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Green Eggs and Ham Anyone?

My totally awesome husband hung up the special "eggs for sale" sign I had made.  He even rigged it so I can slide it out if we run out of eggs.  One of my friends commented to me "so do you have green eggs and ham?", to which my reply was "as you can see, I have green eggs and my dog is obviously the ham" lol!!



Added by Chris West on September 21, 2011 at 6:49pm — 1 Comment

A couple cute corgi happenings

It's been awhile since I've posted. Training is going great. We're looking forward to competing in agility this November. I just wanted to share a couple of cute things the corgis did that made me smile.


1) Baxter and I were training last night. I would set up some jump sequences and we'd run them. After finishing the second sequence, I looked at him and said "Go get some water while I set up the next one." And he just trotted right over to the water and drank-up until I was…


Added by Bax & Zigs & Rosie on September 21, 2011 at 2:00pm — 3 Comments

Meet Milo

Hello everyone!

We brought home our first corgi yesterday :)


The cats, Bear and Qwerty, took to him immediately and…


Added by Jess and Milo on September 20, 2011 at 3:00pm — 26 Comments

Help Beans with Spinal Surgery ( Give a little to help)

We took him to the neurologist today at SFVS. The news was not good. They recommended that he have an immediate CT Scan and surgery. The neurologist thinks that with surgery, his chance of recovery is 90%. Without it, his recovery rate would be about 50%. Of course, we want to opt for surgery. However, there is no way we can afford it. They quoted us between $4,993.78 and $5,952.78 for surgery. We have already paid out $620 this week in two vet visits...which is money coming out of our…


Added by Debbie Algieri & Bella Boo on September 20, 2011 at 2:53pm — 1 Comment

I am in DFW area.....

and I miss my Lando Oliver and Bootsie Boo terribly. Think I will take a trip to the stadium though I forgot my camera.

Added by Nicola Porter on September 20, 2011 at 10:51am — No Comments

Zoey Needs Our Help: She is Still Missing

Zoey was taking from her yard on Aug. 13 in Grand Blanc, MI

Zoey was wearing a collar.

Someone knows who took her. Please help by forwarding. Zoey and family would appreciate it.

Reward for safe return: Rob, 248-470-7873 or search "Zoey missing" on for more details. Thanks in advance for everyone's…


Added by yvonne reames on September 20, 2011 at 9:18am — 11 Comments

Siren dog!

Does anyone else have a siren dog? Anytime there is an emergency siren (ambulance, police, tornado) our Luna girl goes on full-scale civil defense alert, howling her head off.(to help alert everyone, of course!) it's the only time AT ALL that she howls. This must be her contribution to public service.

Added by Elizabeth, Hermione and Luna on September 18, 2011 at 9:43pm — 4 Comments

High Mountain Corgis

We Finally Made It To Spider Meadows!!!

5.5 miles up and another 5.5 down! They had a blast!

Added by Kasey, Max, & Zoey on September 18, 2011 at 8:51pm — 8 Comments


Have an emergency in Dallas so will be going there tomorrow, never been so if anyone here can give some pointers it would be helpful. I will be heading to HEB hospital and then to North Richland Hills.

Added by Nicola Porter on September 18, 2011 at 12:24pm — 3 Comments

Renaissance Festival 2011-Princess Sage

We had a very busy day with so much fun and attention.… Continue

Added by Jane Christensen on September 17, 2011 at 10:46pm — 12 Comments

Kidney failure

Hello from Kanas~

I joined this site last week looking for some kind of hope as my veterinarian diligently searched for the reason my sweet Kinsey was in renal failure.  

