I just saw Robinson Crusoe with Pierce Brosnan (ok, I'm a little behind, the movie is from 1997). There is an adorable tri-colored pem, Skipper. I thought it was a cardi at first look, he has a tail. But as I saw more of him, I would say he is definitely a pem. Adorable but sad.
Added by Cathy on September 30, 2013 at 10:04am — 2 Comments
I came across this on OCD and I immediately thought of all our sweet corgis here. I'm sorry I can't remember who it was but they posted about their dog with DM and the need for wheels. You can get thru CorgiAid.
Added by Linda on September 29, 2013 at 10:46pm — No Comments
I haven't been on here much lately, but now that I finally have internet access, I decided it was time for an update…
ContinueAdded by Zigward & Kimberly on September 26, 2013 at 8:00pm — 7 Comments
update 9/28 : Wynn's sutures are open...waiting for the vet to get back and then we are going in...NOT an emergency but can't wait till the AM:(
Vet visit: Super sedated for the next 4-5 days...huge cone head too:( After he tore out several of the staples right after the vet had put them in the vet decided that to put him on a major med and more pain pills as he had just finished his last one…
ContinueAdded by Jane Christensen on September 26, 2013 at 7:00pm — 20 Comments
Vets are warning pet owners of a long hot summer this year and especially pet owners on rural properties!. Snakes!!! Paul & I have to be so careful this is Oscar & Sam's first summer as country dogs!. It is the brown & black snakes that we have to watch out for our vet has told us when we are out with them don't let them out of our sight and just be more diligent and maybe keep them on the verandah so they can't get up to any mischief!.
Added by Brian D Graham on September 23, 2013 at 11:40pm — 4 Comments
They're now carrying a mini cardi. (Honestly it looks more like a tri) but still way too cute!
Also have a "Massive" pembroke about the size of a small bean bag chair
Added by Tim Lum on September 22, 2013 at 10:20am — 2 Comments
Added by Kat Lampkins on September 22, 2013 at 9:13am — 3 Comments
Thanks to all the positive comments I will look for the slow feeding bowl I make a point of being with Oscar when he eats his dry food and he is getting better and with his wet food also we have started the mammoth task of starting to repaint the inside of the house!. we are going room by room and changing the beige to white so far we have done the formal dining and between the formal dining room & the kitchen. the kitchen and laundry was done before we moved in next is the formal…
ContinueAdded by Brian D Graham on September 21, 2013 at 12:47am — No Comments
It's been a long time since I visited this site. I switched to WheelCorgis after Gwenny was diagnosed with Degenerative Myelopathy. After two years, the symptoms had progressed to become a quality of life issue for her. We said goodbye to our brave girl on August 21.
Now for the part that the admins will not like.
Although most people believe this horrible disease (identical to ALS in humans) is a German Shepard/large breed problem, the fact is, it has become a real threat to…
ContinueAdded by Deborah Smith on September 17, 2013 at 10:07pm — 11 Comments
Knowing that I will be bringing home my first PWC pup in about two months, I am
starting to test the waters to figure out what kind of food to feed. I am a big
fan of Blue Buffalo. My cat has been on it for years and all of my coworkers
feed Blue with great success.
I was looking at either the Freedom or
Basics "lines" that Blue has to offer. Freedom is grain free and Basics is a
limited ingredient food.
Also, I know there are varying opinions on…
Added by Marissa, Bandit, and Bacon on September 16, 2013 at 11:11am — 13 Comments
Ozu is back to his old, cranky self. My pace is the rhythm he walks to. And he is walking again. Two and half weeks ago, his back legs were shaking so much that the little guy was finding it hard to make his way down the street. Found a vet who does acupuncture... The first session worked wonders! Legs straightened and became sturdy. He could run again. Went again today. He is one happy guy!
Added by Deborah DeSnoo on September 16, 2013 at 10:43am — 11 Comments
I read about Grand Mal Seizure's I have noticed when Oscar eats his dry food he bolts it down and does not chew it!. Oscar starts to I think choke and this goes on for not very long he then settles down. We have started to half the portion and give it to him in stages this seems to work it has happened with his Barf Diet wet food as well we just try to settle him and it stops?. My Question is when this happens is it just because Oscar bolts his food down and it gets stuck or is it something…
ContinueAdded by Brian D Graham on September 14, 2013 at 11:35pm — 9 Comments
Today I got a call for an interview for a job that I have been trying to get since I graduated. I am so excited and hope I get it. If I get it I know Luigi will not like it. Even though I will have night shifts I will have to sleep during the day. He won't be able to get my attention 24/7. I feel bad about it, but I know I have to do this so I can take care of him and myself. I just hope he doesn't get too mad at me if I get it.
Added by Ashley Vicari on September 12, 2013 at 1:27pm — 5 Comments
Would like to find AKC Pembroke welsh corgi to ad to my ranch. If any one knows of any please contact me at 509 697-5774
Added by Triple L Paints and corgi's on September 11, 2013 at 5:17pm — No Comments
I finally got a little guy 4 weeks ago, he will be 12 weeks in a few days. My 10 year old Dylan passed away Jan 29th and my new guy is Dylan II. He is my first pup since I got my last one at 18 mo. I am really having a hard getting him not to bite and his teeth are the sharpest puppy teeth I have ever come across. Any ideas on how to get him to chew and bite on something beside me?
Just sitting here thinking about how lucky I am to have great dogs and family (not necessarily in that order :) but will always remember 9/11 when the USA was attacked. I was sitting watching the Today show with Sparty on my lap as usual when it happened. My son came home from an early class and asked me why I was crying and I told him, " I think we have just been attacked". It was so sad to think about all the people and dogs just going about their ordinary day who lost their lives. It…
ContinueAdded by Bev Levy on September 11, 2013 at 11:21am — 3 Comments
Was about to leave work yesterday and one of the residents at work come via my desk and told me there were some brush fires out our way and had got out of control and were we anywhere near the area!. I rushed for the train and on the way home the mood in the train was rather panic as people on the train were calling families hoping they were safe I called Paul he said he could see the smoke of the fires in the distance as the train got closer to Richmond where I park the car I could see the…
ContinueAdded by Brian D Graham on September 11, 2013 at 8:44am — 1 Comment
And it feels like we've had him forever. We could not have wished for a more wonderful dog than our Bogart! He was six months old when we picked him up from a breeder in Dahlonega, Georgia (Walnut Creek Farms)... Here's what he looked like on his first day with us, and now a year later...…
ContinueAdded by Bogart the Cardigan on September 10, 2013 at 10:47pm — 7 Comments
This is the link to Cafe Press which is handling the sales and shipping of the Jasper 2014 Corgi Calendar. 100% of the proceeds will go to CorgiPals which gives a voice to corgis in need. If you decide to purchase one make sure you check the one for the 2014 calendar.
I hope this is ok to post here. We all know the good that Corgi Pals does for the…
ContinueAdded by Linda on September 9, 2013 at 5:47pm — No Comments
My little girl Angie enjoyed herself so much. We came home with bags of treats and toys...Large Bags! She stayed by my side the whole entire time(thank you obedience training!)and she was over all the best companion to have there. She met another corgi named Howie and the two became fast friends. You can check out Hounds on the Hill on facebook and I hope to see more corgis there next year! And to anyone who came, Thank you for supporting canine companions everywhere :)…
ContinueAdded by Sidney and Angie on September 8, 2013 at 3:24pm — No Comments
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