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Cherry Blossoms 2008

The cherry blossoms are in full bloom in Washington, DC and we walked all around the tidal basin today. Pictures of a happy corgi to follow.

Added by Jessica on April 5, 2008 at 6:08pm — No Comments

2 corgi meetups tomorrow (WA,CA)

Marymoor Meetup
Sunday, April 6 at 10:00AM
At least 26 Corgi Owners & Lovers.
Marymoor off-leash Dog Park
Kirkland WA 98033

Huntington Beach Corgis Meeting
Sunday, April 6 at 10:00AM

Added by Sam Tsang on April 5, 2008 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Teething update.

Zephyr only has ONE puppy front tooth. The fangs are still there, but all of the little front teeth have fallen out except for one loner dangling by a vessel. You can see her big girl teeth are already starting to come in! I'm sooo surprised how fast the process is. It's only been like 5 days and she's already growing new teeth in! Those are the most obvious ones, I'm sure she's getting new molars in too, but I wouldn't know the difference and it's not as cute as her gap-tooth grin.

Added by Emily Schroeder on April 5, 2008 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

New Group In Town

Party Corgi's
there's a new group in town and thier Party Animals! Anyone can join so feel free to join. We're bound to have lot's of fun.

Added by Melosimine on April 4, 2008 at 4:58pm — 2 Comments

My corgi is scheduled for his first birthday today!

My corgi breeder has scheduled a C-Section for her girl today, I'm awaiting the news and holding my breath. I took a 2 hour drive to meet her and her corgis last Sunday and that went very well. She has 8 corgis ages between 2 years and 9 years. They were all very sweet. I cannot wait to get the news. I will post pictures as soon as I get them! Hooray!

Added by John Isler on April 4, 2008 at 3:48pm — 2 Comments

2 corgi meetups tomorrow (NC,FL)

The St. Petersburg Corgi Meetup - April Meetup & Anniversary Picnic
Saturday, April 5 at 11:00AM
At least 21 Corgi Owners & Lovers.
John Chesnut Sr. Park
2200 East Lake Road
Palm Harbor FL 34685

Corgi Meetup at Raleigh's Oakwood Dog Park

Saturday, April 5 at 10:00AM
Oakwood Dog Park
910 Brookside Dr Raleigh, NC
Raleigh NC 27604

Added by Sam Tsang on April 4, 2008 at 8:45am — No Comments

First pic of my first corgi

I just got a few pictures from my breeder. Our corgi is 9 days old today!

Added by wendulik on April 4, 2008 at 2:42am — 8 Comments

Bailey the Terminator

Okay - it took having this nutty puppy to make me "blog". Swore I never would but hey... you never know what you'll do! I spent today off and on trying to catch that boy with his ears both up - of course, he'd never do it when the camera's around. One of these days I'm going to catch him at the right minute - until then I'll be massaging his ears to get them to stand up all the time.

He's an odd little guy - shine a flashlight in his face and one eye (the dappled one) always flashes… Continue

Added by Casey on April 3, 2008 at 11:36pm — 1 Comment

Choking Corgi - help us avoid this!

Lincoln eats sooooo fast (I personally think he just inhales it rather than chew).

The other day he was done and he started choking - by the time I got from the other room to the kitchen he had stopped. I think he scared himself a bit.

Tonight he was eating dinner and he started to choke in the middle of it. He looked up at Eric with his ears back and ran to him. Eric pressed on his belly to try and release it ... he finally spit it up in his mouth.

How can we… Continue

Added by Lincoln is Corgilicious on April 3, 2008 at 9:01pm — 4 Comments

Big (Kitty) brother wants some attention too...

So Hunter and Layla's big brother, Jagger, has heard all about the mycorgi community and wanted to say hi even though he isn't a corgi - or a dog at all! Jagger has been amazing with the puppies. He plays with them gently, has never swiped, hissed, or even arched his back at them, and will even sit at the border of their play area and gently push them back in when they try to escape! What a wonderful big brother! So he wanted to show you some pictures of himself.…


Added by CassieD44 on April 3, 2008 at 8:21pm — No Comments

They're beginning to look a lot like Corgis!

Hunter and Layla are nine weeks old tomorrow! Layla's left ear has been slowly standing up and the right one popped up yesterday, and Hunter's don't seem to be far behind, so they look more like corgis now. =) Here are some pictures!

