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Morgan won first place in the puppy class!

Update: Miranda won a prize after we left the competition for Best Sportsmanship. She got a big trophy and a certificate. We are so PROUD! I new she was a winner. She might not have the breed standard to a T, but she is all heart. And all corgi owners know that is their biggest attribute!

I have figured out how to post pictures on here. This is Morgan and Miranda after the big competition. Morgan won cutest puppy and walked away with some fabulous prizes. Miranda did not win any… Continue

Added by Derek on September 27, 2009 at 3:30pm — 4 Comments

Shedding/grooming tips

My Domino is getting her winter coat so her under-layer, or whatever it is called, of fur is getting really thick. Due to this I have a lot of little grey and white hairs all over everything in my house! I brush her almost every other day and she still sheds like crazy! Any recommendations on what type of brush I should use to get more fuzz off of her at once and into the trash instead of on my clothes?

Added by Krista Meyer on September 26, 2009 at 10:51pm — 14 Comments

Injection Reaction

Mischa had to go to the vet today, third or fourth visit I think, for a shot. She was perfectly fine while we were in the office, but the minute we got home she started drooling like crazy. Grandma called the vet back to ask if it was normal, and they told us to come right back. So, we did. And as soon as we got into the parking lot, Mischa hurled doggy kibble all over the towel I was holding her with. She got a second shot, a pill and we were sent on our way. She's been a little off all day,… Continue

Added by Reix on September 26, 2009 at 10:10pm — 2 Comments

Chloe's arrival!

Thirty more minutes till Chloe sets foot... err paws in New Jersey. Can't wait! I'll update this post with pictures and stuff!

Stay Tuned! :D


Chloe didn't land yet. :( It's raining here and that's probably why the flight is delayed. The person behind the counter said she will land 9:30 but wond be available till 10:00. The waiting sucks.

Added by Gian Lincuna on September 26, 2009 at 8:00pm — 10 Comments

Bear Meets His Mom and His NEW SISTER~

If you've been following my posts, then you know I'm getting Bear a sister. Her parents are the same as Bear's. We went to see them today and pick which one we wanted. We picked this lovely sable girl. She's a little wet and muddy, it's been raining here for an entire week...

Meet Goldy: (Yes Goldy and the Bear)

This is her in her Mom's food bowl:

And here is Bear… Continue

Added by Stephanie on September 26, 2009 at 5:22pm — 7 Comments

Morgan Won First Place

There is a dog appreciation weekend in our town and during this weekend there are doggie events. I took Miranda and Morgan and Miranda got a bunch of stuff. Morgan won the cutest puppy contest and got a bunch of things including a blue ribbon that says "first prize." I am so proud! He is our cute corgi mutt we adopted 2 months ago. I have photos of his prizes and how beautiful he is. I just wanted to tell everyone and glote. As soon as I can get the photos up, I will. All the procedes go to… Continue

Added by Derek on September 26, 2009 at 4:13pm — 2 Comments

A Wonderfull September Day

Every couple days I drive the dogs down to the lake for a off-leashe walk. They love to be free running around in the fields chasing birds and each other. Today seemed extra perfect though walking through the late September sunshine with a soft breeze coming off the water. I actually stopped and did a 360 looking around me. The only thought going through my head was I wished I could stay here forever in this moment with my pack running happilly around me with great big doggie smiles.

Added by christy fry on September 26, 2009 at 3:32pm — 3 Comments

Well no news isn't always good news

I am sorry I haven't posted in quite a while. There has been a lot going on and not much has been good. The worst of the news is my boyfriends father has past away. We decided to wait on bring puppy home. I have come to the place where i am beginning to wonder when as my father puts it "we will get off the wrong side of the monopoly board" i know that life goes through cycles but this cycle needs to end soon. well I should probably run, I will check in as soon as I can

Added by Juel on September 26, 2009 at 1:53pm — 4 Comments

Puppy School

We had our first day of training school last Saturday and tomorrow will have the second. Nellie suprised us by acting quite nice and being one of the best! It seems that she acts better around large groups as opposed to individual newcomers. (She was awesome when we went to a parade too) She already knew sit, and watch me was no problem for her last week. Really looking forward to tomorrrow. Getting to be around all of the dogs is a lot of fun.

Added by Simon & Anne on September 26, 2009 at 1:10am — 1 Comment

adding onto our family

We are corgi crazy like the rest of you I'm sure. One corgi is just not enough, so we want to find a young adult to rehome to be the companion of our darling 2 year old spayed tri female, Dixie. We are looking for a smaller non-aggressive dog who is already fixed, and current on shots and heartworm preventative. If anyone knows of a little doll who needs a new home, please let us know. Thanks! I am so happy to have discovered this group!

