I'm currently going through my pregnancy and I'm just wondering how does a corgi react to a tiny new comer A.K.A the baby in the family? I'm sure some people here have gone through this moment and a few sharing will be very useful for me :)

Is there anything that I should pay attention at? I will try to make sure that she won't get too jealous.. as my corgi used to be the baby in the family ^^ spoiled.. but so far she never reacts aggressive towards my nephew or niece when they come over.. just the fact that she's quite big (at least for 4-5 years old kids) and she likes to welcome them very well. But I don't think Molly has ever met a baby before..

Any suggestions? cheers ^^

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Congrats Angela, you may want to ask Ivy and Ashley for some tips :)
And Laura too, I almost forgot :p
Congratulations Angela!! I will be interested to hear what people have to say as Lance has never been around babies/toddlers. Its a bit different for me because I wont have the baby full time at my house but he will have to know how to act around them when they come to visit!! My first niece was born this Monday. :)
Congratulations! We have 8 grandchildren and all of my corgis LOVE babies except my rescue (she's not mean just scared and avoids them till they're about 3).I would send a t shirt or blanket home for your corgi to smell before you come home if possible, my daughter did this.I would let her smell the baby and see the baby and personally I have never had a problem.I know you will be busy but play with her while the baby is sleeping and give her toys to occupy her.

This is my Bella and my Wynn greats the babies at the door and checks to make sure they're ok!
Oh that is such a cute and wonderful picture! They look so comfy together :)
The Dog Whisperer did a great episode about bringing home a baby and how to transfer your own authority to the baby, so the dog sees the baby as a leader and not something to be cared for. His reasoning was that while the idea of your dog thinking of your baby as something helpless and to be cared for is very sweet, the fact is the way dogs take care of their own young is totally inappropriate for a human baby! You don't want your dog trying to move the baby if it cries, for example.

He also talked about exposing the dog to the baby's scent and that sort of thing. I don't have kids, but I found the episode very interesting and it made a lot of sense. I don't know if they have the shows online.
Was it this one?
That one addresses it too, but I'm thinking of a different one with two large dogs and a brand-new baby just coming home from the hospital; at the beginning of the episode, the woman was still pregnant.

He talked about creating a bubble around the baby; the dogs were not allowed to approach and he said they should keep that up for about a month or two, then gradually let the dog closer but only when supervised. He also showed how to do the walk with a stroller, and the dog behind the stroller so the baby was a leader.
My granddaughter has been around both corgis. When she was tiny they both laid by her cradle. Now that shes order they just kind of herd her. They try to stay between her and where ever she could get hurt. They love it when she sits on the floor with them. They may give her a lick but they don't go over board and they even let her pet ( ? ) them. We try to watch that for both the animals and the baby. good luck!
My Corgis never had been with a baby before our daughter Lindsay was born. The first thing that we did when we brought Lindsay home was sit on the floor with her so Rookie and Emily could smell her and poke their noses about. We always brought Lindsay to them and fussed over what good dogs they were. We had the dogs and Lindsay's little crib in our room, so they all slept in the same room as we were told that they bond more when sleeping in the same room and get to know the smells. In every picture these two were always next to Lindsay and super-protective. Never a jealous, aggressive moment. Of course, we watched like hawks and never left Lindsay and corgis unsupervised. See group: Corgis remembered. You'll see a photo of Lindsay lying with Rookie, and one of her first day home with Rookie and Maggie.
The best thing you can do is to think like a dog, not like a person. If you are bringing a baby home to a person (a sibling, for example), your goal is to help that person feel comfortable with and normal around the newborn, and you want them to feel and experience and enjoy the baby.

Dogs DO NOT think that way, and they DO NOT behave that way. When puppies are born, the mom dog will take the face off of any other dog who comes anywhere near the babies. My puppies are almost a month old and Clue has still not let any of the other dogs even sniff them. She's moderately comfortable with them in the same room at this point (wasn't for weeks) but nobody is allowed to get anywhere close to the puppies unless they want her to explode out of the box and bite them in the head.

Your dog is wired to expect you to keep him or her away from things that are precious to you. The baby is the most precious thing of all, so the key command is going to be "NO" or "LEAVE IT." Create a "bubble" of three or four feet around the baby and make sure the dog thinks that the sky will fall if she breaches that bubble.

My dogs are not allowed to touch babies until the babies are a year old. The baby can touch THEM before that, if I command the dog to lie still, but they MAY NOT approach or touch a baby. They all know this rule, it doesn't make anybody tense or concerned, and they swiftly teach it to any new or visiting dogs. I've had Ginny come flying across the yard and launch herself into the face of a dog who was coming over to sniff Zuzu.

Zuzu is now over two, and the dogs are allowed to play very gently with her, but only under my supervision and they glance at me every couple of seconds as they're doing it. If they ever lose their cool and get crazy, they are immediately disciplined and sent away.

That's how a mom dog does things. I know it sounds harsh and mean, but it's what dogs understand and expect. It's far more unfair to expect them to be cuddly with a baby when NOTHING in their instincts would label that as correct behavior. A dog would interpret "mom likes it when I nose the baby" with "and therefore if the baby misbehaves I can bite it." It has to be "I never, never, never touch the baby or anything that belongs to the baby."
My dogs had never had a child in the house until my grandson was born. Before they moved to Texas (for a good job) my grandson stayed with me two days a week at least. We had no difficulty what so ever. Although my dogs have been fairly well trained so when I tell them leave it they mind. When the baby started crawling I did keep an eye on him around the dogs so he did not intrude on their space too much. The dogs knew his toys were off limits and his blanket was off limits also. The best advice I would give is get obedience classes or work on training now before the baby comes. Nothing in Life is Free is a good plan. Never leave a baby alone with your dog anyway. I did not notice any jealousy but sometimes when I was holding my grandson the corgis or cats would want to sit with us but they generally do that when I sit to watch tv or read too. When y grandson started crawling Sparty would drop his tennis ball in front of him so he could push it forward. Sparty would run and get it and bring it back. He essentially taught Logan how to play fetch! Congratulations by the way!


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