of him. When I looked down his back right paw had totally bent backward AND he didn't seem bothered. OMG I have been worrying about his back legs/paws/butt. It looked like he was standing on his paw but his paw was bent, like he was double jointed or something. I don't know how to explain it any better.

Added by Nicola Porter on November 24, 2011 at 6:23pm — 3 Comments


I think I am getting to attached to my Lando Oliver and Bootsie. We went out to eat our thanksgiving meal and all I could think of was that the corgs wouldn't be getting any turkey day treats like mashed pots or green bean casserole. These pup pups have me wrapped around their little nubs.



Happy Thanksgiving to all those on that have totally abandoned all sence of normality since their Corgs came into their lives......LOL

Added by Nicola Porter on November 24, 2011 at 5:59pm — 2 Comments

One year Ago!

Exactly a year ago today (the Wednesday before Thanksgiving) I found out I was getting my first Corgi, Scout!  My friend at work said I could come get her from the neighbor any time.  Well, I decided to wait until after the weekend to get her since I was traveling and didn't want to take her on a long car ride first thing.  Then, I decided to wait until Friday so I would have a weekend to get to know her before I had to work.  So on December 3rd, I drove and picked up my dirty flea-filled…


Added by Emily & Scout on November 23, 2011 at 1:20pm — 11 Comments

365 day calendar

When is the 365 Day Calendar going to be available? 



Added by Sandi Cannon on November 23, 2011 at 1:18pm — 2 Comments

Losing a Best Friend

Autumn passed away in her sleep yesterday morning. I feel like I've lost a child and a best friend. It's hard to understand why Autumn had to leave so suddenly when she was so young and happy. But given her rough start in life I'm happy that I got to spend as much time with her as I did. I'd say rest in peace... but that wasn't really Autumn's style. Run crazy on the beaches in heaven until we meet again.

Added by Mochi on November 23, 2011 at 12:21pm — 12 Comments

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