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Goodbye Emmett!

It's been 2 weeks since Emmett came into my life, I'm very thankful that I got to spend some quality time with him, I've learnt that sometimes we just need a little TLC, a second chance. I'm so glad that Emmett will be loved by his new family, plus a Boston Terrier sister and a Greyhound Brother :) You will be missed Emmett!

Added by Sam Tsang on June 13, 2009 at 5:00pm — 14 Comments

Cute factor

OK, has got to be the cuteist one in the world everyone is so cute.You are all so very beautiful and smart but then again you are Corgi! My Sheltie friend wants to be Corgi. I am passing on Corgi love to her.

Added by Kitty Kirwin on June 13, 2009 at 4:55pm — 4 Comments


Don't forget Twitter's Its #pawpawty weekend for all anipals send out your love if you can.Have a wonderful weekend!

Added by Kitty Kirwin on June 13, 2009 at 4:45pm — No Comments

Daisy: Post-Op day 1

Dear Weeders

Miss Daisy spent a peaceful night in her recliner chair nest in the bedroom wif all the rest of us fambly. She rested well and is enjoying her special foods . . .Momma boughted her a bunch of baby food so she will not have to chew anything tough. Glad there is special foods like dat! We wants to do eberyfing possible so dat she will heal pwoperly.

Me and Riley, whom Momma hasn't interduced pwoperly yet cuz of all the busyness around here lately, we iz… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on June 13, 2009 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Baby Pics

Introducing Zorro and Ranger!! They are sooos cute and sweet! Had their tails docked yesterday so they greatly resemble hamsters right now. My girls keep bugging me about when they're going to "get fun!" Won't be three weeks they will have eyes open, be developing personalities, and staggering around on their chubby little legs. Can't wait!… Continue

Added by Luann Shipman on June 13, 2009 at 1:45pm — 3 Comments

Daisy had a 2nd surgery today

Dear Weeders

Today was an unhappy day here. Daisy's doctor called yesterday to see how she was doing and asked Momma if Daisy's eye had started tearing when she ate as it should be doing. Since there wasn't much and since there were other signs that Daisy needed to be looked at to be sure she was doing ok, Momma drove her down to Greensboro this morning.

The doctor found that there was a leak in the repositioned salivary duct. So Daisy had to have surgery to fix that… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on June 12, 2009 at 10:00pm — 12 Comments

Corgis Go To School

Back in May, we took the pack to Gilles Sweet Elementary School and visited a few classrooms to teach the kids more about the Corgi and how to care for them and their puppies. Of course the dogs were a hit and were exceptionally well behaved. Teachers and staff were a little nervous at first when kids started to bombard the dogs after each discussion and question and answers but soon learned that the Corgi thrived on the kids and couldn't get enough of their affection. It was a fun, successful… Continue

Added by Wendt Worth Corgi's on June 12, 2009 at 2:24pm — 13 Comments


Well, today Morna is at the vet's getting spayed. I feel like a nervous mom all over again! It feels odd to just drop her off and then come home and wait until someone calls... I'm used to sitting waiting for news just as soon as it's available from the surgeon, or whatever, when one of my human kids has any kind of procedure done! I don't like this sitting at home, even though I know that a/ there is nothing I can do even if I stayed at the vet's office; b/they will call with news about how… Continue

Added by Edie on June 12, 2009 at 10:27am — 8 Comments

Corgi hair trimmed.How long does it take to grow back?

Zoey had her rear end shaved alittle about 4 monthes ago and it has barely started to grow back in tuffs,not smooth. I'm almost sorry I had It done.I also heard that corgi's have a bit of a sheading problem but so far Zoey hasn't .She is barely a year old.

Added by julie on June 11, 2009 at 7:04pm — 8 Comments

pictures squashed!!!

Why are my photos suddenly squashed in the groups? It is happening to mine as well as other peoples. It used to be fine bur recently changed. They are not that way on my page?? Help, I am techi challenged as it is!!

Added by Bev Levy on June 11, 2009 at 6:09pm — 6 Comments

Puppies are here!

Well, Wynter had her puppies on Tuesday...but unfortunately, the majority of the litter apparently needed a few more days. Five out of seven puppies were stillborn. But enough sad...Wynter is doing just fine and we have two of the cutest little boys you ever saw! They are almost identical and we have to look close to tell them apart. They will both be red and whites or sables (they're too tiny to tell right now) and they have awesome markings. They both have very symmertical white all around… Continue

Added by Luann Shipman on June 11, 2009 at 4:06pm — 3 Comments

I survived my first camping trip!