Added by cathy ryden on September 25, 2009 at 6:25pm — 3 Comments

Oh the Drama!

I let the dogs out to play when I got home from work today and thought I'd leave them out for the better part of the afternoon to just wrestle and run since it was such a nice day out. About 20 min after I let them out I heard a lot of noise. I went outside to see what was going on and the closer I got to the door, the more I could hear high-pitched crying and squealing. My first thought was "uh-oh!" I thought maybe they had gotten into a fight and one of them was getting hurt or another dog… Continue

Added by Sky and Lyla on September 25, 2009 at 4:58pm — 8 Comments


I'm sorry if someone has posted this already but I had to share! Corgis in onesies? Insane… Continue

Added by Erin & Faye on September 25, 2009 at 4:13pm — 3 Comments

Romeo paw print tattoo

So, im getting Romeo's paw print tattoo today. The problem is that I just can't get romeo paw print on a paper. Anybody have a good idea? i tried dipping his paw in water than color paper, but it looks like a small puddle. The only perfect paw print he makes is when he steps on his urine on the wee wee pad and walk across the pad. *sigh* Im also unsure to get his paw on the back of my neck or the ankle?

Added by Rachel & Romeo on September 25, 2009 at 3:31pm — 7 Comments

We Believe That Previcox Caused the Death of Our Beloved Corgi Lilly

On 7/14/09

Our doctor in Alpharetta, GA prescribed Previcox for pain caused by dysplasia in Lilly's left hip.

On 7/16/09

Two days later I found Lilly lying in the yard almost lifeless. We took her back to the animal hospital where she seemed to get better. We brought her home the next day. She had seizures and then was unconscious. We rushed her to the Georgia Veterinary Specialists.

This is the premier veterinary hospital in Atlanta.

On… Continue

Added by Tom and Mary Lou Lanaux on September 25, 2009 at 3:30pm — 12 Comments

Brian's Growing Up

I made a little growth collage of Ein's soon-to-be little brother, Brian.
(Will add photos as they are being sent from the breeder.)

Added by Aj on September 25, 2009 at 12:30pm — 6 Comments

ME?! UNFIT?! Boy did I have a few words for that breeder.

Okay, so totally off the topic of Corgis, but dang it this is my blog and I shall post whatever I want.

In all of our wedding planning, Jon and I have decided to boycott the traditional honeymoon plans, and take a week off work, set up our new house, and get a puppy. While I want another Corgi (can't have just one, right?) I have wanted a Boxer for as long as I can remember. We decided to search for a great breeder from which to add a Boxer female to our family.

Boxers are notorious… Continue

Added by Linsey & Grissom on September 24, 2009 at 11:49pm — 12 Comments

I hate pitbulls!!

Tonight my husband's 13 year old sister tried taking Koby for a run. She trotted down his street, the street we walk Koby on when we visit (it always seemed safe) Well tonight for some reason a guy came home, did not even look and let his 2 pittbulls out of the car near where she was! The pittbulls made a bee-line right for them! Poor anna didn't know what to do except run! Thank god the owner came and threw himself over Koby so the pittbulls could not get him. Then he grabbed them and took… Continue

Added by King Koby of the Treasure Coast on September 24, 2009 at 9:49pm — 31 Comments

Sport ♥ Rain

So it's been raining for the past week on and off. For the most part when it rains he lays on the balcony and just watches it rain or will pounce on the puddles that start to form. Sport got absolutely thrilled when I took him out yesterday. Usually it takes him about 3 minutes to go out, do his business and come back in. It's a different story when it's raining. As soon as he saw it was raining yesterday, he bolted out the door, ran down the stairs and started running in circles all over the… Continue

Added by Rosie & Sport on September 24, 2009 at 5:06pm — 2 Comments

The Cast Iron Stomache

Pilgrim will be 1 at Thanksgiving. He is trying to see how much he can eat. He has pulled the insole out of most shoes in the house. He chews on rugs. He eats books.

A few days ago my hubby calls me at work.

"I just got off the phone with the vet. Pilgrim ate a cd, case and all."

Why in the world would a dog with lots of toys and chew sticks eat a cd??? The vet said he would be fine, just watch for signs of distress.

When I got home, he looked fine… Continue

Added by Vita B on September 24, 2009 at 2:52pm — 7 Comments

NYC's Laws Against Large Dog Breeds

I was stunned this morning when I read this news on the New York Times website: Large Dogs in Public Housing Are Now Endangered Species. The law restricts the breeds in which a resident of public housing may keep and forces residents to forfeit their dogs or be evicted. Some breeds affected are pure-bred or mixed bred pit bulls, Rottweilers and Doberman pinschers and any dog with an expected adult… Continue

Added by Rachel on September 24, 2009 at 2:34pm — 7 Comments

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