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Wisconsin Corgis

Hey there everyone!

I am new to this site and wanted to know if there are any corgis in Wisconsin on this site. Douglas is 7 months old and has still never met his own kind before. (Besides his litter mates) 

Let me know if you;re in Wisconsin and would like to get together (when the weather warms up obviously)! 

Follow Douglas on instagram at douglas_the_corgi   and #corgisofwisconsin   

Added by Jolene and Douglas on February 17, 2015 at 3:46pm — 5 Comments

Happy Valentine's Day!

Shippo and I hope everyone's having a great V-Day.  We're staying in and ordering a pizza - too COOOOLD and crowded outside. Love to all! <3

Added by Shippo & Koga Corgis on February 14, 2015 at 3:38pm — 8 Comments

Campbell Kills the Beach Ball

Campbell has been terrified of this giant ball since I got her. She would bark and bark at it until I put it away. Then one day, she took it on...and won! Cracked me up that I managed to get the "beach ball assassin" on film...

Added by Deltina Hay on February 13, 2015 at 11:40pm — 5 Comments

Kim <3

Added by Sofia Shchukina on February 13, 2015 at 9:24pm — 2 Comments

Million Dollar Dog

I've seen several posters on here refer to their dogs as “million dollar dogs” and I just wanted to ask to join the club.  Our pembroke, Jerry, has been full of infection since we got him.


The list includes:

  • unknown intestinal distress…


Added by Marina Holshevnikoff on February 13, 2015 at 5:28pm — 4 Comments

Campbell's First Hike

Just a little deeper, please?

The weather is awesome in Austin, and we went on our first official hike today. Campbell is a little over 4 months, and I have been walking her a little more each week as she grows. It seems to be working, since she took on the 1.2 mile mini-hike with no issues. Her pads don't seem…


Added by Deltina Hay on February 8, 2015 at 9:58pm — 6 Comments

Fiona's first snowy winter, January 2009

Added by Sofia Shchukina on February 8, 2015 at 8:48pm — 5 Comments

Foot Pad Pain

I know I already posted about the rock salt used on the walkways where I live but I am stumped again. We have 3+ feet of snow now and it is due to snow for the next four days so we are both limited to walking on the treated areas since the snow is over Sully's head and I have a physical disability that makes it hard to walk in deep snow. The combination of ice, extreme cold and rock salt on the plowed and shoveled areas burns the foot pads. Other dog owners here have resorted to carrying…


Added by Holly on February 7, 2015 at 11:49pm — 5 Comments

Hurt leg Ella was chasing tennis balls on the snow covered lake this morning when suddenly she let out a yelp and now she won't put weight on her back leg.  Anyone have this happen? 

Added by Cindy Lincoln on February 7, 2015 at 4:33pm — 6 Comments

Hands full!

I swear I didn't go MIA! I've just been sooo busy with Nugget, Im sure you all understand.

Scare #2: Nugget has Giardia. Got it from one of Lindsay's new pups. I was FUMING! Very upset. 

Scare #3: Ate an earplug. Oh boy. 200$ in x-rays and induced vomiting, lots of confusion as to if he even ate it or not, poops it out a day later. UGH. 

Progress: Sit, Lay Down, Paw, NO BITE, NO! and thats about it! lol! 

Its been a wild ride but I…


Added by Kristen Nicole on February 7, 2015 at 1:48am — 5 Comments

Anybody here knowledgeable about Pembroke bloodlines?

I have a dog that is likely a Pembroke Welsh Corgi mix (was a shelter dog with no history) but people keep thinking she might be pure. I find that unlikely but if she is pure she must be from some rare bloodline or something! Anybody know of a bloodline with her oddball traits? She's got hardly any white on her chest (and every Corgi I've seen had white at least covering the front of the chest) and her ears are pointed and close together.

Pics: …


Added by Starry on February 4, 2015 at 11:23pm — 15 Comments

Thanks for having us!

