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Bittersweet <3

The eighth is really bittersweet for me now.

On one hand, I lost my bestest bud in the world a month ago today. On another, I have the most amazing short little four legged dog who I believe stepped into my life at just this time four months ago today to make sure that I still stuck around and saw reason for living, when I may have not thought so otherwise. I know I wouldn't have.…


Added by Zigward & Kimberly on June 8, 2012 at 8:00pm — 4 Comments

Stray attack = suddenly aggressive corgi

5/22/12 A couple of weeks ago (right after we got Dante), Pippa and Dante got attacked by a stray dog on one of our walks. Dante was so scared that he couldn't move, and even peed himself. Pippa seemed to think she was protecting both me and Dante. Ever since then, Pippa has been very confrontational with other dogs. Even when trying to play, she is overly rough and bites/growls more than she used to. During our last walk before bedtime last night, another dog came running straight for us,…


Added by Rachael McClanahan on June 8, 2012 at 12:54pm — 8 Comments

Ma'amite - One Loves or One Hates

Added by Sam Tsang on June 8, 2012 at 9:37am — 1 Comment

So, you all need to go search online for "IKEA Corgi Dog". You will love it. They came out with a Corgi hot dog holder for the diamond jubilee. My question: are they in the US, too? I NEED one! Have …

So, you all need to go search online for "IKEA Corgi Dog". You will love it. They came out with a Corgi hot dog holder for the diamond jubilee. My question: are they in the US, too? I NEED one!
Have a good weekend! Continue

Added by Emily & Scout on June 7, 2012 at 11:06pm — 4 Comments

Moving update

Since it has been a while since I have been on the site I thought I should update everyone on our move.

Our move from PA to FL was very unsuccessful. :( While going through VA our car broke down at 2 AM on the side of the interstate. We were stuck on the side of the road for 3 hours with two Yorkies, a Corgi, two cats, a fish and five people (including my 7 year old sister) until a cop and a tow truck came to our rescue. We made…


Added by Kaitlyn & Chase on June 7, 2012 at 10:44pm — 6 Comments

Corgi Countdown: T-Minus 5 Days

   I finally received pictures from the breeder of the puppies! I have had my email up constantly on my computers for the past week waiting for this. I was surprised that all the puppies appear to be black-headed tris. There are two in particular that caught my interest and they are both males! I'm just waiting for Joe to get home from work to get his opinion :) Obviously the final decision won't be made until I meet the little buggers in person and get a feel for their personality. Five…


Added by Ashley and Zorro on June 7, 2012 at 7:00pm — 5 Comments

Corgis Tearing-Up the House: An Answer from a Dog Trainer

"'Help! My dog is tearing-up my house and I'm ready to kill her!'

This is one of the most common complaints driving people to call a dog trainer. And the cause is almost always the same simple thing: people give their puppies and young dogs too much freedom much too soon.

There's no one best way to train the average dog (contrary to what many author-trainers may tell you in their books). But almost all trainers agree on this: puppies should not have free run of your…


Added by Nancy, Steve, Nathan & Lu on June 7, 2012 at 6:35pm — 1 Comment

Corgi Clothes Sale

Shirts and bandanas are marked down for summer! Order a shirt and get a bandana for free! Just message me the style you want.

Added by Kristin on June 7, 2012 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Stem cell therapy for hip dysplasia.

Maya (my beautiful pembroke) came home from daycare with a limp on Monday. The limp proceeded to get worse throughout the night. Poor Maya could only take a few steps before she had to sit down.

On Tuesday the vet decided it would be a good idea to take xrays. There was no disputing the facts revealed by the xrays. My cute six-year-old Corgi has hip dysplasia.

The hip dysplasia is still minor but will continue to haunt my active girl. The recommended treatment? Glycosamine… Continue

Added by Crystal Williams on June 7, 2012 at 11:23am — 9 Comments

When to neuter?

