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Major Breakthroughs!

We've had two really big breakthroughs with Brodie. Last night, my husband was able to get him to go poo while walking him. Up until now, Brodie would only do that for me! Then, this morning, when I had Brodie out to do his business before dawn (we have to rise early on the farm) we ran across THREE different rabbits and even though he saw them, I was able to give him the 'leave it' command and he just turned and went back to his business! No tugging or yanking or whining!  I ended up…


Added by Chris, Kadi & Brodie on March 14, 2012 at 10:36am — No Comments

Angie's been cone-afied!**UPDATE**

Angie has been spayed as of yesterday.Hooray!I also got her microchipped and did her rabies vaccine.She has to wear a cone for a little while.On the bright side i got it done so she will not have to go to any pain on the way down to Arizona in April.days before she went in to be spayed,she started being in heat and had to wear was funny.This will be her first vacation so i hope it all goes well.She was voted dog of the day by Colition can see her picture on…


Added by Sidney and Angie on March 13, 2012 at 11:00pm — 2 Comments

Wynn hurt his back:(

We just got home from a last minute trip to the vet. I had called Wynn in from outside where he had been for several hours enjoying the 70 degree temps and the sun. He couldn't get up and his leg was looking funny so I knew it was his back or leg. Somehow he made it to the car when I went in to get something and I lifted him in. After several times of checking his spine and legs the vet told me it was his back and to "hold his head and upper body tight. The vet moved his legs and hips every…


Added by Jane Christensen on March 13, 2012 at 7:23pm — 9 Comments

We've Moved!

   Harri visited the vet on Sunday and at 9 months he is 28 pounds!!  28 pounds of fluff and sweetness.

We packed our bags and headed south! Harrison and I now live in Lomita, Ca about a 40 minute drive from where we were before. We moved in Jan.1 and things have been great! Harrison now gets to always play with his big little sister TinkTink the chihuahua.…


Added by Harrison & Melyza on March 13, 2012 at 6:00pm — 2 Comments


Dannnggg! I haven't posted in a while. Forget the 40 days foxy thingy. I have to many tests and practices to worry about, and I can't post every day. But I will keep posting. Foxy man is doing pretty well, he likes the warm 70 degree weather that we usually don't have this time of year. Last year, it was still snowing. Foxy didn't want to come in when I needed him too when I got home. So... I spoiled him a little bit and left the back door open for him so he could choose. Mom says "No, we…


Added by Darcie Kinnison on March 13, 2012 at 4:57pm — 1 Comment

finally making some headway!

out of the 13 breeders (maybe 12..i've lost count!) i've emailed, i finally got a response! ironically, i emailed her yesterday and she emailed me back same day! i was quite shocked since it's been 3 weeks since i sent all of the others and haven't heard a thing. has anyone ever had any experience with Canuck Corgis?

the breeder's name is Debbie Cox (from Mississippi) and she breeds pems, cardis, and nova…


Added by Kaley and Ravioli on March 13, 2012 at 2:30pm — 7 Comments

One giant leap for corgikind by Ace!

My husband, Ace and I all went to the city prefecture today to pick up my 10 year "Green Card" for staying in France (a victory on its own!). After a grueling half-hour wait in a room that felt more like a sauna than a city hall, I was called forward to a window and Ace accompanied me. The clerk waved hello and made kissy noises to Ace, which piqued his interest in what was going on. He had already been such a good little gentleman until now - despite the presence of many squealing and…


Added by Ludi on March 13, 2012 at 12:00pm — 3 Comments

The Circle Grows Larger

     My older son was married yesterday evening. They chose a Monday because everyone who was important to them could be there. It was a small wedding in a park gazebo. The weather was great and the park was beautiful. Adam was the one who carried Morgan Stinky Wink to me almost twelve years ago. He is also the one who dug Wink's grave and carried him to that final earthly bed.

     I thought of Wink during the ceremony, and how Adam had been there for the major events in our life…


Added by Randy DeJaynes on March 13, 2012 at 11:11am — 4 Comments

Corgi Celebrity Look Alike Contest..

Please vote for me in the CorgiPals 'Celebrity Look Alike' Contest!!! I'm #3 (it's me looking like Harry Potter after getting stitches for a gash in my head!!!). Thank you SO much!!!

Laura & Lola


Added by Laura & Lola on March 13, 2012 at 9:20am — No Comments

Look-Alike contest. Sidney as Doctor Who!

I entered Sidney in the Corgi Pals Celebrity Look-alike contest. He's Doctor Who (specifically, the eleventh doctor). That's the sonic screwdriver at his feet. The orange and black blob at the bottom of the photo is our nosy cat. What self-control that corgi has!