Hi Everyone,

Thanks to Sam for approving me, I know you are discerning.

I can't tell y'all how much you have helped me and Campbell get settled over the past couple months. It seemed every time I googled a question, the answer popped up in here. You are a collective wealth of knowledge!

Campbell is settling into life with my little family. She has even charmed my 10 year old cat into playing on occasion.

She is a star wherever we…


Added by Deltina Hay on February 2, 2015 at 8:29pm — 5 Comments

corgi nipping help


I am new to my corgi, and I am hoping I am posting this in the right place.

Long story short, I have a 13 week old puppy and while she does learn pretty quickly, she is also stubborn! The biggest problem we are having is getting her to stop attacking our feet and ankles especially when we are walking. It really hurts, and the tradition techniques of trying to swap a toy out or yelling "ouch!" aren't working. This is especially distressing to my husband who fears…


Added by Hayley Roda on February 1, 2015 at 10:32am — 16 Comments

Looks Sweet, But Giving Me A Run For My Money!

Well...My husband beat me to the punch. Nugget sees him as the alpha dog. He listens to Tony but not me!!! But...He knows that I'm definitely his momma (that can be taken advantage of). Tony mowed the small lawn we have today with our push mower, you should have seen Nugget's ears standing straight up and shaking! hahaha! It was hilarious. He would run towards it like the little runt could actually do something to it, then come run and hide between my legs. Cutie. He seems to tolerate…


Added by Kristen Nicole on January 28, 2015 at 8:17pm — 5 Comments

The First Scare!

Well only 3 days home so far and my little Nugget has roundworms. :( Not happy about that! With his hernia and all I am super paranoid because bloat would be more detrimental in him than others! The poor little guy...I hope he's okay! Just can't seem to get comfy. Maybe that's a puppy thing? I started him on panacur today so hopefully everything goes smoothly. 

For the most part it has! He did very well at the vet, slept most of the time, like he always does! (FOR NOW!) And…


Added by Kristen Nicole on January 27, 2015 at 10:00pm — 9 Comments

Second and First

Ha ha! This morning was searching an old folder on a hard disk, not finding it...but I came across this poem I wrote, years ago, from the point of view of a certain dog:

Second and First


Light comes. 

First Bird has yet to call at the waiting dawn, for dark still hangs in the air. 

Just beyond the coarse wood stake fence, fresh cat reeks, pungent wet in the dust. 


And yes, through the faintly graying quiet comes the careful…


Added by Vicky Hay on January 27, 2015 at 2:29pm — 1 Comment

Las Vegas Corgi for adoption

This Corgi mix is currently being cared for by FUPI (Foreclosed Upon Pets Inc).  My friend that volunteers with FUPI says she's about 18 months old, not well socialized, called Mandy-get in touch with FUPI if anyone is interested in helping her.

Added by Beverly Butler Redford & Tucker on January 26, 2015 at 7:47pm — 2 Comments


Pure puppy bliss! I am so happy and proud to be a corg mommy! What an eventful day our family had yesterday :)

We started our journey at about 11am knowing we had a 3 hour car ride ahead of us to Wittman, AZ! But of course...we had to stop in Goodyear to get a chicken sandwich at Red Robin! Mmm... Living in the middle of nowhere sometimes gets ya realllll excited for normal food! 

Onward! I knew only about 40 minutes away there was a little Nug waiting for me!…


Added by Kristen Nicole on January 25, 2015 at 5:59pm — 7 Comments

It's Been A While...

Since I did an update or even really spoke much for that matter.

It has finally come down to the wire. We thought we were going to be moved in to the new home by January, but now it seems like moving in to the new house in February is going to be the ultimate conclusion. The apartment is mostly empty now and we have only a few more items left to remove from the apartment and the precious cargo of course.

Dodger now has become full aware that there are windows. And…


Added by Autumn and Jonathan on January 25, 2015 at 12:31pm — 2 Comments

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