Thursday morning mom started packing some of my stuff. I started getting worried that we were moving again since we've done it a few times already in the last year so I huddled against her and pouted till she petted me and reassured me. I knew something was really up when Auntie Sarah came and we loaded up in the car.

It was a nice hour and a half of wagging my tongue at the world out the window.

When we arrived at this place it was full of round little houses and all my… Continue

Added by Avyon on June 11, 2009 at 3:30pm — 4 Comments

Sable or Red?

I'm trying to figure out if Beni is a light sable, or just a red and white. (The breeder thought he'd be sable). He does have intermittent black hairs (maybe 1 out of 200) in his coat, as well as black hairs dotting the back of his ears. But, he doesn't have any of the obvious signs of being sable, like the monk's cap, or a dark patch on his rear. Can anyone offer me some insight? I've got tons of pictures of him here:

Added by Beni on June 11, 2009 at 1:01pm — 6 Comments


Well, Miso has been home for a little under two weeks now! She's a great little puppy! Everyone loves her, and what's even better, she loves everyone (even the vet...for now! We'll see what she thinks of him after she goes in for her shots the week after next)! Potty training and crate training is going well, she hasn't had nearly as many accidents as I expected!

She's a very sweet little puppy. Spoiled rotten already, though! We have one heck of a time getting her to eat out of a… Continue

Added by Ashley Kelty on June 11, 2009 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

Attached At the Hip

So Optimus is just over 6 months old now. So far he's been a great puppy (with a few minor exceptions), but the one thing that stands out most is his desire to be around me and Hilliary. If one of us gets up and walks into another room, he follows. If we move from the couch to our desks, he follows. He even has the habit of getting under your feet, so you practically fall trying not to step on him. He's such an affectionate little guy, we love him so much :)… Continue

Added by Matt & Hilliary on June 11, 2009 at 10:03am — 8 Comments

Joshua Update

I realized that I haven't posted here much recently, so it seems to be time for an update on my baby, Joshua!

Two months ago I got laid off from my job. The bright side of this otherwise not-so-bright situation was that I'd have lots of time to be with Joshua this spring. I had plans for lots of play time, lots of walks, and lots of trips to his favorite local dog park.

Unfortunately a week later during one of our visits to the park, Joshua slipped while jumping over a big… Continue

Added by Sarah on June 11, 2009 at 12:17am — 12 Comments

Corgis on Good Eats! (No...not as food, silly!)

My favorite cooking show, Good Eats, featured some cardis chasing a mailman (about 30s in)! Good going Alton. I like you even more… Continue

Added by Melissa on June 11, 2009 at 12:00am — 1 Comment

Ashaya and Oliver's pupies are here!

Last night Ash had her puppies, after 14 hours of labor and lots of coffee, we got 5 adorable little girls! 2 red and white and 3 tris. they are so cute!! We took them to the vet and he said they were fat and very healthy. Ash did so great, she cares for the babies well and has lots of milk.

I have been feeding both parents a raw diet for a few months now, what a difference it has made in there health. I believe it had a lot to do with the puppies good health as well. they will also… Continue

Added by Tekozi on June 10, 2009 at 11:35pm — 3 Comments

Daisy is Home!!

Dear Weeders

Momma took Daisy to the doctor this morning for her surgery. It was an early morning trip. An' Daisy didn't like riding for the first 30 minutes; she shivered and was scared. But after Momma petted her a bunch an' talked wif her, Daisy wents to sleep, whitch was verwy good.

Momma got Daisy to the hospital about 8:45 and den Momma spended the day in Winston-Salem trying not to worry so much. She tried to distract herself by going to PetSmart an' she boughted us… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on June 10, 2009 at 8:30pm — 2 Comments

Genetic Research on Tameness

Source: Live Science

Apparently, scientists are beginning to identify gene regions that effect tameness, or an animal's willingness to tolerate and seek out human contact.

I wonder if this research could be used to help correct some breeds that have had some aggression bred into them. If you can identify tameness through genetic markers, than can genetic markers help you find out which will tolerate… Continue

Added by Sarah C. on June 10, 2009 at 8:25pm — No Comments

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