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and i thought i was short!

Lyra, loves to sleep on the couch. but we always have to pick her up and put her there! because she tries to jump on the couch and falls back on the ground because her legs are so short! so she just does that untill one of us realizes she wants to get up! LOL she also just realizeed how to go up the stairs1 and she still cant go down! LOL i love corgis!

Added by Ana Smith and family on July 3, 2010 at 3:33pm — 2 Comments

Foster Pup Update! (with pictures)

My little foster corgi is doing fantastic. She is currently romping around the house with Orion and Finn (my brother's aussie), since they're both fully vaccinated I think its a good social interaction for her. We still haven't come up with a name for her yet so that needs to happen.

So I'll write a little more in depth than my last post now that I have time. By the way, thank you everyone for the helpful comments and support. So now for the background on how all this came to be.…

Added by Monica, Orion, and Laika on July 3, 2010 at 3:01pm — 4 Comments

First time out on the town

Well Bentley had is first trip out & about. He has been to the vet 3 times but thats the only place he has been other than home. Bentley has been showing some aggression towards other dogs (not our other dog though) & wants to kill our cat even after 2 months being with us. We took Bentley to petsmart, were is marked his teritory throughout the whole store and did well there. I met my mom at the dog park which I was really worried about with all the other dogs, we were there for about… Continue

Added by Christen & Bentley on July 3, 2010 at 2:38pm — 1 Comment


Last night Archie was just laying there on the living room floor taking a nap, the next thing I know, one of the cats walks by him and wakes him. He gets up, and starts FRAPPING all over the house, with the direction toward the cat. He'd run till he almost got to the cat, the he'd spin around at what seemed like 100 miles an hour run the other way to the kitchen, then come back and do it again.!!! It went on for probably 45 min, and it made me so happy to see him come out of his shell, it…


Added by Kristin & Archie on July 3, 2010 at 10:40am — 5 Comments

Orion's Foster Sister!

Picked up Orion's foster sister today. Someone got her from a breeder at five weeks old and kept her until she was eight weeks old when family with five kids under eight adopted her and had her for a week then she apparently nipped one of the kids and the dad told the mom that if she didn't get rid of the dog he would kill the dog. So now I'm fostering her or may be adopting her depending on how she gets along with Orion.…


Added by Monica, Orion, and Laika on July 3, 2010 at 12:37am — 8 Comments

Update on Griffyn's tooth : )

just got the update on griffyn. he's awake and doing just fine!!! the vet said that tooth has 3 roots and that 2 of the roots had fused together which made it a little more work for her to pull. he's got some stitches and he'll be on antibiotics for a week. we can pick him up after 2:30 ( no pun intended!! ) YAY!!!…


Added by Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn on July 2, 2010 at 1:10pm — 6 Comments


Archie is finally at his new forever home. It was a 6 hr drive to get there, and a 6 hr drive home, but let me tell you, it was worth every milisecond. We're both pretty tired today, but he is the most mellow, sweet, & sensitive dog I think I've ever met. All he wants to do is cuddle and nudge your hand with his nose, if your not touching him. We got home last night at around 11:30pm, he checked out the backyard, went potty, and came inside. What amazed me, was he's never been around cats… Continue

Added by Kristin & Archie on July 2, 2010 at 12:48pm — 6 Comments

Dogs laugh with their tails!

I was recently presented with this from one of Rainy's new owners! It is hand-made the chest and all. What a beautiful piece of craftsmanship and I will always think of Rainy as this will displayed in a special place in my home! It is a one of a kind corgi chest!…


Added by Jane Christensen on July 2, 2010 at 10:22am — 9 Comments

First Foster Puppy, Needs a Name, Any Help?

So I may be getting my first foster puppy soon (I've been fostering cats for the past four years), a 9 week old female corgi that people bought and then returned, this is all the information I know so far. I'll post more as I get it. Problem is, I had kind of decided that I wanted to get Orion a friend at some point, I was thinking I would once I get into vet school but it would actually be a lot easier to train a puppy now and it may be easier for Orion to get along with a friend since he's 15… Continue

Added by Monica, Orion, and Laika on July 2, 2010 at 7:33am — 5 Comments

Hiker found dead with faithful corgi at his side.

