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Poop Pups...This is heat breaking

My sister was to pick up her puppy today, but OMG all 9 puppies died in a house fire in Indiana Friday night.  The whole story is so sad, and the kids are so sad.  I wish I had some words, but there are none that come to mind.  Gee-wizz


Added by Amy Nigl Taft on May 20, 2012 at 3:06pm — 10 Comments

Puppy Blues and Sore Paws

Im getting that feeling i got almost 4 years ago... it was what started with me wanting to get Ace.. i refer to it as puppy blues.. and part of me thinks its because I miss buffy and i miss the fact of there being 2! Dogs in the house.. not to mention i feel bad for Ace being left at home with no one to play with while im at School.. I cant take him with me to School with me right now for his safety's sake.. Chemistry Lab and Biology labs... I know they make safety goggles for dogs.. buuut…


Added by Ace and Jen on May 20, 2012 at 2:39pm — 2 Comments

update: dog aggression!

since we got emi, we noticed that aggression with unfamiliar people seemed to be a problem. first night we got home, she was barking at her reflection, my cats, and barking back to the neighbors' (seemingly neglected) dogs. when outside for potty breaks, she would bark at all the cars that drove past as well as people and dogs! 


the barking problem is no longer an issue, but we have definitely noticed she was unfriendly towards other dogs! we knew that socialization was very…


Added by liane, emi, and helix! on May 19, 2012 at 11:07pm — 6 Comments

the "other" puppy; and how we got emi

originally, 5 months ago, i was terribly interested in getting our first dog! billy and i already have 3 cats, so we thought we wouldnt be able to handle a puppy at this time while we are both in school still, and decided to wait until we were out of college. unfortunately, i could not contain myself and somehow talked him into getting our first corgi! 

i searched FOREVER trying to look for a breeder, to look for a corgi, to look for the newest member of our family! i looked around…


Added by liane, emi, and helix! on May 19, 2012 at 1:30am — 6 Comments

almost end of week two!

its almost the end of the second week that emi has become a part of our ever growing family! i thought it was pretty genius to have a blog function on in a way, mycorgi has become such a savior to me these past couple of months! all the preparation for emi, and all the troubleshooting with behaviors and training and miscellaneous things! theres alot of things i cant post on my more personal social outlets like facebook or tumblr, because alot of people really dont…


Added by liane, emi, and helix! on May 18, 2012 at 1:19am — 4 Comments

Corgi Needs a Home!

I saw this on Twitter & thought I would share in case anyone could help!

Added by Sarah ♥'s Sadie on May 17, 2012 at 11:38pm — 3 Comments

Awesome T-Shirt

Check out the cool shirt I just ordered.

It come in all sorts of color choices. I'm getting mine in green.

Here is a link to the ETSY site:…


Added by Geri & Sidney on May 17, 2012 at 9:40pm — 2 Comments

Snickers and Dolly have a Birthday Party 

I don't usually make a big deal of birthdays, but Snickers felt that the big 5 deserved a party. Since we don't know when Dolly's birthday is, Snickers was willing to share her day.

Added by Snickmom on May 17, 2012 at 6:30pm — 2 Comments

Backyard Fun

Summer is upon us here in Arizona so I take Gromit & Sparkle out after the sun is low enough that the backyard is in shade. They get about 10 minutes of playtime to frap, wrestle, or mess around with the agility course before the heat gets to them.

Let the games begin!…


Added by Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug on May 17, 2012 at 6:18pm — 4 Comments

salmonella outbreak

Not sure if any posted it just found out today.outbreak on diamond food and other food :-D <3 u

Added by leslie on May 17, 2012 at 3:08pm — 1 Comment

Second Anniversary

I've had Waffle for 2 years today!

What would I do without him?  Oh goodness.  I don't even want to think about how different my life would be.  

He was with me for graduation this past weekend.  Oh, to think of all the milestones he'll be with me for in the future!  

It's a big world, Waffle, buddy.  Let's go…


Added by Rachael & Waffle on May 16, 2012 at 10:30pm — 7 Comments

Vet check up

Went for a check up yesterday, rabies vaccination, revolution for flees ticks etc and heart worms. As for the bladder stones, only one left the others dissolved as well as the crystals. I had to pull his food, since the company diamond had a massive salmonella problem. Though I did find a much better food =)

Added by Toboe on May 16, 2012 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

5 months old in 1 day !

So on the second day we got Coco she broke one of her Canine's. She has been on antibiotics since and will finally get it out tomorrow.  She will also be getting spayed. Coco will also be getting her last set of shots and rabies vaccine.  I'm so excited and can not wait to take her to the dog park and relieved she won't have to live with this broken tooth.  She will be…


Added by Coco on May 16, 2012 at 8:14pm — 1 Comment

Too Much Barking!!!

My dog has the loudest bark ever for such a little dog. I've been able to tolerate it, but sometimes he gets in a barking fit where every little thing sets him off. It gets kind of annoying after a while, usually after the 15th time of me sternly telling him to stop, he gets it.

My main problem is going to be…


Added by Shelbi Hart on May 16, 2012 at 1:45am — 8 Comments

New Babies...and More

     It has been a while since I have written a blog. I apologize. We got Huey and Taffey on Friday, May 4. On Sunday the 6th, my dad died, and the following week was more than hectic--sister coming in from California, arrangements, going back home for the burial, etc. We had to leave the babies for a whole day, which was NOT easy. Our neighbor, a great lady, spent most of the day with them, and they have really come to love her. She comes over almost daily to the fence that divides our…


Added by Randy DeJaynes on May 15, 2012 at 10:22pm — 11 Comments

Sidney's Renaissance Faire Adventure

Last weekend, a couple of my kids and I took Sidney to our local twice-a-year Renaissance Faire.

Let me tell you, Faire Folk just LOVE the Corgwn! Everyone wanted to keep him, or feed him, or offer him a drink of water.


Here are some of the photos from our day:







Arrooo, I'm a Sea…


Added by Geri & Sidney on May 15, 2012 at 7:30pm — 3 Comments

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