June 2015 Blog Posts (16)

Corgi found looking for owner mankato blue earth Minnesota

The mankato area impound found this corgi and posted to Facebook looking for his owner. Found near mt kato

Added by Stephen and Megan on June 30, 2015 at 7:13pm — 9 Comments

My New Grandpuppy!

She's not a corgi but I have to show her off anyways.  She...who doesn't have a name yet...is a 3 month old black GSD.  My daughter picked her up Friday and things appear to be going very well.  No accidents the first night at all and no whimpering being in a…


Added by Linda on June 27, 2015 at 11:26pm — 8 Comments

Noodles is 10 today!- updated with Birthday party pictures

Today is the day the world was blessed with Noodles presence 10 years ago. I can't believe how time has flown by. His birthday party will take place after we get home from work, but I've been busy preparing for it. He will get an ice cream sandwich instead of cake this year...the cookies are peanut butter flavored and the ice cream is peanut butter & banana flavored and of course, all doggie safe ingredients. Here's a picture of him from this morning sporting his birthday bandana and his…


Added by Alison Prasavath on June 26, 2015 at 9:00am — 8 Comments

How much should he eat?

Hi everyone!  Gutie is 4.5 months now and is getting 1/2 cup of Fromm's Puppy dry food 3x day (7am, 12pm, 5:30pm).  I can visibly see his waistline and his ribs (both of them aren't sticking out, but I can see them without any difficulty).  He's an active dog (puppy play dates 2x/week, hiking/long walks everyday, swimming at the beach/pool, running freely at the park/cabin).  I took him to the vet to get weighed the other day on their scale and he's nearly 21lbs, but she the tech assured me…


Added by Chelsea Meredith on June 24, 2015 at 8:29pm — 2 Comments

Happy Birthday Max!!!

I can't believe my Max turned 13 today.  We didn't get to share the first 5 years of his life but he was there at the perfect time to join our family.  He is still a happy, healthy dog...a little slow to get up sometimes and doesn't hear as…


Added by Linda on June 21, 2015 at 4:37pm — 16 Comments

Sophie is done with chemo!!!!

The first pic is Sophie back in December of 2014; it shows her lying on her ottoman after her first chemo treatment; a pretty sad corgi, indeed. She had been diagnosed with lymphoma in early December during a routine vet visit to monitor her seizure meds and we were devastated. We decided to go ahead with chemo despite her age (10 yrs.) and Hx of seizures, since she was still enjoying life, food and walks. We agreed to stop the treatment…


Added by Chris Payerl on June 16, 2015 at 11:28am — 14 Comments

Herding Cats

The neighbor's nuisance cat got into the pool area this morning and attacked DUCK on her nest. The terrorized bird put up quite a racket. Luckily, I happened to be home at the time. I ran outside and grabbed a hose, but couldn't quite hit the accursed cat, which was, shall we say, persistent. DUCK fell off the coping into the pool.

I threw open the gate and hollered for Cassie, who came…


Added by Vicky Hay on June 13, 2015 at 4:07pm — 7 Comments

Ruby Grows Up

At 18 months, Ruby-Doo is now just about the same size as Cassie the Corgi, who's about six years her senior. As of this evening, they each weigh exactly 21.8 pounds.

That's right at what the vet pegs as Cassie's ideal weight. Ruby looks a tiny bit shorter than Cassie, but I think that's because her coat is considerably thinner than Cassie's She's filling out: getting broader across the back and shoulders and thicker around the belly.

I'm thinking it's about time to cut back…


Added by Vicky Hay on June 11, 2015 at 12:10am — 2 Comments

Carmel California - A Great Getaway for you and your Corgi(s)

Last weekend, we had a little weekend getaway - Me, my husband, and Nutmeg, our Corgi. We went to Carmel, CA on the Monterey Peninsula. Carmel is a very dog friendly town. Many hotels/inns accept furry family members. Most restaurants permit the pups (some even have a menu for your pup), and the beach is an off leash area where you dog can run and play with other dogs. We went the vacation rental route. We rented a little place called "Tuckaway" (…


Added by Mary Ann on June 10, 2015 at 12:33pm — 5 Comments

Thank you.....

Once again, thanks for all the birthday wishes. My wife and I are retired and little Betty is the center of our lives. We look forward to many more years with our precious girl. I am sure that all the folks here who are "owned" by a corgi or corgis know what I mean. Betty sends her thanks as well and sends a slurpy kiss to all her friends.

Added by Carl Koch on June 7, 2015 at 12:22pm — No Comments

Mayflower Corgi Trial

We are off to the Mayflower Corgi Trial tomorrow. Monday is open to all breeds and Tuesday is Corgi only. I'm looking forward to Tuesday. It will be fun to see all those fast little dogs. I wish I could attend the rest of the Mayflower events especially herding. I saved my two personal days all school year for the agility days. It's so difficult to make mid week events.

Wish us luck. Becca could get her AKC novice title to go with her CPE level one. I'm a little worried about the…


Added by Marcie on June 6, 2015 at 8:03pm — 10 Comments

I don't like the f word but...

Dougal, the glamour coated / fluffy is being brought in for a weigh in next week.He is a BIG boy, so I thought trimming his hair back would make him look less robust.......wrong!. From the rear, he looks like Kim Kardashian,, and the clipping back of all the hair on his belly makes him look like a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig. the undertall excuse may not cut it, so he & I will be on a lifestyle mission. He makes me laugh everytime I look at him!

Added by Frances P Moloney on June 6, 2015 at 7:06pm — 1 Comment

The Ineffable Longing for Ducks

DUCK continues to cultivate Eggs. She roams off a little more often now that all the eggs seem to be delivered to Nest and she's maybe less tired than she was. After a foraging foray, she comes back (as all wild ducks do) to Lake and floats around for awhile, getting her underside amply wet.

Duck eggs need a degree of humidity as well as degrees of maternal body temperature, and the occasional dip in the drink is how a  mother duck arranges that.

Ruby and Cassie are…


Added by Vicky Hay on June 5, 2015 at 6:18pm — No Comments


Today is our precious girls 10th birthday. May her remaining years be happy. God knows she suffered enough during her early years. 

Betty we love you dearly. Mommy and I can't bear to think of a day without our sweet girl.


Added by Carl Koch on June 4, 2015 at 4:26pm — 7 Comments

Crate size

I know this seems like a trivial post, but I want to purchase a second crate for Tilly, 27 lbs, that I can take to our cottage this summer. I will be using the one we have as well, but using the second one for inside of our tent.  At the moment I have a large metal one with a slide out bottom.  She really doesn't need this much space but she can do anything in it, lots of room.  I saw a crate today, and hemmed and hawed as to whether she would fit in there or not.  I decided not.  I'd like…


Added by Karen Knuff on June 3, 2015 at 11:00pm — 4 Comments

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