I've always had female dogs, so i'm not really sure when is a good age to neuter. Charlie is 5 months old now and is potty trained with a few accidents now and then. But in the last week he has gone pee in the house 5 times. And then tonight, he was outside for a few hours(I left the door open) and when I brought him in, he peed on the wood floor right in front of me. He was looking right at me when he did it too. Does this mean he needs to be fixed? I don't think it's a bladder infection. He's… Continue

Added by Katie and Charlie on June 7, 2012 at 2:41am — 5 Comments

Have A Happy Wednesday!

Just a cute post to fuel everyone through the day!  :)  The images have probably long since made their rounds on the 'net, but I felt they were cute enough to repost (even if it's for the thousandth time!)  Hope they give at least a few of you a chuckle and help to brighten your Wednesday.  The weekend is coming!…


Added by Yuki & Ellie on June 6, 2012 at 1:30pm — 1 Comment

Sick as a Dog

Well, I've got a job interview on Friday, so naturally I've fallen ill. My chest feels all heavy and congested, I have a cough and I'm so achy. I think all the stress I've been under lately has finally caught up with my immune system. =\

Healing vibes please? <3

Shippo will be disappointed today, as I won't be taking him out for more than potty breaks. *Goes back to bed*

Added by Shippo & Koga Corgis on June 6, 2012 at 7:51am — 7 Comments

My little growing puppy

Only 1 month and 2 weeks until Scout comes home! My breeder has been updating her website with new photos of the puppies, and it's so lovely to see our future little puppy growing!

Scout 3 weeks…


Added by Janna Banana on June 4, 2012 at 10:20am — 6 Comments

Another good reason to take a corgi hiking with you...

If the corgi can cross the creek so can you. (Perfect Creek Crossing Testers)

And If he won't, you turn around and explore another…


Added by Kathy Losacco on June 3, 2012 at 11:26pm — 7 Comments

Surprise, surprise!

We went down to Galveston at the beginning of May for a weekend getaway. Little did I know I was in for a surprise!

We're planning a Corgi inclusive wedding Summer 2014! :)

Added by Jenny, Tucker, & Zoey on June 3, 2012 at 1:08am — 19 Comments

Corgi Countdown: T-Minus 10 Days

   This post is a result of me lying in bed just thinking about what I have to do before we pick Zorro up, things to buy, and all the activities I want to do with him. So of course it was basically impossible to fall asleep. While I was trying to sleep I randomly said out loud to Joe, "I don't want him to be a beggar, so don't ever give him food at the table or while we're eating!" and Joe thought I was sleep talking because we hadn't been talking about the dog at all hahaha. What I'm really…


Added by Ashley and Zorro on June 3, 2012 at 12:00am — 2 Comments

Great new easy way to give my Bella a pill

My sweet 2 year old Bella has gastroentestinal issues occasionally. Making her take a pill can be quite a chore. We have tried putting in peanut butter soft food etc... Today while at Pet Smart a sales person recommended "Pill Pockets" by Greenies. I bought a bag to try and wow did they ever work great. they are soft treats with a hole in the put the pill or capsule inside the treat and pinch at the end to seal the pill inside. Bella LOVED the treat and the pill was gone! Just… Continue

Added by Bella & Dawn on June 2, 2012 at 6:59pm — 1 Comment

Faery Tails Corgi Jubilee Details


Added by Jill M on June 2, 2012 at 8:46am — No Comments

Puppy fever!

I keep finding myself looking at photos of red and white corgis and daydreaming...But no! I have to resist! Three corgis and three kids would probably drive me bonkers in the small space we have...Once we finally get a house I will start my search for fur baby # 3, but until then I am out of luck. Back to echoing "D'aww" to photos of other people's r/w corgis...

Added by Rachael McClanahan on June 2, 2012 at 4:36am — 1 Comment

Baby & Corgi!

Hi all!

I need little advise...

My due date for my little girl Grace is today, but I am still waiting.

My little boy coby is 5 years old now and i was wondering how the corgi is doing with new born baby?

I trained coby with gate door on my master bedroom since Jan. 01. 2012.  but im not sure if he will be jealous or protective?

Hope he will be good boy with new born baby.

and when should i introduce new born baby to Coby? First day? or week…


Added by JENNY & COBY on June 2, 2012 at 2:35am — 3 Comments

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