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Does anyone else wonder what is going through Corgi minds when they are Frapping? It always makes me laugh because the girls will be sitting there not doing ANYTHING and all of a sudden start running around the house like maniacs, jumping on each other and making crazy noises! They play so rough with each other sometimes people think they are It's the worst when I am laying on the bed and they come and jump on the bed, jump off me, back down onto the floor and keep going!

Added by *Samantha* on July 7, 2008 at 4:38pm — 6 Comments

Greatest American Dog - Coming July 10th on CBS


Added by Sam Tsang on July 7, 2008 at 9:00am — No Comments

New Dog Park fun!

Hi everyone, it's Sidney the corgi!

Today we went to check out another dog park. See, our town does not have a leash-free park, so we get to drive to other towns and see what their parks are like.

Today we went to a park in Rancho Bernardo. It's about 20 minutes from home, but it was worth the time spent in the car! It was a nice big area, divided into three areas: one for big dogs, one for small dogs, and one for all dogs. We went to play in the all dogs area. I had such a… Continue

Added by Geri & Sidney on July 7, 2008 at 3:05am — No Comments

first day at the dog park

i finally took kaijuu to a dog park .. yes i know i should have done it sooner, but the occasion just never arised!

turns out i was worrying over nothing. he was sooo friendly with all the other "under 40lbs" dog (separate areas for big and lil dogs). he greeted every body and every dog ... not to mention he was quite the hunk for the other cute girl corgi ;)

i wish the dog park i took him too had more shade and real grass!!! it was just astro turf ...

and to… Continue

Added by Linda and Kaijuu Le on July 6, 2008 at 9:30pm — 3 Comments

Petsmart Online Coupon Code

If anyone is going to shop Petsmart online, here's a few coupon codes:

15% off $65 Petsmart Coupon Code SAVEJUL [Exp. 07/31]

$5 off $15 Petsmart Coupon Code WELCOME5 [Exp. 12/31] or PAW5OFF15M

$10 off $50 Petsmart Coupon Code NEXTTEN

$15 off $100 Petsmart Coupon Code PETPERKS

Free 6" Loofa dog w/any order Petsmart Coupon Code BOBO [Exp. 07/06]

Added by Sam Tsang on July 6, 2008 at 7:33pm — 3 Comments


Today we all went to Mt. Trashmore to walk. The dogs were so excited and wanted to run all over the place. It has been a boring weekend for them because we have either been out or it has been stormy. The thing I don't understand is WHY? do they have to poop 3 times EACH when we go there? Like they have been holding it in all weekend or something. There were not a lot of people there so that was fun, and Maya was scared of the water bottle we were trying to give them water from. Typical. Oh… Continue

Added by *Samantha* on July 6, 2008 at 4:46pm — 3 Comments


Today I was petting my Corgi and looking at her skin, since we've been having some food allergy issues with her I've been on the look out for scabby patches or flaky spots, and what did I find? Argh!! A flea!

I thought, "Well, She's on Sentinel, she probably just picked one up at the Dog Park. No big deal." And I smooshed it.

I continued on my look over and near her butt fluff, I find another flea. Agh! Smoosh.

I JUST gave her the Sentinel, so I go over and read the box. It says… Continue

Added by Sarah C. on July 6, 2008 at 1:43pm — 2 Comments

Week 3 Photo!

Yeah! I just recieved and posted the phoo of my pup at 3 weeks. It was taken yesterday July 4th, 2008! Looks like he will grow up to be hansom!

Added by Justin Nelson on July 6, 2008 at 12:28am — 2 Comments

"Best week ever" and Corgi's

I know, 2 posts in one week! Unlike me, let alone on the same day. But I just read this awesome article from the "Best week Ever" show's website. It has Corgi's in it, as well as some other mutts!

Added by James on July 6, 2008 at 12:00am — 1 Comment

How Buttercup Performs The "Wave"

Many of you have been asking me how to train your Corgi to do the "Wave". First of all, we never trained Buttercup. He totally taught himself when he was younger. When we adopted him, he started doing it the first evening when I was chopping up vegetables for dinner. Every time I gave him a carrot, he would do it again.

We noticed that he would do it to get attention, as when my husband and I were talking and he felt left out of the conversation. It progressed to his improptu wave… Continue

Added by Butter on July 5, 2008 at 8:35pm — 2 Comments

Oh dog park finally!

Finally finished with his shots I took Cheez-it to the dogpark. It's huge and I think he had a blast. Here is an example of it's hugeness.

