Brushing out mountains of hair and watching the sparrows collect it for their nests in the spring.
Added by Amanda on March 25, 2009 at 4:12pm —
Hi guys, Momo's doing a lot better now, It rained loudly again yesterday and Momo completely ignored it, I think
it was a "first-time" thing ;)
Anyhow, Momo was fine but I fell sick with gastro. It kept me awake through the night, Momo can somehow sense I wasn't feeling well and wasn't excited or wanted to play with me when I got out of bed to go to the bathroom( I wanted to throw up). Instead he followed in the bathroom and layed down beside the toilet/me and waited with me…
Added by Yee and Momo on March 25, 2009 at 4:00pm —
No Comments is having a giveaway!
Please check it out here:
Corgi Butts Giveaway! You can win some cute stuff like this:…

Added by Kelly on March 25, 2009 at 3:38pm —
1 Comment
Finnigan woke up early this morning throwing up and hasn't really stopped since. He didn't eat his dinner last night but was more than happy to take treats so it wasn't so unusual, but now he's throwing up and there's nothing in it as far as food goes. At first it was a thick, mucusy and yellow and has now turned extremely foamy (like shampoo) and still has a yellowish tinge and is odorless. We gave him water but he threw that up so Jason took him to the vet since I had to go to work. The vet…
Added by Alice on March 25, 2009 at 3:05pm —
Elvis and Junebug...perfect descriptions!…
Added by Bonny on March 25, 2009 at 2:30pm —
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Added by Heidi Robson on March 25, 2009 at 2:00pm —
Mocha is all about big willie style - ha ha.... na na - na na na - na na!
Added by Sam Tsang on March 25, 2009 at 10:57am —
and I would be....…
Added by Corgibyassociation on March 25, 2009 at 9:30am —
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Bertie Wooster turned out to be:
So now he's thinking about entering politics!
And Ethel Barrymore? The Big Diva herself:
lol! what a…
Added by Susan Stanton on March 25, 2009 at 9:28am —
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Our story...
When we learned about this charity event we decided that although we couldn't donate bags of our own money... we could take the time and help spread the word and hopefully help pull in more than we could ever be able to give out of our own pockets. So we started a team "BklynK9", put together a flyer, posted them at dog runs around the city and in Brooklyn, sent out a few mass emails, blogged about it on, updated…
Added by Michael Hong on March 25, 2009 at 1:30am —
Wow, your dog is Will Ferrell!
Will Ferrell
The Comedian
Keeping a straight face around Winston is a cheek muscle-wrenching nightmare. Try as you may, but giggling is inevitable because Winston is comedian Will Ferrell!
For a while Winston was just funny on Saturday nights, but that's all changed now that he's taken his act on the road. Whether he's being silly in…
Added by Lauren + Winston on March 25, 2009 at 12:30am —
Added by thejokester on March 24, 2009 at 11:48pm —
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I noticed Pooka's toys were coming apart at the stitching (especially since she loves to grab an easy to chomp leg during tug-of-war) and the stuffin was sticking out. Appreciative after seeing so many images of dogs surrounded by the guts of their victims, that Pooka didn't enjoy pulling out stuffing, I decided to try to fend off the habit as long as possible. So, it was time for
Stuffed Animal SURGERY!
I grabbed my sewing kit and…
Added by GoGoRainbow on March 24, 2009 at 11:00pm —
Dear Readers
I just saw the following badge . . . It reminds me of the lines from
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre : "Badges? We don't got no stinking badges. We don't need no stinking badges! We don't want no stinking badges!"
Well, Mom went to that site . . . where I and all my cats also have pages . . . and took that test to see what hooman celebrity I…
Added by Melissa Bee on March 24, 2009 at 6:30pm —
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My Corgi is 6 months old and time to start thinking about neutering. I am considering a vasectomy to help keep his adult weight in control. Does anyone have experience with this procedure? Results?
Thanks, Kim
Added by Kim Frayer on March 24, 2009 at 6:21pm —

My husband had some fun last night... haha
Added by Laura & Lola on March 24, 2009 at 9:56am —
Momo woke me up today 5am in the morning because he was terrified of the sound of loud raindrops and thunderstorms that came fluttering about all the sudden. He was barking, whining turning around in circles when I tried to calm him down .He's never been exposed to loud sounds of raindrops or thunderstorms with the 4 months he's been with me, so I ended up opening the doors to let him see the rain and sit by him and to let him know that he was not in 'danger'. After 30 minutes he calmed down a…
Added by Yee and Momo on March 24, 2009 at 3:47am —
It's so great when I've been trying to teach Pooka a trick for a few days and then suddenly, she's doing it without me asking (usually cuz I'm asking her to
Roll Over and she hates that), and actually responding to the words without the hand motion.
Most recently its been "
Do-Si-Do" which means
spin around. My first experience with training dogs was on the Nintendo DS, playing Nintendogs, with my TriColor corgi pup named Pumkin, my shiba inu named Gypsy, and my…
Added by GoGoRainbow on March 24, 2009 at 2:58am —
1 Comment
Here I thought I was going to have to stay in my spacious, palatial kennel all day today. By the way, Mom has been promising to renew the pea gravel out there, but so far the 15 bags remain in the truck. I, the optimist, think that as soon as it rains and I slap her clean jeans with my muddy paws to greet her returning home from whatever "work" is that she will get that gravel moving faaaaaaassssstttt. It's supposed to rain the rest of the week . . . an added incentive.
Now that Mom…
Added by Melissa Bee on March 24, 2009 at 1:00am —
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my favorite question: " What TIME are you due?",the jumpy husband.... after the first batch, the "off the rails" excited siblings...
So, I guess Suri has it better than I - or, worse, depending on your perspective, with just ME staring at her, reading her moods, wondering how off or on this due date thing is.
( WAAAAY back from 1980-2000 while I had babies, without knowing the sex or the nano second of…
Added by Suri's (Sugar Magnolia) on March 23, 2009 at 10:14pm —
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