Melissa Bee's Blog – April 2009 Archive (11)

Good Newz

Dear Readerz

Az you knowz, Miss Daisy iz here to stay. She iz so polite. Momma sez I could takes lessonz from her. What duz dat means do you s'pose? I didn't know dat Momma broughted Miss Daisy into our fambly to be my toootor. But dat must be what she means, az she iz alwayz saying dat if I do nots behave myselfs I will be tutored an' not go to no more showz.

Since Daisy comed here to be wif us, we haz had lots a good tymez. I am hardly a bad boy at all . . . well, if I… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on April 26, 2009 at 11:30am — No Comments

Daisy Goes to the Vet

Dear Readers

Today Daisy met our vet, Aunt Gail. Momma has taken her kids to Aunt Gail for several decades--she is good to us an' gives us cookies when we are done being zamined.

As I think I told you, Miss Daisy has dry eye. It is a terrible condition that we will need to be treating every day for the rest of her life. Momma was worried dat Daisy's eye was needing more care an' evaluation, so off went Daisy. Daisy tol' me that she didn't mind the vet's as much as she… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on April 21, 2009 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment

Foe-Toez Iz Upppp!

Dear Readers

Two-day Momma gotted out her blinkie thingie that hurts my eyez sometymez, whitch she sayz iz for kapturing the moment. But I livez in da moment, likes all animalz, so why shoulds I wants to kapture it when I is already in it??? Humans are so stwange much of da tyme.

So we captured lotz of momentz twoday. Akshully it waz fun. Daisy liked to have her pikchur taken, but I'm not sure where Momma taked it to. I just knows it iz in dat funny flashie/blinkie box of… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on April 20, 2009 at 9:00pm — 2 Comments


Dear Reader

As I is writing this on Momma's typer thingie, Momma an' Miss Dasie iz wif me on da sofa telling me whats I shoulds say. Miss Daisy hads never hads a typer thingie to sniff before, so she iz much amazed dats I cans puts my pawz on da liddle thingies dat Momma callz keeez. An' whens I does dat, Momma sez dat peoples and their corgeezzz cans sees what I haves to say. I hopes dat she iz right.

Daisy asked me to tell all of my readerz dat she iz westing from her… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on April 19, 2009 at 10:01pm — 8 Comments

My Anticipation Mounts . . . . One More Day Till Daizy. . . .

Dear Readers

If you has been following my blawg of lates, you'll knows dat I haz a new sissy coming . . . Daizy awwives tomorrow! I iz so excited I can't spell vewwy good today.

An' on top of dat, de Cardi Nationals have been going on an' I have been watchin' da noooz from der to see if I knows any of da cardis. An' I do!!! It is gwate dat dey have hads such a good time, but I wishes I could be there az well.

I wuz s'posed to go but Momma mades a mistakes and so… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on April 18, 2009 at 9:30am — No Comments

60 Hours to Go . . . Oh, the Agony of Waiting for Miss Daisy

Dear Reader

Oh, man (or should I say 'dog'?), it's hard to wait for Miss Daisy to get here. Momma is scrabbling around the house and garage trying to find all the necessities of new-dog-life. Currently she is missing the little post thingies and a larger thingie that all hold her dog play pen together. Since I am neither a scent nor a sight hound, I can offer her no assistance.

The kibbles, however, are another issue all together. Speaking of kibbles, do you s'pose Momma… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on April 16, 2009 at 11:01pm — 1 Comment

A Daisy a Day . . . We're Waiting For You, Sweet Girl

This is for our almost new girl, Miss Daisy, a survivor of the Missouri puppy mill bust. I selected this song because it says a lot about our fur friends--how tenacious they are and how much we love them. It's easy to translate this lovely song from the human context to the Daisy-in-our-home context, with just a little… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on April 15, 2009 at 5:00pm — No Comments


Dear Readers

Do you 'member me telling you about da fone conversation I listened in on betwixt Momma and "Ann"? I was worried dat she was talking about a puppeeee. But last night I decided dat she and Ann were talking about flowerz, daisies to be pwecise.

But guess whats! It is a corgee, it is, it is! Yay! Arooooo! Aaaarf! Frap!!!!!!! Daisy is a pembroke; I have never met one of doze, but I haves always wanted to. Now one will… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on April 14, 2009 at 4:00pm — 3 Comments

Oh oh!

Dear Readers

My worries are multiplying . . . but so is my excitement! I heard Momma talking on the phone this afternoon while she must have thought I was asleep on the couch beside her. But I was secretly listening with those big cardi ears of mine . . . here's what I heard . . . she was talking to someone named Ann about someone named Daisy . . . and about going to see Ann and Daisy this coming Sunday . . . Ann and Daisy live on a farm.

I am thinking that Momma is going… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on April 13, 2009 at 11:09pm — 3 Comments

Cause for Concern?

Dear Readers

I iz somewhat worreeed. Momma haz been on her typer thingie a lot lookin at CorgiAid . . . iz it a new kinda drink for meeeeeeeeeee???? I am beginning to think it izunt . . . my water bowl haz not changed its flavor. There iz no aid of any kind that I cans see except for bandaid, whitch Momma putted on her owie when she bopped herselfs with the barbell at weight lifting. I thoughts Momma would have been at the beer joynt not the jim to gets a bar bell. Ans she woulda… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on April 12, 2009 at 10:58pm — No Comments

Cardigans Looking Beeeeuuuteeefull

Momma an' me were serfing the web this evening and happened on this spot, not to be confused with the dog named Spot in Dick an' Jane--if you iz old enuff to know uv Dick an' Jane, then you cans guess how old iz my Momma. Oooops. She iz coming in the room to take over her typer thingie, soz I'll be signing off till later. Bye, the sneaky Skeezman

Added by Melissa Bee on April 4, 2009 at 11:30pm — 2 Comments

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