All Blog Posts (7,710)

Sidney's First Birthday

Today is the big day. Our baby boy Sidney is one year old! To celebrate, we took a nice long walk through the neighborhood, then we had birthday cake! We had gone to a local doggie boutique and bought a doggie birthday cake. It is carrot cake with peanut butter frosting, made with no white flour or sugar. All three of our dogs (and my kids) liked it a lot. It was so cute, decorated with little milk-bone cookies.

We bought Sid a couple toys too. One is just a fuzzy dot that squeeks,… Continue

Added by Geri & Sidney on July 11, 2008 at 9:03pm — 6 Comments


So today makes it one month and 11 days till little Zero gets to come home. Time is going by much faster than I ever expected which is good or I would probably go crazy by now. Plus on a happy note I figured out that I'll be able to go see Zero for the 6 week visit right around my b-day :o) He'll be 6 weeks on Aug. 3rd and I turn 24 on Aug. 7th so that cheered me up a bit. Well I guess I rambled on enough. Happy trails....

Added by Dannielle on July 11, 2008 at 8:44pm — 3 Comments

Not really a blog more of a time line

this week on 7/7/08 Ginja jumped into the pool for the first time on her own. Not only did she surprise us but she surprised herself !! I wish I had my camera !

7/12/08 Ginja went swimming with Nugget, then they rolled in the grass and dirt and jumped back in the pool to clean up !

Well this weekend brought Ginja a new friend and an old one - Sabby came over on saturday 7/19 but did not swim. I think he caught Ginja's eye ! Then on sunday Nugget came to visit once again… Continue

Added by Melissa & Gary on July 11, 2008 at 1:00pm — No Comments

The Cheez-it Trauma incident.

Well, today we went for a walk at a rather unusual time for Cheez. This time during the day the lawn people and other city workers are about and I usually time it so that Cheez-it is inside to escape the over-excitement. Unfortunately today he had to go out, so we went for a walk as it was such a nice day. We reach a point down the street where a little construction has been going on the last few days. There are various piles of wood, blocks, and other this-and-thats laying about. Next to the… Continue

Added by James on July 11, 2008 at 11:32am — 8 Comments

6 Week Meet

Today is the day that I get to visit Banzai. I cannot take him home till 2 more weeks. I am so excited I can hardly think straight. I have his bag ready and packed with goodies. I left Celeste an e-mail letting her know when we are heading out, and to contact me on my cell. Oh my gosh we are leaving in an hour! I can't take it! *squeals and runs in circles*

I promise to take video and lots of pictures. The camera is fully charged and in my bag. I'm wondering if I should bring… Continue

Added by FuzzyButt on July 11, 2008 at 6:59am — 2 Comments

Chewing on Wood Corners and Other Bad Habits

Izzie seems to have developed a habit of chewing on the woodwork now. I give her so many options with toys to chew on, but it seems she gets bored of the toys and heads for the corners! Ahhhh! We sprayed the bitter apple on stuff but that doesn't seem to have stopped her. We don't know if the bitter apple spray is too old (almost a decade, from when we had Lily as a puppy) or it just doesn't bother her. Is there another way to stop her from chewing on the wood?? I guess we'll try and buy newer… Continue

Added by Rachel on July 10, 2008 at 8:37pm — 3 Comments Breaking NEWS


Added by Sam Tsang on July 10, 2008 at 6:59pm — 1 Comment

Emergency Surgery

Leon had to go in for surgery early this morning. I'm at my wits end with everything that has been happening around me, but that's a completely different story. He somehow got ahold of and swallowed a sewing needle, with some thread attached. Another strike against carpet. When I get a house, it's damn well going to have wood or tile flooring. As soon as the x-ray was shown to me, before he even said a word, I knew exactly what it was and started bawling. That was one of my worst nightmares,… Continue

Added by Cam on July 10, 2008 at 6:30pm — 3 Comments

"If I didn't have dogs"

(not written by me, but I loved it and wanted to share)

If I didn't have dogs

I could walk around the yard barefoot in safety.

My house could be carpeted instead of tiled and laminated.

All flat surfaces, clothing, furniture, and cars would be free of hair.

When the doorbell rings, it wouldn't sound like a kennel.

When the doorbell rings, I could get to the door without wading through fuzzy bodies who beat me… Continue

Added by Geri & Sidney on July 10, 2008 at 4:00pm — 5 Comments

Bully Sticks - WOW

Holy Canolli!

I went to the store to buy bully sticks because I'd heard people raving about them.

My Corgi puppy, who plows through nylabones in 20 minutes or less, massacres greenies (which then massacre her insides), has demolished every dentabone and busy bone known to man, has been working on this bully stick for the past hour and a half and has not even gotten an inch in.