A Seattle solo hiker has found dead after an apparent fall off a cliff or steep slope. His faithful corgi, Ernie, was waiting at his side when searchers found them. The report states he fell while walking in the dark -- I don't see how they could know that, unless he had his headlamp out.

I… Continue

Added by John Wolff on July 1, 2010 at 1:30pm — 11 Comments

Tomorrows the big day!!!

I'm leaving tomorrow morning, to pick up Archie, my very first Corgi!! I'm soooo excited, I hope I can get some sleep. It's a 6 hour drive, and I'm not much of a road traveler. I'd fly 1/2 hr if it was logical, but I know it will be worth it once I get there. I was gonna wait a couple of more weeks, being it's 4th weekend, but the breeder doesn't have any plans tomorrow, so here I go. I figured going tomorrow I'd miss holiday traffic, and be able to have my little guy for the long holiday… Continue

Added by Kristin & Archie on June 30, 2010 at 8:53pm — 13 Comments

Our New Baby

We have a new baby at our house. Today was his first official day with us, and he did very well. He is a rescue and a very good boy.

Many thanks go to Jane Christensen, who rescued and fostered this special corgi, and who allowed us to be the lucky people who got to take him home. Her love for corgis is truly something special.

Welcome home Calvin! Our little cardi boy!…


Added by Joanna, Rainy and Calvin on June 30, 2010 at 8:18pm — 10 Comments

DING DONG, the witch is...

My puppy is alive and well but this picture can't help but bring the song to mind from the Wizard of Oz.

I thought I would share the laughs with you guys this evening :)

Added by Kari & Jackson on June 30, 2010 at 12:00am — 7 Comments

Avatar Picture

At last I got Gwenie's picture up. She is such a beautiful girl to me! I think this picture shows how pretty she really is. OK Iam nuts over her! Thanks for being so understanding about my nutter behavior over her.

She sleeps anywhere but it was hot today so she slept under the A/C vent & ceiling…


Added by Kitty Kirwin on June 29, 2010 at 12:45am — 18 Comments

For the Bloggers

I've never been much of a blogger myself, but have started a blog to chronicle my adventures into showing and breeding, and just generally being crazy enough to have as many dogs around as I do. Check it out for updates and fun pics.

Bona Dea Australian Shepherds

Added by Sky and Lyla on June 28, 2010 at 11:34pm — 1 Comment

I think this is the beginning of a wonderful friendship"

We've had Kirbs for about a month now. I'm getting to know her cute personality.She's got some definite quirky habits. For example apparently I was extra excited when she finally "shake." That has become her "Please." When she wants me to play she trots over with her toy in her mouth (or not) and paws my leg.
The breeder told us her mother was a thief, she would snatch anything and bolt when you aren't looking. Kirby is just like her! It's as if she knows what she's not supposed to get. She…

Added by Jeni Martin on June 28, 2010 at 9:13pm — No Comments

Good-bye my boy!

After 4 months of living with us Calvin left today for his forever home! He will have a great life! It makes me sad but at the same time happy as his new owners are wonderful! Every photo I took showed how much they cared for him! They are great! The people have been cut out but Calvin did great walking with his new master! I will be glad when I hear they made it home safely!…


Added by Jane Christensen on June 28, 2010 at 9:10pm — 1 Comment

This is why we work so hard on socializing our dogs

Jack just recently turned three, so I still vividly remember all the hours we put into socializing him. We would take him to as many busy places as we could on his walks and weekend outings, and I would take a deep breath and overcome my normal shyness, and ask every single person who looked at him and smiled (and who doesn't smile at a Corgi puppy?) "Would you like to pet the puppy?" If they looked a little hesitant, I would quickly blurt out "We're trying to socialize him!" Most people like… Continue

Added by Beth on June 28, 2010 at 9:05pm — 3 Comments





Added by Brittany Nelson on June 28, 2010 at 6:30pm — No Comments

This is not corgi related, but I just don't know what to do.

I am an artist. My husband had gotten a job that allowed for me to quit my job (which to be honest paid next to nothing by living standards) and pursue my art. Today he was laid off. He is a chemist with a masters in environmental chemistry and I have a bachelors in fine art. He is potentially marketable, I however, am not. He has been applying to other jobs, but most places have been responding that there have been an overwhelming number of applicants and essentially saying they were not… Continue

Added by Angela Kau-Forsberg on June 28, 2010 at 6:00pm — 6 Comments

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