Now it's bathtime for dirty puppies...I'm putting more pictures up with the other pics from a few weeks ago, so check… Continue

Added by CassieD44 on April 3, 2008 at 7:58pm — 3 Comments

Elvis had a reaction to the shots :(

His eyebrow area on his left side swelled up, and thankfully my husband and I were watching him closely last evening, and we got on the phone with a friend of ours who is a vet tech and she said to give him a dose of benedryl, and watch him closely cause if he gets hives and swells more it could cut off his breathing and go in to anaphalactic (sp?) shock, so freaked out, we gave him a dose, an hour later swelling went away, thank goodness! He is all better now!

Added by Jason&Amanda on April 3, 2008 at 10:38am — 1 Comment

Elvis and his friends at the vet

Elvis had his shots for the second time in his life (he's only a little over a year lol) and he was a TROOPER! We are watching him closely for swelling and such so hopefully everything is fine there. We also took him to a new dog groomer/ pet spa here in town with a big resort area for the dogs to run and play together in and he wanted to sniff them all so bad! lol. It was a busy day for him today, shots, met new friends (boxers, they were so cute!)got nails clipped, and helped dad tune up the… Continue

Added by Jason&Amanda on April 2, 2008 at 9:06pm — No Comments

Spa Day!

Bryson was the lucky boy chosen by his groomer as her store's VIPet of the week!

With VIPet-hood comes an super-duper pampering spa day, just look at him enjoying the refreshing cucumber eye treatment.

And how come I've never won "Customer of the Anything" anywhere??! There are definitely benefits of being a cute… Continue

Added by Ivy & Bryson on April 2, 2008 at 6:30pm — 12 Comments

Another tooth!

Zephyr must've lost the second one last night because I checked this morning and the tooth right next to yesterday's hole is gone! If she keeps going at this rate soon she's not going to have any front teeth!

Secretly I know that the white kitty must be knocking them out. That's why Muffle looks so smug every time she walks by Zephyr's kennel.

Added by Emily Schroeder on April 2, 2008 at 2:12pm — 2 Comments

New puppy video update! Sweet!

I was sent a new video of my pup at the breeder. His face is so dark, hard to imagine that he is even a Corgi. Cheez-it is the one she calls "James's puppy". I like the updates, thats a thoughtfull breeder. I hope he starts to lighten up so I can see what pattern he is going to have. He is supposed to be a red/white but I am thinking he is sabled.

Added by James on April 2, 2008 at 11:32am — 5 Comments

Emmy's 1st day of Doggie Daycare = 1 tired Corgi!!

Today was Emmy's first full day at Doggie Daycare. Her "teachers" said she had a great time. There are two other corgi's there, and I am told that Emmy loves to herd the other dogs around all day. She is totally exhausted right now... I sort of feel bad but I know she had a blast... how pathetic is this sleepy picture... Poor baby. She'll sleep well tonight!… Continue

Added by Tracie & Emmy on April 1, 2008 at 8:47pm — 6 Comments


Zephyr lost her first tooth today! Or at least the first one that's noticable, lol. It's one of the front bottom ones. Gives her a cute gap tooth smile! I know this is just the first step into the chewing everything phase, but I'm happy because I think it's a big milestone.

Added by Emily Schroeder on April 1, 2008 at 2:41pm — 2 Comments

San Diego Humane Society Walk for Animals

Hello from Sidney!

Whew, I'm still pretty tired from the Big Walk we had yesterday. It was lots of fun, and I'm excited because we're going to take another one! This one is for the San Diego Humane Society, where they help all kinds of dogs and cats and other animals!

This walk os going to be at Mission Bay, which is part of the Ocean. I've never been to the Ocean, but I hear it is really cool, even if the water tastes funny. I can't wait to see for myself. Hey, I wonder… Continue

Added by Geri & Sidney on April 1, 2008 at 2:19am — No Comments

Canine Good Citizen


I have never posted a blog before but here goes...

Writing to brag a little about my corgi boy "Clive". We went through 2 obedience classes since I got Clive, a rescue corgi, in September 2007. This past weekend he took and passed the Canine Good Citizen test offered through the AKC. It's a wonderful feeling to have a well behaved dog and Clive and I have bonded tremendously through these classes. He does all the work, I just hold the leash!

If you have not taken any… Continue

Added by Liz Thompson on March 31, 2008 at 10:30am — 11 Comments

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