If you like his picture, please vote for him. Thank you!…


Added by Geri & Sidney on March 12, 2012 at 10:00pm — 4 Comments

New Fur Baby - Ralph!

We just rescued a corgi this past weekend. He is a charming boy dog named Ralph. Unfortunately, he came to us considerably overweight, so he will need to be on a strict diet-and-exercise regimen. But he is such a sweetheart! Never barks, loves his pets.

Added by Pippy & Ralph on March 12, 2012 at 7:25pm — 11 Comments

This really upset me

so on my seemingly never-ending search for a corgi, i stumbled upon a local forum website for the city i live in, and the original poster was asking if anyone had any experience in owning a corgi because they were considering the breed.

one of the replies really bothered me...

"I strongly suggest she consider another breed. My friend's mom bought one and the vet said "congratulations. You just bought the most hard headed dog on the planet". He was right. Wouldn't listen…


Added by Kaley and Ravioli on March 12, 2012 at 2:00pm — 13 Comments

Help! friend warned me about the Largest pup in litter?

I just found out that the pup I am picking up-end of march-is the largest pup in his litter. My friend told me this not a good thing and I'm a litter concerned so I am reaching out to you guys! 

Is it true that he will be untrainable!?!? I can't imagine that to be fact?!?!?

Thoughts? Thanks all!

Added by cynthia on March 12, 2012 at 12:58pm — 10 Comments

Meet Flanders. :)

Operation Find Awesome Corgi has been a success!

He comes home in 4 weeks. :)

Added by Julie V. on March 12, 2012 at 12:34pm — 9 Comments

Lessons Learned...and Remembered

     I remember when Wink was just a puppy, maybe six months old, he was lying on the floor in my study, chewing on a nylabone. I was working at my desk. The next thing I knew, there was a blood-curdling yelp and he jumped about two feet in the air, running to me, and getting under the desk. I looked at the spot where he had been lying, and there was his nylabone, right next to an electrical cord. In his enthusiastic chewing, he had nipped into the electrical cord. Thank God it was just a…


Added by Randy DeJaynes on March 12, 2012 at 12:31pm — 2 Comments

Excited for my Puppy!

Today was a very good day! My sister headed off to Vegas for her spring break and we went to bennihannas for lunch. After that mom and I were able to go shopping at Petsmart. I was very excited to look around for some puppy stuff. We found some good toys, I got a Kong toy. (I've heard this is a must have with dogs!) And I got some of those indestructible blue and orange balls. So I saw a few dogs walking around and they all looked pretty happy! My mom and I walked around and we saw some of…


Added by Lindsey Hendrickson on March 11, 2012 at 11:41pm — 6 Comments

I can't believe this - Kevlar vest

I joked about a kevlar vest for the Corgi to keep him clean in Susan D's thread but there REALLY IS a kevlar vests option for Corgis, looks like they make them to measurements!!!  

so there you go

Added by GPN on March 11, 2012 at 6:16pm — 1 Comment

Our Last Walk Together

     Suzanne Clothier writes: "Don't show me what your dog can do when you give him a command; just show me how you and he walk down the street together, and I'll know much more."

     Walking a dog is an experience, as you all know. While there is some routine to the process, each walk is somehow unique. The last real walk that Wink and I took was about two days before he got really ill. It was one of our long walks--the kind that took a long time. I know it's a temptation to read…


Added by Randy DeJaynes on March 11, 2012 at 11:56am — 4 Comments

It's Official

I give up. I can't stick with Twix, it's not happening. My mom doesn't stick with it, my grandparent's don't, my brother doesn't, the hubby doesn't, and Ziggy doesn't.

I try and make it clear that I am talking to him with my voice and body language like reaching out to him and cooing and patting the floor or couch or whatever, and he's just ignoring it all. Plus, he's managed to get out of his harness a couple times the past few days, and "Twix!!!" did not help me at all whereas…


Added by Zigward & Kimberly on March 10, 2012 at 6:43pm — 10 Comments

Putting It Off

     There is one thing I still have to do, and I have been putting it off. Stinky Wink's collar and leash are still hanging on the hanger with my coat in the closet next to the front door. That seems the hardest thing to do--even more than picking up the toys, for some reason. He loved walkies SO much. I plan to use the leash for baby; that seems like a nice continuity. But Wink's collar will be retired, and put with the other things of his that I am keeping in a memory box. He only had one…


Added by Randy DeJaynes on March 10, 2012 at 10:53am — 10 Comments

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