Tegan loves her football! She will resort to sleeping on it to keep it away from Beauregard!

Added by Patricia, Beauregard, and Tegan on October 28, 2009 at 1:50am —
Everybody had a lot of fun! Now we're all looking forward to the annual Corgi picnic in Palm…
Added by Stanley & Charlotte on October 27, 2009 at 10:34pm —
Someone please adopt her! I would but I already have a female corgi. :(

Added by Mochi on October 27, 2009 at 1:30pm —
So Winston has terrible allergies. I thought they would be gone once the colder weather came, but last night he was chewing himself up terribly :( Has anyone ever dealt with this? I was going to give him Benadryl but I'm not sure how much I should give him... I know that it is safe to give to dogs in small doses... I should give my vet a call and figure that out. But has anyone else dealt with terrible allergies? I've had him get cortisone shots before and take allergy meds that the vet gave…
Added by Lauren + Winston on October 27, 2009 at 11:20am —
I having been trying to get a corgi for ever, and once I found a breeder through a friend, I was finally about to get one. Wynstan will be here on Nov 28th.
But I am very surprised that there is a website like this. I was glad to see a wealth of knowledge on here. Thank you all for the warm reception.
Just one more thing. What should I expect from my little furry bundle of joy on the first day here?
Added by Buddy & Wynstan on October 26, 2009 at 11:04pm —
What a Monday... I think I'm just going to have to Office Space-it and say, "I have the case of the MONdays."
It begins during the wee hours in the middle of the night as the storms roared and raged through Plano, TX. Sky, who enjoys lightening and thunder, wanders through the apartment going between his bed and watching the storm out of the window. Not that this specifically kept me awake, but since I was having trouble sleeping hearing him go back and forth was driving me…
Added by Laura on October 26, 2009 at 6:45pm —
...Lyla's new way of making sure she gets all the toys and Sky gets none.

Added by Sky and Lyla on October 25, 2009 at 11:01pm —
Tonight was the Halloween party at Sidney's obedience school. He went dressed as a lobster! I wish I had thought to look for a fisherman's jacket of chef's hat, hee hee.
There was a trick contest..one for beginning and one for advanced. I was not sure where to enter him and opted for the advanced level. He took second place! I was so proud of the good job he did :)
He did "say hello", "high five" "spin" "down" "bang you're dead" and the "balance the treat on the nose and hold it…
Added by Geri & Sidney on October 25, 2009 at 1:56am —
So we went to Petsmart this afternoon to get some cat food and dog treats, and we took Tegan with us. They were having adoptions today and I overheard some of the people working it talking about my Tegan and saying she was definitely a Sheltie/ Corgi mix! I just stood their thinking to myself " How could you think my baby is anything other than a Corgi? She is the epitome of a Corgi!" This also happened to my male, Beauregard, when he was a puppy. That time the person was so sure he was a Jack…
Added by Patricia, Beauregard, and Tegan on October 24, 2009 at 7:00pm —
We won the costume contest! I was so stoked! The lady handing out prizes said that anyone willing to dress up with their dogs (like I did) deserved to win, lol.
Sorry I didn't get anymore fun pictures of their costumes, there were so many dogs and my two were so excited, it was all I could do to hold onto the leash, much less a camera! The store hosting the party did take some pictures though, so if they put them up on their site, I'll be sure to post them here. Here are some…
Added by Sky and Lyla on October 24, 2009 at 4:00pm —
I have a 3 year old Corgi, and as most of you know it gets pretty hot in Texas during the summer months. I thought it would be a good idea to get her a summer hair cut... well I didn't realizing that some dogs are not meant to be clipped. Rue has patches of hair on her back and neck that are not growing back. I looked this up on the internet and found the term Clipper Alopecia, it looks very similar to the patches on Rue's back and neck. Has anyone every had this issue? I would really like to…
Added by Rachel on October 24, 2009 at 1:52pm —
Oh, the things you can do with Toddler's hoodies, string, and a cheap glue gun!!

Sky is so embarrassed here... he HATES wearing clothes!

Added by Sky and Lyla on October 24, 2009 at 12:32am —
So, my work has gone to computerized scheduling, and when I print out my weekly schedule I see where things have gotten pretty busy with the dogs...and rightly so!
Tucker, my golden, has physical therapy one day a week. Finn, my corgi, has rally training on wednesday evenings followed by play time in the clubs fenced field. Saturday mornings are spent herding sheep, where Saturday afternoons are for learning to behave at the barn and around horses. Every morning, lunch break, and evening…
Added by Laura Culp Elliott on October 24, 2009 at 12:20am —
Captain turned 1 years old on Wednesday along with is litter mates. Here are a few photos. Captain is the Blue, Fig is the Tri and Sage is the Cream/Red. Enjoy…

Added by Trenton and Denise on October 23, 2009 at 6:37pm —

Fergie has completely lost her figure and the puppies are due any moment now. Her temperature has been dropping slowly. She seems so uncomfortable!
Added by Kristen on October 23, 2009 at 5:32pm —
It's really not that bad, and I don't know which dog at the park did it. Eddy always wrestles and chases with multiple dogs. Sooo I guess some dog tore his ear up a bit. He didn't ever yelp or run away or anything... And I didn't even notice until we got home. But it's a big one-inch gash on the inside of his ear, near the base, and it was oozing fresh blood, and there are chunks of skin still hanging around. This isn't the first time, but it's the most severe wound so far. Always on his big…
Added by Sunni A. on October 23, 2009 at 2:47pm —

So the weather has been less then desirable here lately, rain mostly, cold and wet, wet and cold!!! We have not been able to get our for our walks as much and Edward(51/2months now)clearly demonstrated just what he thinks of that by marking one of my wicker plant stands, digging up a patch of carpet and getting into garbage all in a matter of about 20minutes last night!!! UGGGHHHH!!!!!! if he wasn't so darn…
Added by Edward and Gemima on October 23, 2009 at 1:32pm —
Hi all,
I don't post much but I wanted to tell you that we have added another Corgi to our household. Her name is Isabelle and she is a 2 year old surrender that we found through rescue. We picked her up Sunday and she is just awesome!!! We couldn't be happier and Spencer has never been so tired!!! So far they are getting along well, playing and frapping!
For those of you that are thinking of adding another corgi to your home, but can't tackle a puppy, PLEASE look into your local… Continue
Added by Jenni & Dave Fields on October 23, 2009 at 12:44pm —
Shiro's exercise pen is here!
It's Midwest, 30in high with a door, black coated. We put it in the corner where his cage is. This thing is huge! Good thing you can fold it as much as you want. We don't even use the door, just open one of the panels. I don't think he feels confined in there, but I don't really know what he's doing there by himself. Those 2 times I left him i there he stayed in his cage! Either he doesn't know he can play there with his toys or just bored. Also there's a…
Added by Beauty and the Beast on October 23, 2009 at 8:13am —
We've had her almost 2 months now and Yumi still never ceases to make me laugh everyday with something new. She has really come a long way from the shy little pup I brought home! She's still a bit timid around people she doesn't know all that well, but a tummy rub usually brings her right around. ^^ Otherwise she is a complete and total spaz! She's always hopping, bouncing, and spinning around, doing everything she can to keep my attention focused on her and her alone. If I go into another room…
Added by Kricket on October 23, 2009 at 2:50am —