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Cane's Owie

Took Cane to the Vet today and this was the result....

Poor Guy. We were playing ball with him on Sunday evening and he came up lame and wouldn't put his foot down. Intially thought he just stepped on something but couldn't find anything stuck in his pad, so then figured he just strained something which he has done in the past and is better in couple of days. But this was a little…


Added by Gail L on July 7, 2010 at 10:02pm — 24 Comments

Now I know why I don't go to the park in the mornings! Long, angry RANT!

Because it's full of crazies I guess! Oregon has the leash law, but at this park I have been going to for well over a year, everyone seems to always have their dogs off leash, even outside of the designated dog park. No one has ever admonished me for it, and I've never heard of anyone being yelled at for it at this particular park. Even when Eddy was a puppy and still jumped up on people, no one cared as they encountered us on walks. Anyways, it was boring in the dog park so we went out on…


Added by Sunni A. on July 7, 2010 at 6:24pm — 18 Comments


I'm not sure what's up with poor KC, but every time after she eats, she licks her paws like crazy and her eyes get red. We have her on a nice kibble that is free of chicken and corn and all that other weird by-product stuff, but she's still licking her mittens. She burps a lot too after eating, but I think that's just because she has bad manners. Any suggestions? (For the itchiness, not the burping.)

Added by Kristin P on July 7, 2010 at 4:23pm — 4 Comments

Solid Poop!


Added by Monica, Orion, and Laika on July 7, 2010 at 3:30pm — 1 Comment

New PUP!!!

Adora may be getting a brother AGAIN! got an email that Adora's other brother is being rehomed as his owner is moving and can't take him. So we go out Sunday morning to meet him and hopefully bring Max home. Hopefully this time nothing tragic will happen before we have a chance to get out there like poor little Jack (R.IP).

Added by Kimberlie on July 7, 2010 at 2:30pm — 3 Comments


Today is Archies 6th day with us, and everything couldn't be going any better. He's getting along great with my first pooch, Caleb, and has adjusted very well, especially being 1 1/2, and having such a big life change. My only concern is that he's so sensitive and mellow, that if my cats even look his way he runs and hides in a corner. He'll chase, FRAP, run and play with the dog, but is deathly afraid of the cats. none of them have done anything to him except try to sniff him from a distance,… Continue

Added by Kristin & Archie on July 7, 2010 at 10:33am — 4 Comments

Cinnamon getting fixed today

I just dropped off the baby to get spayed. She's almost 10 months old...I waited too long...bad me. She weighs 20.7 pounds. Nutty who is almost 1 yr 10 months old weighs 28.7 pounds. Yikes! Looks like I may be switching to a less calorie dog food. They get plenty of excercise, and Nutty doesn't look thick. Cinny had no idea what she was in for, and went lovingly with the vet down the hall. She will hate me now, just like Nutty did. I hope they dont put that damn cone on her, cuz she's not… Continue

Added by Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon on July 7, 2010 at 9:24am — 1 Comment

Central Florida Corgis June 19th Playdate Photos

First there was torrential rain, then we found that the park's main entrance was closed, and finally, lightning finished off our playdate early. Still, a great time was had by those who could make it (including some new… Continue

Added by Stanley & Charlotte on July 6, 2010 at 10:52pm — 2 Comments



Added by Christen & Bentley on July 6, 2010 at 9:13pm — 4 Comments

Happy Corgi

My 16 year old son was on an exchange student trip to Germany. He was gone 3 1/2 weeks, and last night he came home. I was surprised, SIdney was so happy to see him again! He yapped and yodeled and jumped up on my son. Then, even though it was late, he frapped around the living room, amid all the choas of family, suitcases and bags. He hadn't frapped since the boy left, and Sidney was expressing pure joy. I loved it!

Added by Geri & Sidney on July 6, 2010 at 1:24pm — 5 Comments

A Post for those that think that crates are cruel...

I used to be one of those people, but I pushed through my feelings and crate trained both of my dogs.

This is a sight that often makes me smile.

Added by Stephanie on July 5, 2010 at 9:52pm — 14 Comments

puppy exposed to dog with ringworm?? advice please!


My lil Ollie is 3 months old (yesterday) and 2 weeks shy of his last puppy shots. This morning, our neighbor's dog (who Ollie has played with a couple of times in the last day or 2) was diagnosed with Ringworm -- HOLY MOLY. As a protective mommy, I'm seeking advice on what I should do??

He's already had his deworming and seems in wonderful health. I checked him all over and didn't find a sign of anything and will bathe him tomorrow and…

Added by Ollie & Prie Misra on July 4, 2010 at 11:32pm — 5 Comments

Happy 4th!

Brando, Amelia and Lyla wish everyone a 4th full of playing with friends, making silly faces, or just standing around looking pretty if that's your thing!

Now off to let everyone out to potty before the fireworks start!

Added by Sky and Lyla on July 4, 2010 at 9:02pm — 6 Comments

Happy 4th!

It is that time of year... and to me it seems Ace has bloomed from one type of pup to someone completely different.. Last month if i pulled out the hose he RAN for dear life.. Yesterday, he mauled it having fun chasing the water! I laughed so hard!

He isnt scared of the lawn mower or the Vaccuum, he doesnt make a pig of himself when freefeeding him... He is a well behaived gentlemen... sometime LOL

he has made me proud..

the fireworks are starting and he…


Added by Ace and Jen on July 4, 2010 at 5:41pm — 1 Comment

Cuts on the neck

Well, we haven't had to worry about a corgi with cuts of any kind for at least 4 years! Lucky has been crippled, and when we rescued Sonny a year ago, he just kinda stayed under the desk for a couple of months and then right with us. Well...he discovered the large rocks on the South side of the front yard a couple months ago and likes to climb them, and he climbs around all over the place now. Today we discover blood on his neck, doessn't appear to be a puncture wound or to have come from…


Added by Carol Rea on July 4, 2010 at 5:41pm — 3 Comments


Added by Edward and Gemima on July 4, 2010 at 11:53am — 8 Comments

Happy 4th of July

May you all have a wonderful and safe 4th of July.

Added by Kitty Kirwin on July 4, 2010 at 12:00am — 2 Comments

Lyra Rox!

i absaloutly positivly love corgiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxx thats to all the corgis especially Lyra! Lyra and all the other corgis rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! reply if u love ur corgi!!!!!!!!! i sure do!!!!!!!!!! how cute is Lyra!?ana puppy annie ect. 2010 262.JPG

Added by Ana Smith and family on July 3, 2010 at 9:31pm — 4 Comments

are corgis scared of fireworks?

me and my family are going to my mammaws farm for dinner and fireworks tommorrow. we were planning on taking Lyra. is that a good or bad idea? the most comments that say no we wont take her the most that say yes we will. whats the answer?

-ana and her family ps comment soon! before 1:00 tommorrow

Added by Ana Smith and family on July 3, 2010 at 9:30pm — 5 Comments

Hugo- a beautiful corgi needs a home Contact North Texas Welsh Corgi Rescue

Look at this face! I wanna kiss it and give it a cookie! What a precious bebe! If you love this photo as much as I do, please consider adopting him! Contact North Texas Welsh Corgi Rescue!/photo.php?pid=199028&id=115105638519825…


Added by Katie on July 3, 2010 at 9:30pm — 4 Comments

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