Hi! all...
Do you ever that feeling that: you clean you dog's home, pick up his or her yard, and keep is car running good?
Added by Ellen Regan on March 31, 2011 at 3:11pm — 7 Comments
Added by Suzie Pruitt on March 31, 2011 at 10:25am — 8 Comments
Added by Rhonda on March 31, 2011 at 7:30am — 6 Comments
I had signed ruger up for the petsmart training classes they were suppose to start march 31 at 6:15pm for an hour every thursday for six weeks and we payed 110 dollars to sign him up for them we went to petsmart today the day befor classes are suppose to start and the trainer came up to me and told me that we were the only people who signed up for the class and that we would have to wait for the next class which would be april 20 well i didnt want to wait for a couple reasons one ruger well…
ContinueAdded by Brittany and ruger on March 31, 2011 at 12:43am — 2 Comments
Not mine but I thought I would share. Made me giggle like crazy.
Added by Lawren and Teddy on March 30, 2011 at 11:05pm — 6 Comments
This is Huey Lewis Pruitt wearing his halloween costume for 2010. My husband & I were going to dress as prisoners since he runs the house....
Added by Suzie Pruitt on March 30, 2011 at 3:49pm — 2 Comments
Very sad today, We lost our precious little Barney yesterday morning after 12 wonderful years. My furkids are with me 24/7 and Barney went to work with me everyday- We loved him so much! It's been a tough day but, I know we couldn't ask him to stay any longer with the pain he was in. We did all we could and more but, his little soul was ready to rest.
I still have his brother, Andy (also 12) and will be giving him extra hugs. Life is so precious!…
ContinueAdded by Rhonda on March 30, 2011 at 12:30pm — 42 Comments
we have been feeding ruger blue buffalo puppy food a cup a day we feed him three times a day so 1/3 cup every time we feed him also we add a lil wet vital food 1/4 (on the pacage they have 1/4 sections that i cut and bag and store) a day with is 1 cup A day dry food acording to his weight and size the blue is awesome he loves it so much and it has no glutin by productscorn wheat and the vital is amazing you can see the pomagrant in it and the spinach we got him the turkey with spinach apple…
ContinueAdded by Brittany and ruger on March 30, 2011 at 10:56am — 2 Comments
Hum, Lets see here....
I could buy some fancy electronic gadget...that would be outdated in 6 months...
I could buy some expensive clothing....... that would be corgi'fied in a few days...
I could buy some more doggie toys......that would sit in her box for a few months.
I could buy some school supplies........that would be piled in the stack of yet unused supplies..
I could buy another firearm...................that I couldn't ever get a chance to use as…
ContinueAdded by Don on March 30, 2011 at 4:17am — 2 Comments
Added by pamela reeder on March 29, 2011 at 7:07pm — 5 Comments
so i went to walmart with my memory card and printed a bunch of photos of ruger last nite but they were closed and i did the istant print so it told me i had to come back today so i went back today scaned my reciept and it said pics already picked up so i went to the front and asked if they were there and the lady couldnt find them even though i had my reciept i was so upset it took me an hour to go through those photos and pick out which ones i wanted and try to print them and now they…
ContinueAdded by Brittany and ruger on March 28, 2011 at 8:37pm — 4 Comments
Just something for fun ;-)
I'm not a big sports fan but when I saw this, I couldn't resist and wanted to spread the word.
Corgis are in a match up against Pugs. Let's make sure Corgis make it to the final four!!
Added by Cindy & Jeremy & Caden too! on March 28, 2011 at 8:04pm — 4 Comments
Last night Bugsy went over by where his leash and collar hang. He sat there & looked at me. Then at his leash, & added a stump waggle. Then back at me. "Please Mommy take me for a walk now? Please!"
Well, of course I took him out for a romp!
This was the 1st time ever he's done that. I was very proud that he's learning his "words" ;-)
When he just wants to go out, he sits by the door looking at it. He yips when he wants back in...
It's been so long since I…
ContinueAdded by Peggy Woods on March 28, 2011 at 12:39pm — 2 Comments
And I am on Cloud 9! I am so proud of my awesome team. We went above and beyond and showed true corgi spirit.
It was a beautiful day at Kit Carson Park in Escondido, CA. We had at least 20 corgis show up; it was a sight to behold with everyone in their purple bandanas.…
ContinueAdded by Geri & Sidney on March 28, 2011 at 2:31am — 14 Comments
We were alerted by the vet at our first visit with LeeLoo that she wears her front nails down much lower than her back. We basically have never cut her front-most nails on her feet while we have to cut her rear ones every few weeks. This past weekend, she began bleeding through a cracked nail on one of the short nails. Has anyone else encountered this? She has worn this poor nail down to the quick.
We notice when she runs, she does apply a lot of pressure when her feet come down…
ContinueAdded by Stephanie Starkey on March 27, 2011 at 9:37pm — 8 Comments
Yes, the 4 first tricks, not only make me feel accomplished but I feel like he's learning so fast and growing so fast! Not only has he doubled in size since we've gotten him, but Louie can now do 4 commands with ease.
Sit was the easiest, I just held a treat far behind his head until his butt went down. Lay Down took a little longer, held the treat on the ground until he laid down. Up was easy too, just held the treat above and in front of him and said up, it might not really be a…
ContinueAdded by Emily and LouDog on March 27, 2011 at 9:29pm — 3 Comments
Added by Cassondra Wilkins on March 27, 2011 at 11:08am — 4 Comments
The Paws in the Park Walk is tomorrow, so I will let you guys know how we did soon! As of right now, the corgis are doing great, holding first place. Keep fingers and paws crossed for us :)
We suddenly went up to 33 members! WooT! Corgis are…
ContinueAdded by Geri & Sidney on March 27, 2011 at 12:04am — 1 Comment
Added by Patricia, Beauregard, and Tegan on March 25, 2011 at 4:26pm — 4 Comments
Well this isn't corgi-related, but we lost my family dog Patches on Friday. He was almost 17 and we raised him from a puppy when I was in 3rd grade. He was my childhood companion and I can't believe he's gone.
When I was in 2nd grade I prayed to God for a dog. I knew it was almost impossible since my parents were totally against us getting a dog. But in September 1994, God put a stray puppy in our yard and added an unforgettable part of our family...thank you Patches for…
ContinueAdded by Jenna, Jasper and Cersei on March 24, 2011 at 11:00pm — 13 Comments
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