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Happy Birthday, my sweet boy

Hard to believe, but Jack turns 4 on Saturday, April 30th.


My bratty, bossy, shark of a puppy has grown into my second-in-command, and he knows it.  He's the house-guarder and schedule-keeper, finder of lost toys and keeper of the peace, inventor of games and official greeter.  


And so a happy, happy birthday to Jack, the bestest dog anyone could hope to have!  He'll have scrambled eggs at breakfast and sardines at dinner, and a brand new fluffy toy to shred…


Added by Beth on April 29, 2011 at 9:19pm — 13 Comments

Being a Teacher is FUN!

This is not really corgi related, but I just want to share it.


As many of you know, it's testing time in every school across the country.  This time of year can be stressful for everyone, especially the students.  At my middle school we try to motivate the kids with positivity so they want to do well.  This year we made a video - based on the one that the Today show did a few months ago.


Not only was it fun to make, but the kids absolutely loved it - if you…


Added by Stephanie on April 29, 2011 at 6:58pm — 7 Comments

Doggie day care, Short term Boarding, Blood Platelets, & Prayer Needed! Houston, TX (Not necessarily in that order.)

I need some help and or good advice.  My older Brother (Edgar Marsh) has been undergoing leukemia treatment at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Tx for a little over a year now.   Two months ago he was accepted into the Stem Cell Transplant Program and is requiring a constant supply Blood Platelets as his body is not producing them.  Tammey, my oldest Brother Eddie, and I have been making the trip from Arlington (Dallas/Fort Worth area) to Houston to Donate twice a week.  We have to…


Added by Tammey & Caven on April 29, 2011 at 12:43pm — 3 Comments

How they made the corgi adverts

New advert


Added by Stephen Bale on April 29, 2011 at 12:35pm — No Comments

Congrats Wills & Kate from Butters!!

Butters just HAD to watch the ceremony.. well "sort" of... take a look.. :)  She has been secretly longing to be a Queen's Corgi just for today. 




Added by Cecilia & Butters on April 29, 2011 at 8:24am — 6 Comments

Well, wow.......were ya hungry buddy??

Daxter, my 27 lb., somewhat petite male corgi, just ate 4 chicken necks and half a cornish hen for dinner......i guess he worked up quite an appetite snoozing at my work today. At least he shared the other half of his cornish hen with his sister....sheesh!!…


Added by Samantha, Daxter and Seeka! on April 29, 2011 at 12:50am — 2 Comments

why is Lily proving harder to train on recalls?

 Yesterday was a nightmare and left me frustrated and angry. 

Lily ran way again. She was walking with my son and her collar broke. She ran like crazy into the neighbors back yard to the camp field . We tried to bring her back for more than 2 hours...she was running from us,chasing the birds , crossing streets...I almost gave up. I had 15 kids helping me, a pocket full of treats, car keys, toys and nothing....even when I stayed alone with her, in that wet field, she stopped , looked…


Added by Renata M. on April 28, 2011 at 7:24pm — 13 Comments

Corgi on Farmville

For those of you that play Farmville...I signed on this morning to discover that one of the new animals on the farm is a Corgi as part of their royal wedding series!

Added by Melinda (Penny's Mom) on April 28, 2011 at 10:53am — 5 Comments

Training, purposefully and accidental : )

There are many things we have purposely taught Cici, but we are amused at the things she has “accidentally” picked up.


She know the basics, sit, lay down, off, ….etc.…


Added by Finnley Mae on April 28, 2011 at 1:00am — 3 Comments

Whooo Relaxation? Hurt Paw?

lol Sooooo Tuesday Last week Ace and I made the trip out to Corbett Oregon

One of my Besties lives out there and Ace and their dogs LOOOOOVE playing.. I figured Ace was on a Diet and needed the exercise... Thursday i left him in the care of my Besties mom as we went to Seattle.. Hopefully next year i wont have to hear my friend whine that im bringing Ace with me XD I HAAAAAAATE leaving him behind..

though he didnt miss me..

