Brewer is about 7 months old now and we are so happy with him and want him to have the greatest life possible.  Should we get him another brother or a sister? is it too soon?  I wouldnt say that we are barely able to keep up with Brewer but i would say that it does take a lot of effort.  would a second puppy be twice the work keeping them occupied and happy or is it just twice the food and poop scooping?  any thoughts or suggestions?!?! thanks

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I many times travel with 2 corgis and it works fine...granted it's usually just to my daughters(2 hours plus about 2 hours shopping along the way) but we stay for a few days! When my husband and I both go we hire someone to stay with the dogs! I never board so I can't answer that question. My dogs are never jealous over a new dog...I try from the start to make sure the older ones get just as much attention...but they love puppies!
We travel with two all the time but we are camping. I am not sure how visiting some one with two would go over. The reality is they keep each other company when we do anything. When we can not take them I hire someone to stay at my house. It actually is cheaper if you can find somebody reliable. Otherwise boarding multiples does get expensive.
You for got twice the HAIR!!!!!!! Chepstow was 14 months when we got 6 month old Tenby. We had a very hard time only because Tenby came from rescue and had severe social and behavioral issues. Chepstow was wonderful to his new brother he seemed to sense that Tenby was "damaged" and without Chepstow's love and companionship we really don't think Tenby would have made it. Tenby's antics drive Chepstow crazy but there is a strong bond between them.
When I got Spartan about 1.5yrs ago, I understood why it was hard to just have one and for me I decided to wait for getting another one because training does take alot a time and I also have noticed that Spartan gets jealous if I or anyone gives any attention to our cat or even our goldfish lol so, before I get another corgi I'm going to have to make sure he's gonna be ok with it. I do know getting another puppy would be twice the work for you and thats keeping them happy, poop, and money. When I do decide to get Spartan some company, I'm thinking of adopting a rescue, an older corgi instead of a puppy.
I got Teagen when Jordan was a little over a year old Jordan just turned 2 a couple weeks ago and Teagen will be a year this summer they love love and can't say it enough love each other....Teagen gets away with stuff like hanging off of Jordans face that if any other dog would try would end in a fight. Jordan was poddy trained though and completely reliable by that age but if I had Teagen first it would have been longer since she seems to be slower in the reliable department and will still pee in the house sometimes. Now with that said I have a total of 3 dogs that I care it doesn't seem like alot of work for me as they are on the same schedule..but vacations are a little more funny for us since most of mine/his family are out of town so we go apart to save money he goes solo to visit his people and I go solo to visit mine. Our vacations are dog friendly meaning they all go with us wich is getting easier since so many hotels now have pet rooms available.
I've traveled with four of mine at once. I really don't go any where anymore just because we have so much going on here and there really isn't anyone near me I would trust or want to put all this on them. And when there are pups or a female in one but me is here to see to there care so as you can see I'm pretty home bound. Mine are great about going to other peoples houses and they are excellent about allowing strange dogs in the house and except them very well. Many times I have people stop over with their Corgi just to see my dogs and previous puppy buyers when their pup is grown up to visit. I don't tolerate jealousy and really all of mine can be climbing all over me and no one gets snobbish about it. The only thing I don't care for in boarding a dog is its such a change. So different from your home..then they don't see you and their in a strange place with strangers and so many other new nervous dogs. Then you have to wonder the care they promise to give you and really end up doing. I've been reading articles on this and there is no regulatory system for boarding kennels and many have you give a days notice prior to pick up because they bath and clean that dog all up. One boarding kennel offers a camera on each dog that you can log into at any time to view your dog and see what is going on the facility. Excellent idea in my opinion. They say when checking out a kennel you should make a visit like you should with a breeder...look for unclean bowls..weird smells..well kept runs...the dogs that are there reactions and ask questions about vaccinations, health certifications required, references and their procedure for emergencies and definitely have a contract. Take your own food, toys, blankets for your dog. Just a few suggestions.
Our boys are 2 years apart and we're plannign to add another puppy this summer, when Pats turns 2. I LOVE having the 2 boys to watch and they do teach each other
I am pretty convinced that we are ready for another dog but Sadie (GF) isn't so I am going to have to wait till she is approving the idea... it will be tough waiting but at least I have Brewer! thank you for the helpful advice!
having 2 dogs is more like 5 times the work. They play off eachother. Whether that is just energy and excitement getting higher, or the ever popular double attack. I have run into the issue of being tripped by one while the other runs off with my sandwich. Corgis 1, humans 0. If you are up to the challenge, then it is an awesome experience.

The only thing I would warn you about is getting 2 UNTRAINED dogs together. Make sure your first one knows where the bathroom is, knows not to jump, is well behaved on a leash. or they will drive you nuts.
Last night some friends came to visit and I was so proud of our two corgis. They sat side by side at the front door and let the people go first, waited to hear OK before they came in after us all. During the visit, they sat in our midst and paid attention to us but were perfect gentlemen about it all. A little jumping when the guests got too excited about the dogs but over all, the boys did well.

I really think the 2 year age difference is pretty good and our local obedience group lets past "students' come back for a tune up any time so I've regularly taken them both back for a few sessions.

I don't find the 2 dogs is much more work than one at all. It's all the same tasks--feeding, walking. There is more grooming/brushing time since I have a second dog to do but otherwise it's the same stuff.
I got both of mine as puppies so I know the situation is different, but i can tell you it has been totally worth it, they are best of friends (brother/sis, boyfriend/grlfriend) and are more entertainment to each other then my boyfriend and I could even try. I have had one before these two and lost him, I always said I wanted to get him a friend but never was able to and wish I would have. The training has not been that much harder and they seem to have learned faster then when I had one.


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