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Added by Stacey on May 18, 2013 at 12:30am — 1 Comment

Bogart the Cardigan visiting Fort Payne, Alabama - Carden Farm, home of the Challenges Met Therapeutic Riding School

Thursday, May 16 we drove about 90 miles each way to visit our friend Gail Carden who has a very special business in Fort Payne Alabama called Challenges Met Therapeutic Riding School.  Kids with special needs get great therapy by riding on horses. We got to see some of the clients during their session, it was truly inspiring.  We also had fun checking out the…


Added by Bogart the Cardigan on May 17, 2013 at 8:37pm — No Comments

Open House inspections and the Doggie's

Good morning all well an update re the selling of our Home and pending move to acreage!. Well our first open house was last weekend Saturday 4.30am came it was up early the dogs were put in the car ready for their day at the Hospital with Paul it was then putting the finishing touches to the house as the open house was to be @ 3.00 to 3.30pm. Well today is the 2nd open house 4.30am start again Boys off to the hospital for the day they love going and the patients and staff look forward to…


Added by Brian D Graham on May 17, 2013 at 7:30pm — 1 Comment

The Spot

Back in February when Ellie got spayed, the vet found a spot on her tummy when he shaved her. It looked like a really angry bug bite. They told me to use Benadryl and Neosporin and keep an eye on it. Over the last couple months, the spot got better slowly. It turned the color of her skin and got smaller. Then this week it quadrupled in size (dime-sized to quarter-sized), turned angry red again, and started swelling.

I took Ellie in today to have the vet take a look. She diagnosed it…


Added by Heather & Ellie on May 16, 2013 at 4:03pm — 3 Comments

Re: Teddi

Our lovely corgi, Teddi who was only age five, passed away this past fall from an unexpected spinal injury. It has been several months & we are just starting to plan on having another corgi in the house. Please wish us luck in finding another pup soon.

Added by Rose Iski on May 13, 2013 at 7:04pm — 8 Comments

Mother's Day Celebrations

We headed up north to the farm this weekend to celebrate Mother's Day with my incredible mother and sterling got to play with the animals until he was exhausted. He is still sleeping it off! This is the first time he has been allowed to go in with the cows. The weather has just been too crappy until now. He loved feeding the bottle baby and behaved very well around the cows and donkeys. We had a cow out this morning, but my dad's desire for breakfast outweighed my want to let sterling try to… Continue

Added by E.B. on May 12, 2013 at 8:00pm — 2 Comments

Slow News Day in Seattle - So we had to create some

Corgi Meet up…

Added by Kathy Losacco on May 12, 2013 at 6:10pm — 1 Comment

Stitch's Birthday Weekend!!!!

He made it!!!!!

For those of you following Stitch's Story...we are THRILLED to announce that Sunday is Stitch's birthday..he will turn 8 !!!!!  His birthday falls on Mother's Day this year... :)

Will post a few pics on his blog...what a great weekend to look forward to!!!!

Thank you for all of the kind words and birthday wishes!!…


Added by Heather on May 10, 2013 at 9:00am — 6 Comments

Today Machete is 6-months-old!


look at this little goober. he has grown and grown and grown! he has gotten so smart, and he's just the best damn pup. he really is,…


Added by rae on May 9, 2013 at 10:17pm — 4 Comments

Happy Birthday!

Today is Lilly's 3rd Birthday!  I cant believe time has gone by so fast!! 

She is such an Awesome girl!!!

Added by Donna and Lilly on May 9, 2013 at 7:08am — 3 Comments

Luna the Therapy Corgi

Luna goes to work with me at Phoenix House, where I work as the bilingual family therapist.  Below you can see the bio they posted of her on their website.…


Added by Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!) on May 8, 2013 at 10:30am — 6 Comments

On Her Own

Ellie is just about 8.5 months now and so well-behaved that I've started giving her free run of the apartment when I go to work.  She's been a marvelous little angel, but she always has been. 

The first week she was home, she tried to chew on the entertainment center and desk, but a firm "no" put a stop to that right away and she hasn't touched the furniture since.  Then she tried to chew on cords, but again a "no" nipped it in the bud.  She was housebroken in a week (at four months)…


Added by Heather & Ellie on May 7, 2013 at 7:03pm — 3 Comments

Zooey ...

When we got our Abbigail, I posted a series of Abbi meets.. pictures and video. Abbi is still meeting things and situations, but our youngest, Zooey, has really never "met " anything or anyone. she beats, eats, defeats... but on a relatively quiet moment (for her) I caught the picture below and thought I would share it. She was out in the back yard on a spring day and hanging out by Chloe's garden... Chloe is the first lady of our Corgis and will never be forgotten. …


Added by Jim & Wendy Bates on May 7, 2013 at 3:54pm — 2 Comments

Happy 6th Birthday Mandy!! ♥

Happy Birthday Mandy!!!  I love you!!  Here is Mandy with her birthday toy. :)

Added by Mandy and Lori on May 4, 2013 at 1:30pm — 8 Comments

Pearl and George

I adopted Pearl from the pound when she was around 6mos old. I'm guessing that she is a Cardigan Corgi / Bull Terrier Mix.  She has the character and looks of both! 

Added by shelley barkley on May 3, 2013 at 6:43pm — 3 Comments

Sidney the Therapy Dog visits Cal State San Marcos

Sidney's therapy dog group had a visit to California State University at San Marcos today as a pre-finals week de-stress event. There were about a dozen pups there today and the college kids loved having us there.

Sidney sat still for petting, at one point flopping over for a belly rub. He did tricks, shook hands and posed for pictures.

We just love our…


Added by Geri & Sidney on May 3, 2013 at 2:17am — 5 Comments

Happy Birthday, Indy!

One year ago today, the world got a little brighter as this little guy made his debut. 

Added by Elizabeth and Indy on May 3, 2013 at 1:39am — 3 Comments

Hot diggity puppy

So it's official! I just found out exactly who my baby is.

On May 25th or 26th I will be bringing home this little lady.

She's a real sweetheart and the breeder says she's basically the "princess".

I'm in love.…


Added by Bailey B. on May 3, 2013 at 1:21am — 1 Comment

Happy Birthday Bento!

Today is Bento's 2nd birthday!  We can't believe it's two years!  Everyday with Bento is a wonderful adventure.  Here's to many more!  We love you!!…


Added by Kim Ales-Yan on May 2, 2013 at 7:04pm — 1 Comment

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