Which is part of the reason i dont mind…


Added by Ace and Jen on April 27, 2011 at 6:02pm — No Comments

Wanted...overweight male corgi! Zip died last week before we could get him home:(

 Hi everyone,


I am sooooooo bummed. We were going to get Zip (the obese corgi) from SD the end of May. He died of a bowel obstrustion last week. I have spent hours building  fences and dogs houses. I am looking for a male overweight Corgi that needs, love,weight loss and a new forever home! He will need to live outside but be house trained so that he can spend time in the house. I…


Added by Jane Christensen on April 27, 2011 at 12:00pm — 16 Comments

Ponyo and the Potty Monster

So...Ponyo has decided that the carpet just on the other side of the couch is where she gets to poop. She is sadly mistaken. Sgt. Husband thinks we need to re-housebreak her. She'll pee outside just fine, but has taken to pooping in that one spot of the living room. He was just cleaning it up and not scolding her, I think she needs to be scolded, so when I caught her having freshly pooped in the house mere minutes after I had taken her outside for an extended period of time, I scolded her six… Continue

Added by Chae and Ponyo on April 26, 2011 at 2:36pm — 6 Comments

Eye goopies from allergies?

Hey all, 


Rowdy has recently been having major eye goopies, and I wonder what it's from. They aren't really any particular color that would make me thing anything is wrong... but it's been rather windy this last week and my allergies have been going haywire... could that be what his are from?


I usually just wipe them away with a damp cloth... that's ok right?


Any information will be greatly appreciated :)



Added by Kayla Rae and Rowdy on April 26, 2011 at 1:54am — 7 Comments

Corgi Needs Good Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need a home for my Jack. He is a 2 year old red and white Pembroke. Super Super sweet. When me and my ex split he kept Jack but is now unable to and was given to me. But my Townhouse policies only allow me to have one dog so unfortunately I am having to find him a good home. He has just had all his shots and has always been on heartworm and flea preventive. He is Crate and Potty trained. He likes to cuddle and love ya. Would prefer him to be in a home with no large dogs or cats. He loves…


Added by Emma on April 26, 2011 at 12:58am — 4 Comments

Testing the Allergies

So, it's been a year and a half since we passed on Not Dewey. (I hope he went to an excellent home.) I started allergy shots last year, and last month got a chance to test them in the field, so to speak, by spending time at a friend's parents' house. Her folks have two dogs and a cat, and I'm pleased to say that I left feeling as chipper as I did when I arrived. No itchy eyes, no sniffly nose, no tight chest, no wheezing. (Also I should note that this winter passed without my usual case of… Continue

Added by Elizabeth Mitchell on April 25, 2011 at 9:24pm — 1 Comment


My baby Bootsie boo was playing fetch with LO and he screeched and couldn't walk back. He seems to have done something to his right leg, what do I do. His little back legs are shaking I think because he is scared.

Added by Nicola Porter on April 24, 2011 at 4:20pm — 5 Comments

Happy Easter

A happy Easter to all!!!

Added by Tammey & Caven on April 24, 2011 at 3:52pm — 3 Comments

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter
Free Photo Editor

Added by Andrea De Leo on April 24, 2011 at 2:38pm — 4 Comments

Happy Easter

What a beautiful Easter morning, out for two walks, one with each dog.  Lance enjoying my nieces Easter basket, thinking its for him, I mean who else could it be for, lol.  He was a bit bummed when I finally wrapped it as he was following me the whole time I had that basket.  No baskets for Lance and Tucker this morning but they got their Easter presents early this year, Tucker a nice new comfy bed (that they both enjoy) and and each got a new leash.  :) 


Hope everyone has a…


Added by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on April 24, 2011 at 12:32pm — 2 Comments

my puppys getting too big for his britches!

My 11 week old pembroke has been very nasty with the lab my in-laws have. he will take his toys and run, and today he was growling and snarling at him as if the little 11 weeker will jump on at him. He plays very well with a sheltie in the family, so I'm thinking he might not know how to play with the larger dog. Luckily, the lab has been very very tolerant of the little corgi, but i'm nervous the aggressive behavior may progress into his later years. how sould I work with him with this?

Added by Desirea Johnson on April 24, 2011 at 10:37am — 2 Comments

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