She was a little wary of the new taste at first, but I put a pinky smear of peanut butter on it first… Continue

Added by Sarah C. on July 10, 2008 at 3:30pm — 4 Comments

Portable crate from Bed Bath & Beyond

Hey guys, just got an ad in the mail, There is a "portable pet house" for $19.99 at Bed Bath & Beyond, you can easily take $5-10 Off with a coupon, looks like a pretty good deal for a temporary crate. (Yes, I'm a guy and I shop)

Added by Sam Tsang on July 10, 2008 at 2:49pm — 1 Comment


The day Gizmo came to our family ,the sister of restaurant owner brought him to me" his former name Spotty"

Added by Gizmo on July 10, 2008 at 12:51pm — 1 Comment

dog eye problem - wahh gotta wait until tomorrow for VET!

i think my dog has conjunctivitis .. hes getting white pus coming out of the inner eye =(

poor thing, too bad the doctor closed about an hour ago, sigh. i gotta wait 12 hours before i can call the vet and take him in for a check up.

hrm, he has conjunctivities. doctor gave him some bacitrin/neomycin/polymyxic + hydrocortisone opthalmic oinyment - its better already!

Added by Linda and Kaijuu Le on July 9, 2008 at 10:00pm — 2 Comments

My New Rescue Dog Sully!

Here is my new rescue dog Sully. He is 4 years old - a corgi mix - he is named after Sully the big blue monster in Monsters, Inc. He is the sweetest dog ever! So far so good at home and with Ruby!

Added by Donna J. Williams on July 9, 2008 at 6:50pm — 10 Comments

Wine Tasting and Surfing with the Boys

What do you do with your corgis when it's summer time in the San Francisco Bay Area? You go wine tasting with them and you take them surfing. :)

We didn't think wine-tasting and dog-outings are compatible either, until we recently discovered a couple of wineries in Livermore, CA, that not only are dog-friendly, but also allow us to take our dogs to the barrel room in the back to do some barrel tasting! We all had such a blast,… Continue

Added by Ivy & Bryson on July 8, 2008 at 7:11pm — 2 Comments

Izzie Announcing

I've had Izzie for a little more than two weeks now. I've failed to really blog about my experiences since we've been so busy with taking care of her and then Lily got really sick with some diarrhea so I was running back and forth between home and vet appointments. Glad to say Lily is back to her easy going self and Izzie is well, a perky little ball of energy! Unfortunately for my mum, Izzie seems to only listen to me. When I take Izzie out to poop and piddle she listens and will do as told.… Continue

Added by Rachel on July 8, 2008 at 6:17pm — No Comments

kaley~corgi USDAA agility (standard run) ----- does it her way, but i still "WIN" even if we NQ!

Yes, how is it that i win and we NQ, did not qualify! Quite simply, kaley corgi stays on the field for 139.90 seconds, rather than the 72 seconds allowed and fraps to her hearts content ------------ refusing the "TABLE" obstacle.

no, i did not fall, but i thought if i got down on her level, she would get on the table! she does eventually, but runs off, a big tease! I tried to tease too by saying, "wanta cookie?"

She… Continue

Added by sandra on July 8, 2008 at 4:00pm — 4 Comments

Kirby passed K9 Kindergarden!!

We have been very busy with all of lifes twists and turns, I feel bad I have not been able to get on the site and post new pictures of Kirby lately. Tonight I wanted to take a second and brag about my baby. Kirby passed K9 kindergarden in 4 weeks!! He is such a smart dog. The class was 6 weeks long but we had to miss week 4 because of our family vacation. Week 5 when we came back to class the teacher offered to everyone a chance to graduate early. I thought Kirby had a great time at class and… Continue

Added by Heather on July 8, 2008 at 12:03am — 1 Comment

a dear corgi's death

my boyfriend of 6 year's name was matt.

my little bear just knows him as daddy.

we broke up this january from being together since december 2001. he's still cool by me though, no hard feelings.

to be honest (i can't believe i'm saying this on the CORGI website, haha!) i've never liked corgis (till i got mine). the reason for this was cause matty had a corgi named gizmo. gizzy was an integral part of his family's life, and adored by all. he and i always got… Continue

Added by Little Bear on July 7, 2008 at 11:20pm — 6 Comments

Camping Trip

Actually this blog will probably be about more than just camping, since I haven't written in awhile. So if it's lengthy, I apologize!

Penny is doing great! Her ears are up, they've been up for about a week or two now.

Of my 3 cats, the one that she has the biggest, on-going conflict with is Guy. I think maybe Guy is just a big bully, and when I say big, I mean that literally since he is 20 lbs. And he's not fat, well not too fat, he could probably stand to lose a couple of… Continue

Added by Caitlin on July 7, 2008 at 4:50pm — 4 Comments

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