I was suprised at his amazing off-leash abilities. He stayed near me almost the entire time, when the girls working at the desk held him while I took the pamphlets/wallet ect. out to the car he was very good until I came back when he started flapping his stubby arms in my direction and gladly jumped from… Continue

Added by James on July 5, 2008 at 7:24pm — 11 Comments

Barking at children

My corgi Miles has gotten into a habit of barking/herding children. We don't have children of our own, so when the occassion arises at a friend's BBQ or at a dog park, he will bark and scare small children. When it happens I pick him up and bring him over to the children to show them how to greet a dog properly, but it is still embarrassing. Any suggestions? Have you had to deal with your corgi on this issue? Thanks!

Added by Jen Hajdu on July 5, 2008 at 4:19pm — 3 Comments

Greenies & Nylabone Clones of Greenies

Man, my poor puppy was so sick off these Green chewables the other day. I tried to give it to her and she turned up her nose to it. I should have taken her advice because she's a corgi (and thus knows everything), but I put some peanut butter on it and coaxed her to chew it.
She worked on it during the course of the day, and by the end she was having soft poops of a vibrant green. She was very unhappy, as was I at having to wipe green poop off of her stubby butt.

Added by Sarah C. on July 5, 2008 at 7:13am — 2 Comments

A new friend for Gus!

Hello, friends! I haven't updated in awhile, so I thought I'd fill everyone in. After Sandy passed away, Gus was so sad and depressed, and just not himself. Well, we all were. After some serious consideration, we decided to get a new puppy. While we would have loved to get another corgi, we were in a bit of a hurry (since we are all mostly home in the summer, it is the ideal time to get a new pup) so we decided to adopt a puppy. We got a beautiful little mixed breed that we have named "Pearl"… Continue

Added by Wynne Phillips on July 4, 2008 at 8:48pm — 6 Comments

My Garden Buddy

I'm hoping she'll be my garden buddy and so far she follows me all around while I'm clipping and watering. She'll need to be trained not to eat my plants, among other things and I'm starting to watch the Dog Whisperer!

She's learning "No" mostly about things she shouldn't chew, and also she's having some success with her 'potty spot'.

It's so funny when we say No...No, nooo. to everything she wants to chew. and she lies down in a huff and looks up at me with… Continue

Added by Maggie May on July 4, 2008 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Independence Day of a different sort

Hi gang,

My dear Deion's DM has been progressing rapidly. I have tried two different carts for the last six weeks with little to no success. It is heartbreaking to watch the decline of such a proud and kind fellow who has shared my life for near 10 years.

This past Tuesday gave me quite a scare. Deion didn't get up at all. He laid under the bed from early morning until early evening. He just seemed worried. I picked him up and brought him outside at this time and he just wouldn't… Continue

Added by Sam on July 4, 2008 at 2:42pm — 6 Comments

Educated Puppies!

Hunter and Layla graduated from Puppy Kindergarten last night!!! =) They had to pass a final, involving everything we've learned over the last 8 weeks of classes, and they both did really well! "Leave it" was the only thing that gave them a little trouble. But admittedly, seeing a treat and not eating it is asking a lot! I have been working with them on leave it while we're walking especially, and they've been getting a lot better. So we'll just keep working! The trainer also commented that… Continue

Added by CassieD44 on July 4, 2008 at 11:47am — 4 Comments

Happy 4th of July!!!

Happy 4th everyone! Secure your doggies, bring out the grill and drinks and watch some fireworks :) Cheers!

Added by Sam Tsang on July 4, 2008 at 12:07am — No Comments


Wow! I can not believe how hard it is waiting for my puppy to be old enough to come home! It has only been a week so he is now 3 weeks of age and I still have at least 5-7 weeks left :(

Waiting is exciting though. Kim from Poso Creek in Bakersfield, CA has been kind enough to keep me updated with weekly photos of my buddy so I can see how he grows up.

There is so much to learn about corgis and training dogs that I am glad that I have so much time to read up on everything.… Continue

Added by Justin Nelson on July 3, 2008 at 11:55pm — 5 Comments

A new step for Ginny....

Well, I've decided that Ginny is big enough to stay home by herself during the day, after having been able to spend every day at her Grandpa's house. So this week, we finally made the transition. I was really worried at first, but she's doing great. She stays in her kennel, but I put some things in there to try to keep her occupied. I freeze some kongs with water and a few little treats (her "pupsicles") and I use a treat stick to put her breakfast in, so it takes her a while to eat her… Continue

Added by Ginny and Diggory on July 3, 2008 at 9:57pm — No Comments

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