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coming soon

So, Hannah's spay is scheduled for the 18th of this month. I know it'll be fine, but I can't help but be nervous! I took a couple days off work so I could be here with her. It may not be necessary, but it will at least make me feel better. On the 16th, I'm going to a dog event in St. Louis. I'm not sure what to expect, but I think it'll be fun. Hopefully the weather is nice and all this rain is gone by then. And then, in June, Hannah starts her puppy training classes! I'm super excited for… Continue

Added by Jamie on May 1, 2009 at 1:09pm — 1 Comment

Knee Surgery Update!!!!!

It has been a while since I have been on, but I just thougt I would give a little update and maybe help someone else out who may be facing the same delima I did. My Sweet Sophie ended up having surgery to repair her torn ACL. It has been a little over a month now and she is doing great! She no longer has stitces or a bandage, and she would probably tell you the best part is that she does not have to wear that silly cone any more. Before she had the surgery I wondered if I would be doing the… Continue

Added by Jenn & Sophie on May 1, 2009 at 2:42am — 2 Comments

Introducing the world's 1st Corgi Rescue VISA Card!!!

Dear friends of,

We're excited to announce a brand new way that you can support Corgi Rescue!

A rewarding choice for everyone.

When you… Continue

Added by Sam Tsang on May 1, 2009 at 12:00am — 62 Comments

Everyone out there that feeds their dog Wellness

I have been feeding Maggie Wellness since day one. I buy it in 15lb bags and I have noticed that the last 2 bags I have purchased smell different. Maggie won't eat it either. She just turns her nose up at it and walks away. I am now trying her on Blue Buffalo but she will only eat the black pieces. So she doesn't really like it either. I was just wondering if anyone else has noticed it. I am calling the company tomorrow to find out if there has been any changes with the food.

Added by Amy on April 30, 2009 at 10:33pm — 6 Comments

I'm annoying my humans

I've been whining alot and barking alot to annoy my humans, its very funny. And it seems like my plan is WORKING! Boy, do I annoy my humans! Recently, though, they've started taking drastic measures by making this wierd noise when I bark by shaking a soda can full of rocks. That noise kind of freaks me out, so I do stop barking and come over to see what it is. I still bark always, though, no one will tell me to stop, ever! I'll whine and I'll bark, and bark, and bark, to declare my independece… Continue

Added by Baylee and Jake on April 30, 2009 at 8:16pm — 2 Comments

Sleepy Corgis

Aaahhh all 3 of the Corgis are sleeping and there is peace in the kingdom once again. I am having the best time playing with and watching these little guys. Last night I could have given them all away (not really..but wow a trial for sure) and today they are all on such good behavior even when they are not sleeping, life is good. Corgis are blessed and so are we that keep them.

Added by Boo Buchheit on April 30, 2009 at 3:15pm — 2 Comments

My Boy Doesn't "Speak"!

Maybe we trained him out of it somehow?

I wish he spoke a bit more! The most that he does is whine at us, but he doesn't bark anymore and doesn't yip. :( I feel that maybe we did something wrong, or is it just a part of his personality?


Added by Zwei & Cynthia + Mike on April 30, 2009 at 2:22pm — 7 Comments

Cookie is a little mad at us!

Just when she was starting to feel better, Cookie licked the top of her cast/splint and compressed it, to the point that we could see her staples. So,we had to get her a Buster Collar to keep her from licking her leg. Now, she doesn't know what to think!


Added by Cookie Y. on April 29, 2009 at 7:52pm — 7 Comments

first month

Well we have had Maui almost a full month, and she is getting bigger everyday. Getting "bitier" everyday! BAD biter she is. Working on that effective today!

Cute, adorable, and sweetie she looks indeed, but underneath is a snarky brat! LOL Love her to death!

I tell her "No!" and she absolutely hates it, and she talks back!

But enough about the bad things... now for the good

House training is going about normal, an accident here or there but we keep up… Continue

Added by The Mau on April 29, 2009 at 6:12am — 3 Comments

CGC tonight

Rockstar passed his CGC tonight and is officially a 'good dog' .... well I guess you could say that. I'm proud of my five month old puppy getting his done so early. I am working at training him to be a service dog for me and we're going to do an agility class as well as an advanced off lead work class this summer.

Not much else to say. Its late.