She was tested for Addison's, Lepto, given sub q fluids, put on 2 antibiotics and 3 other meds hoping to see some kind of improvement.  Every test result came back negative as her creatinine and phosphorus levels continued to climb higher and higher and she continued losing weight at about a pound a…


Added by Janice Harvey on September 17, 2011 at 10:42pm — 15 Comments

Ralphie's Neutering Woes

It's been 3.5 days since Ralphie got neutered.  The first day he was very restless - he kept moving from one spot to another spot to another with in a few minutes.  Everytime he laid down he let out a groan.  It was so sad. :(  But the good news was that he did very well in terms of not getting sick or having the runs.  He took his medicine like a champ and was able to hold all his food down (though his stomach was making a few gurgling noises).  It was the saddest thing... because he is so…


Added by Ralphie & Sue on September 17, 2011 at 8:08pm — No Comments

Puppy sweater

So my poor little corgi mix Oona get cold very easily. Anything below 65F and she starts shivering and cuddling up to the other dogs... which sometimes they are not in the mood for. Knowing this will be her first true Michigan winter (she was born last Nov, but winter puppies don't spend too much time outside during those months), I decided she needed a sweater.

I was not about to pay $15-25 on a stupid dog sweater!

So without a pattern I decided to crochet a basic sweater…


Added by LaRissa L. Head on September 16, 2011 at 5:37pm — 9 Comments

Out and About

So we hoped into the car Ace into his favorite car ride and i drove into St Helens to get my Sister in Law from my Aunts house :D

low and behold my mom pipes up "theres a corgi next door" so i turn the van around park it *waiting for sis in law* and go over "Hey i have a corgi too" :D lol something i do because its not often i get to see another corgi owner let alone another Corgi :) so i scooped Ace up and toted him in my arms to show the nice gal :D Her little girls name was…


Added by Ace and Jen on September 16, 2011 at 4:37pm — 3 Comments

Growing Up & Getting Smarter!

I finally have my new laptop (yay!), so I'm once again able to browse the 'net and admire all of the corgis here.  Hopefully I'll be able to blog more regularly again, and upload some shots of the ever-growing little pupster!


Ellie is just up over 10 lbs. now and is 20 weeks old.  She goes in for her spay and microchip this next week and then it's a couple of weeks recovery and off to puppy classes!  I had wanted to start classes already, but her shot schedule was a little…


Added by Yuki & Ellie on September 16, 2011 at 10:08am — No Comments

Pippy Fix #2 - The Christmas Cookies

'Twas the night before Christmas

And all through the house

The Dog had eaten all the candy

And was as sick as a louse


My Mom always used to repeat this from time to time, even before we had dogs. Well, it turned out to be true one year...

It was Pippy's first Christmas, and we had yet to learn of her incredible ability to jump about 5 times higher than her withers. So we figured it was perfectly fine to leave the Christmas cookies on the table over…


Added by Pippy & Ralph on September 15, 2011 at 9:20pm — 1 Comment

Puppy Playtime

Today I took Harrison to his very first puppy play group. And he LOVED it! I was happy to finally find some puppies for him to play with since our 3yr chihuahua wants nothing to do with him. He had a great time and the train was happy and surprised how well he took to the other puppies. 

   I'm also very proud of the fact that he is already house trained, I believe 3 or 4 of the other puppies had an accident during playtime. 

 Harrison couldn't make it though the whole hour and…


Added by Harrison & Melyza on September 13, 2011 at 11:23pm — 1 Comment

Corgi needs a home

so sad i would take this corgi in a second, if i could...:(

Added by Christine and Meeko on September 13, 2011 at 8:51pm — 8 Comments

Looking to rescue a corgi

Hello All:

I'm Dominique and have had Bibi for about 4 years now. I think she would like a corgi sibling. If you or someone you know is looking to re-home a corgi, please let me know! I'm a very good corgi-mama (ask Bibi), we go for 2 or 3 walks a day, usually lasting 30-40 minutes and I'm fencing my back yard in next week to allow for plenty of snarky, corgi play.

Added by Dominique on September 13, 2011 at 11:14am — 3 Comments

Help-Thunderstorm panic

We had a new experience last night.  One of our new guys panicked during a thunderstorm.  He clawed at the porch door to get in.  Once he was in, he was ok because the storm wasn't over us.  In the middle of the night, he broke down the gate (we had put both boys in the bathroom with a gate) and panicked until we put him in the bedroom with us.


Any suggestions about how to get him to calm down during a thunderstorm?  I hate to see him so distressed.

Added by Beverly Butler Redford & Tucker on September 13, 2011 at 10:39am — 5 Comments

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