November 2008 Blog Posts (132)

New Group!

Hi everyone...

Just a quick note: I've added a new group to our list: Pagan Corgi Owners. Would love to have you join us.

Added by Cindi on November 2, 2008 at 11:47pm — 1 Comment

Can't do it if you are watching.....

Well today for the 1st time I caught Le-Le in the act of coming down the stairs. She has made us be her human elevator since day one. My husband thinks this is cute and says 'Don't teach her to go down, she might hurt herself. I'll pick her up and carry her down... just ask me". Well I am sure you can imagine who 9 out of 10 times takes her down the stairs. Granted most of the time she is following me up and so I have to bring her down. Well there have been a few exceptions when she has gone… Continue

Added by Anne on November 2, 2008 at 10:52pm — 1 Comment

A haven for abuse victims who keep their pets close

When Rose Terry finally resolved to leave her abusive boyfriend, she knew she’d have to live in a shelter for a few weeks before she could start life anew. She had no reservations about that.

But she anguished over Byron, the cat who had seen her through the awful times. None of her friends could take the female feline (the family was first told she was male, hence the name), and she couldn’t bear the thought of placing her in an animal shelter until she got back on her feet. “I was… Continue

Added by Wendt Worth Corgi's on November 2, 2008 at 10:11pm — No Comments

Halloween Scare

Callie gave me a big scare on Halloween night. I was getting ready to go to work at a concert and I have bad allergies so I was going to take some Tylenol Allergy pills. I accidentally dropped them and she gobbled them up before I could do anything. Naturally I freaked out knowing that Tylenol is bad, especially that amount on a 12.7 pound dog (she was just weighed). After forcing her to drink Hydrogen Peroxide (as told by the vet who I was on the phone with) she did throw up. Poor thing was… Continue

Added by Lusa on November 2, 2008 at 6:01pm — 1 Comment

Myles Update

Myles health hs been going downhill since labor day weekend. During the night on October 31, 2008 we awoke to Myles having convulsions. He was weak, disoriented, shaking, and not responsive. We gave him a baby aspirin, and the symptoms subsided, except he was still weak. We do not have Vet ER, so in the morning when the Vet's office opened, he was in there. He was diagnosed with having high numbers for the kidney failure, dehydration, and electrolite imbalance.

After an overnight… Continue

Added by Sheldon's Mom aka Myles Mom on November 2, 2008 at 5:40pm — 6 Comments

My new little girl will be arriving tomorrow!

I'm very excited to see my new little Low Rider. She will be arriving around 2:45p Monday and I can't wait. I will be getting plenty of pictures of her to share w/you all and would like some input on names for her. I want something that has meaning behind it. Preferrably a Welsh name but not necessary. I just hope she doesn't get too scared or nervous over her flight and becomes ill. So if I'm not here much tomorrow or for the next couple of days its because I am attending to her to make her… Continue

Added by Wendt Worth Corgi's on November 2, 2008 at 4:26pm — 1 Comment

Life of a puppy.

Fargo will be 6 months old in a week. And I'll have had him for 4 of those months. He's such a good boy but sure has been an eye opening experience. Heh sometimes I get worried about having kids with the amount of stuff we've had to deal with.

In the last 4 months Fargo got bite at the dog park which required a visit to the ER vet.

Came down with an upper respiratory infection that had him sick for two weeks and included two visits to our regular vet.

Contracted a parasite that… Continue

Added by Christine & Fargo on November 2, 2008 at 3:46pm — No Comments

need help!

So i have had my corgi for 4 years and hes a great dog. He can be very tough at times but is obedient when he wants to be. I aheva 8 mo old dtr and recently she grabbed him to pet him and he nipped at her. I really dont want to give him up but if this keeps up then i will need to find a home for him without children. Please give me any feedback you can. thanks

Added by kyle morrissey on November 2, 2008 at 10:00am — 2 Comments

Favorite new toy

I found a new toy for Sidney (of course I spoil him!) that he's crazy about. It's called The Original Incredible Flump string ball by Sergeants. It's big (as big as Sid's head), soft and stringy. My other two dogs keep stealing it from Sid, so I think I need to go buy a couple more. I found it at Ralph's Supermarket for about $6.

Here's a pic of Sid protecting his toy from his "big brothers".…


Added by Geri & Sidney on November 2, 2008 at 2:25am — 9 Comments

Maddie's Halloween Costume

Last year Maddie dressed up as the devil, so this year I decided to go with something a little more girly - a witch! She didn't really like her head mask - which was a witch face with purple "hair" and a witch hat with a star on top - so it only stayed on for a bit. She seemed to like her cape (which had a witch sillouette on it!) much better. Here are some photos of Maddie and me on Halloween night:…


Added by Stephanie on November 2, 2008 at 1:00am — 1 Comment

It's official, there is two

Eric and I went to see two corgis at a rescue today. We were hoping to add our family. We had Ein, an 8 month old tri before today. Now, we had Ed, a 1 year old sable. Things are still a little rough at the house. We wanted to introduce the two well, so after they played at the rescue a bit we decided they were a good fit. Once home, we let them play in the backyard for about an hour, then brought them into the basement, a less lived in portion of our house, and then into the upstairs, the main… Continue

Added by Tina on November 1, 2008 at 6:25pm — No Comments

Eating Everything

So I know my Corgi Willy is only 9 months old but he seems to eat everything. The other day he ate right through the bag of my Halloween costume then ate part of the costume. He also likes to chew on the fringe of my oriental rugs. I try giving him chew toys and balls to play with and eat but it just does not seem to do the trick. He is very well behaved other than that but any suggestions as to how to get him out of this habit? It is just really frustrating considering he likes to eat my socks… Continue

Added by Matt Federico on November 1, 2008 at 4:38pm — 5 Comments

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