A few Indy updates:
- She saw her first snow last month. On a walk, she saw a snowman, froze, barked at it and ran away.
- She likes to steal cotton balls form the trash can and gobble them up like cotton candy.
- She is quite the snorer.
- She has grown to be quite the snuggler! :) She was so squirmy in the past.
- When big dogs bark at her on our walks, she will turn around and run ALL the way home, dragging me behind her. Recently, she has gotten better at…
Added by Indy on February 25, 2009 at 9:38pm —
1 Comment
On my birthday I wanted to do something I would remember. Since I don't have kids, I decided Jack's name would be perfect. :) Besides, Jack is my child, and I always want him to be with me. <3
Added by Mister Jack on February 25, 2009 at 9:30pm —
We're thinking of putting Kitsie in a "safe area" by gating off the kitchen from the living room. My hubby thinks she'll jump over a normal 28-30" high gate. but finding taller ones that fit up to an 8 foot wide opening are hard to come by. Leave a message on my page if any of you have any suggestions!
Added by Gracii on February 25, 2009 at 8:42pm —
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I got back Gabriel's autopsy results yesterday. The diagnosis was a sudden internal bacterial infection that went instantly septic. The vets talked to me for a while - there's no way they'll ever really know where it was or began. It could have been something as minor as a tiny cut in his mouth that just healed up instantly but trapped a pocket of bacteria and it spread through his bloodstream to his heart and internal organs. They honestly don't think there's anything anyone could have done,…
Added by Shepdog on February 25, 2009 at 12:25pm —
Hey all I just put some pics of Chesney meeting her big sister K.C. for the first time and seeing her brother for the first time since she came home to us. It was too cute...lol.
Taz was afraid of her at first. She is pretty dominant most of the time because Oreo just lets her do whatever she wants...lol. But then K.C. came in and Chesney decided to try and growl at her and K.C. put her in her place and from then on she ran away from K.C...lol Guess she's not so tough after all!
Added by Corgi lover! (Misty) on February 25, 2009 at 11:30am —
1 Comment
It's about time! We've had Optimus for almost a month now. Over the past 2 days he's only peed in the house once, and it was my fault (Hilliary was at class and I was focused on fixing her computer [stupid Vista...]). He's actually been a very good boy the last 2 days too. His biting has gone down quite a bit as well. We're really not doing anything different, I think he's just finally starting to learn! We're so proud of him!
On a separate note, as of yesterday, his second ear is…
Added by Matt & Hilliary on February 25, 2009 at 10:00am —
Ahhh...where to begin. About 3 months ago, my husband and I decided to buy another puppy. Juneaux was already 6 months or so, and with a baby on the way, we thought she should have a friend. We contemplated adopting a dog, but could never find anything the right size--face it, corgis are the best! So I signed up on puppyfind.com, and thought I'd look there. We had a hard time finding one we liked that didn't have a $300 shipping fee attached, and even the ones in Texas were just too far for us…
Added by Juneaux and Maximus on February 24, 2009 at 11:30pm —
In California, i would be greatly appreaciative if you would alert me. I miss my old man, and i think i have everyone convinced that our lab mix Gir needs a friend. Also the cat misses his corgi ;)
Im so bad...
Added by magickzzl on February 24, 2009 at 5:15pm —
1 Comment
In the next couple of months, we will be launching
MyCorgi.com 2.0, yup, it is time to shake things up :) Our team have been working hard behind the scene, as the date gets closer, I will release more info... he he he.
A quick note to the all the "
Heroes" applicants, we have not forgotten about you, as I'm writing this, Silvia is up in Toronto preparing, so just hang in there for now, we will contact…
Added by Sam Tsang on February 24, 2009 at 5:00pm —
I really have no idea what I'm doing on this web site yet but so far I think it's awesome. So many nice people,,Thank you for all the nice welcomes. I have so many questions...I will enjoy learning all about my new baby..
Added by Bobbie on February 24, 2009 at 4:53pm —
1 Comment
Monday KC turned 1! We got her a little doggy cake for her little family party! I can't believe how fast she grew up!
KC and her birthday Lai, she wouldn't wear a hat lol.

KC and her cake - she was not really impressed, Levi ended up eating it.…

Added by Laura Jones on February 24, 2009 at 10:14am —
If you like an incentive to take your Corgi to the vet
Bayer has a voucher:
Go to the site for directions
Added by Chloe's parent Liz on February 24, 2009 at 4:01am —
1 Comment
Hey guys! Thanks again for all your support regarding the Bissell MVP voting. Unfortunately, I came up short and didn't place. Maybe next time then. My mom says I'm a winner regardless, so that makes me feel better :) My mom told me that they're gonna enroll me in obedience classes soon. Whatever those are. Maybe it's about how I pull like a wild horse when they walk me. Maybe that's it. Anywho, she also told me that I'm gonna get a "snip snip" too. Now that sounds interesting! Uh oh! I'll let…
Added by Ein Danger on February 23, 2009 at 8:26pm —
1 Comment

Please help us decide which one is Tegwen...
The red one is my son's favorite, but there are two others. Please vote for the...

1) Two-Week-Old Red One

2) Two-Week-Old Tricolor, or

3) Younger Tricolor--less than a week old! (from another litter)
If you want to email me, or…
Added by Christiane on February 23, 2009 at 8:00pm —
So today we brought home our new baby! He is GORGEOUS! He has such a beautiful face...awww! He's not the original baby, but the one in the new pics, the other deal didn't go through as planned, but he's ever MORE handsome!
We picked him up a couple of hours ago--my husband was smitten:) The whole way home he kept going on and on about how handsome he was, and how Juneaux was gonna love him, and how chubby he was, lol! We let him roam around the front yard a bit and do his…
Added by Juneaux and Maximus on February 23, 2009 at 5:00pm —
Although Ethel (my niece) and I (Bertie Wooster, chief Corgi of Lakeside, CT) have never been west of New York, we discovered this article online through one of our number at the Golden Gate Corgi group, and we think it sums things up rather well, so we thought we'd share (we apologize if it's not a clickable link, we're a little bit luddite-ish and not sure how to do that):
The Truth About Corgis (oh, thanks to Geri &…
Added by Susan Stanton on February 23, 2009 at 5:00pm —
it would mean alot :D
Hes the corgi in the blue bandana. The cute one.
Thank you!!!
Added by Dragster and Bailee on February 23, 2009 at 4:11pm —
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Added by Sam Tsang on February 23, 2009 at 9:32am —
Today i got home around lunch time i noticed Hachi's ears had gone up! (BOth of them this time!)
anyway i took as many photos as i could. haha
went out to do some shopping..
1 1/2 hrs later.. one of them went back down. (SIGH)
oh well i think she's cuter with one up and one down anyway . haha…

Added by chocky on February 23, 2009 at 3:26am —
but life is about changes. Im so excited to find other corgi fanatics as my friends (most of whom are/were groomers) have a lovehate relationship with corgis.... especially nails on corgis.... I hope soon another sausage will land in my life! :D Then I can throw them in the river to! lol (see below comments)
Added by magickzzl on February 22, 2009 at 10:36pm —
1 Comment