Added by Rockstar on April 28, 2009 at 11:58pm — 4 Comments

Still having problems

Chloe is still having problems with resource guarding. I got tagged the first night trying to break up a fight. Now tonight we had another one over a rawhide that was under my chair that I didn't realize was there. Chloe went for Riley as he tried to go for it after leaving the rawhide she already had. It's the since biggest issue we've had with her. So now everyone in the house has had an injury; Me, Riley, Chloe, and Brandon in that order. I keep trying to make sure there's nothing to fight… Continue

Added by Kimberly Ann on April 28, 2009 at 11:55pm — 4 Comments

Vet visit

today Chloe got updated on Bordedella and Heartworm. All the flea and heart worm plus blood test, and vaccine came to $217.00 I do want a healthy baby. I will need to look for interceptor and frontline cheaper though if possible.I am trying to work on her with interaction with the two cats. I wish she would not chase them. The cats hiss at her, but cannot scratch her because they do not have front claws. I say leave it, and reward her when she does behave the way I want her to.

Added by Chloe's parent Liz on April 28, 2009 at 11:30pm — 1 Comment

Corgis and Invisible Fences

I am finally considering this after seven years--has anyone else out there used an invisible fence for their corgis? How did it work out for you? Please email me, I'd love to have some input.

Added by Colleen Cuzzone on April 28, 2009 at 2:49pm — 3 Comments

Corgi in need of help

I saw this today on my local craigs list and unfortunately I can't take on another dog right now but I am hoping maybe one of you corgi lovers maybe able to help.

Corgi needs a hero (kennewick)


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Date: 2009-04-28, 4:50AM PDT

Okay folks here is the scoop: this morning (4/27/09) I showed… Continue

Added by Laura Jones on April 28, 2009 at 2:00pm — 6 Comments

Elvis and Junebug pass their beginner's obedience test!

Last night was test night for our beginner obedience class, and thankfully both dogs passed! They had to successfully complete the following:

Heeling with loose leash and minimal corrections

Sitting at the halt

sit stay for 1 min

down stay for 2 min

stand and stay for inspection

polite meet and greet

sit, stay, recall, and finish on command

About half of the dogs passed the test, and now we can go on to other classes! Junebug is going into… Continue

Added by Bonny on April 28, 2009 at 11:33am — 1 Comment

Mutt Strutt 2009

I took Sydnei to the Mutt Struut in Indianapolis on Sunday. It was an awesome day to walk around the 2.5 mile track. Although she was tired and sore from a long day of walking, she had a blast! We even seen a few other corgis! Our favorite was the one that was a little overweight, but we can't remember his name. Such a cutie though! Sydnei had never seen so many dogs in one place. She had such an awesome time, i am going to try and do many other doggie events with her!

Added by Britney Piercy on April 28, 2009 at 9:42am — 3 Comments


Saw a flea on Eddy! EEK. Went to Banfield and got a single dose of Frontline Top Spot, since he won't be seeing his vet for a couple more days to get what we hope will be his regular flea medication - Frontline Plus. Tomorrow night, after the 24-hour kill flea period, we'll attempt to de-flea the house and his stuff. Sigh. Eddy B. Scrapperdine will get a cold bath tomorrow night as well to sooth his bites. I'm from a flea-less state, so I'm new to this problem, and I wonder if these precautions… Continue

Added by Sunni A. on April 28, 2009 at 2:10am — 3 Comments

Puppy Boot Camp

Lyla has been home for almost 36 hours now and "puppy boot camp" is in full swing. She is a sweet girl, and after a day of adjustment yesterday, has started to really come into her personality today. I think she is going to be a really fun one. Here are some of the things I have learned about her in the last 2 days:

1) She is a little destruct-o puppy (toys, tables, shoes, fingers.. anything she can find to chew... the toy the breeder sent home only made it one night in the… Continue

Added by Sky and Lyla on April 27, 2009 at 11:55pm — 2 Comments

Corgi Planet

Here's a story my son wrote: Corgi Planet

-Chris… Continue

Added by Christopher Vandervelde on April 27, 2009 at 10:51pm — 1 Comment

Randy is coming home in 61/2 days

I am so excited for Randy to come home. Leo and I have been looking forward to this for a long time. Everything is ready for him, his crate with bed that matches Leo's, some new puppy toys, puppy food, vet appointment. Am I forgetting anything??? He has Leo's baby collar to start with and then a rolled leather one like big brother wears. As soon as I get off work on Monday I am heading out to the breeders to pick him up then we will have vacation time for all of us to get to know each other. It… Continue

Added by Boo Buchheit on April 27, 2009 at 8:37pm — 1 Comment

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