I have posted an article on some of the duties and history of War Dogs and how they helped our Soldiers. I added a few links for further reading if this is interesting to you.
I also posted advice on how you can adopt one of these dogs w/a link to a site that has an application and provides advice on how to go about this.
To read more on War dogs, go to http://www. wendtworthcorgis. com and click on News Blog.
Added by Wendt Worth Corgi's on March 11, 2009 at 12:35am —
1 Comment
People have been so, so nice. I can't say how much I appreciate that. My back counter had flowers all over it all last week. think I could stock a florist's shop. I've gotten cards in the mail from a lot of friends, several of them here. I just... I cannot thank everyone enough, for their kind words and support. I am so, so honored that Gabriel was so well-loved, and made a lot of people proud of him (and a lot of them laugh at us.) I've had so many people say, "He had a great life," and he…
Added by Shepdog on March 10, 2009 at 10:18pm —
Last night, my sister's dog, Charlotte, got really sick. She started vomiting blood and having bloody stools and acting very lethargic and "out of it" during the night. She took her to the emergency vet and they assessed her and she was dehydrated and had some sort of gastroenteritis. They wanted to admit her, but it was going to cost $1200, and frankly, my sister doesn't have that kind of money. So they told her how to treat her at home and gave her medicine. She took her to my mom's house and…
Added by Ginny and Diggory on March 10, 2009 at 9:58pm —
Confirmed today, babies due in /around April 10th. Just had her "palpated" and "at least 5 were detected". I'm in a little shock. Went immediately to a local breeder who gave me the lowdow, changed her food to a high quality puppy food. and in another week I will get her birthing box in place. I am open to all non- terrifying advice. Bear in mind, nice local breeder lady has promised to be here for assist....
Love, Carsyn and Suri
Added by Suri's (Sugar Magnolia) on March 10, 2009 at 9:31pm —
I want to sign him up!! It would be so easy for them to put a little white stripe on his nose. He has all the other markings!! I'm sure they have had a corgi raised and trained all his life just for this role though. But drag is so smart i bet he could do it!
Added by Dragster and Bailee on March 10, 2009 at 5:29pm —
We are going to move to the new house at the end of the month, but I'm a bit concerned about Lorenzo (the boy) and d'Lilah (the girl) will pee and poop in the new house, esp the boy likes to mark the new territory, doesn't anyone have the tip and experience for transition period?
Added by Liz on March 10, 2009 at 11:33am —
Hi im Holli im a crazy CORGI i was born in San Antonio TX and shipped to Fort Myers FL! right now im in CO i went for a long hike and loved the other dogs there! i hate water and love bones!!!! i have a sister Honey(maltese) and 4 other human sisters! I love my aunty and uncle (My mom and dad they dont wanna be Grandma and Grandpa) and my mommy MACIE! My 2 best friends are Tiki the Lab and Morgan the Golden:) my other friends are Rex, Lana Pumpkin&Princess(cats my other sisters), then my…
Added by Macie Linne & Holli Berri on March 10, 2009 at 11:30am —
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Penny turned one today! It seems like just yesterday we picked her up. I am going to try my hand at making her a birthday cake - if that fails, it's off to Sprinkles for a doggie cupcake (and maybe one for mommy as well).
Any good easy cake recipies? I found one with carrots and peanut butter that looked pretty gross - meaning Penn should love it!
Added by Nicole on March 10, 2009 at 10:14am —
1 Comment
I got more pictures but they are very small and not really worth posting however, when she resends them to me in a few days, i will post them up, and tomorrow, Mar 11, she will be three weeks old!
Added by The Mau on March 10, 2009 at 9:25am —
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We made our decision this morning and pick out our Samantha. Don't mind saying it was a hard decision as all the pups were beautiful, Wendt Worth Corgis are just fantastic. She was born on 2/17/09 in a litter of 4. For the last three weeks it was pure joy trying to figure out which one was for us. Before they were born we have been buying stuff. So far we have food & water bowl, collapsable water bowl, ball, red stuffed lobster complete with rope legs and squeaky, Pedi Paws, shower head…
Added by Marion and Vern on March 9, 2009 at 4:30pm —
Hey all I started a new group for corgi lovers on MySpace. I figured since there is one for Facebook why not one for MySpace!
Added by Corgi lover! (Misty) on March 9, 2009 at 4:12pm —
Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! :)
I am part of a community called "corgilove" on www.livejournal.com (which is how I found out about www.mycorgi.com, incidentally), but it's great to have an additional place to talk about and see adorable pictures of corgis! I also found a local corgi meet-up group online over the weekend. My husband and I are looking forward to taking Joshua to their next gathering to play with some fellow corgis at the beach!
This weekend we took…
Added by Sarah on March 9, 2009 at 3:32pm —
1 Comment
Suri was a gift to me recently. She can detect electrical impulses before I have sezures and "herds" me to sit or lie down when a seizure is imminent. I have written this in other places, but, as I am new, don't know if the ? is getting out there. The generous hobby breeder said Suri had been "exposed" to her male stud Corgi a week before I got her and not to be surprised if pups showed up! Shocked, I was speechless. Can anyone tell me( vet visit still 2weeks away) what to look for, how to…
Added by Suri's (Sugar Magnolia) on March 9, 2009 at 2:18pm —
Well we've had our little guy for 3 days now and he still goes nameless! I'm sure he minds a lot less than I do, but it seems like such a big decision and I want it to be just right! I'm going to hang out with him and get to know him for another day or two before we make a decision, but we've been brainstorming some names and I thought I'd get some input on which you guys think is best!

Oliver (Olly)- I like this name but my husband…
Added by Jenna, Jasper and Cersei on March 9, 2009 at 1:38pm —
Thanks to everyone for their baby gate suggestions. We purchased a taller one from Drs. Foster and Smith, and we'll let you know how it goes!
Added by Gracii on March 9, 2009 at 9:05am —
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TOBY… Continue
Added by Wendt Worth Corgi's on March 8, 2009 at 11:40pm —
Added by BEAR on March 8, 2009 at 8:53pm —
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I got a return call from a breeder yesterday afternoon saying she has a 10 month old male Pembroke available. We went to meet him today and ended up coming home with him. After a long search things went so fast with this pup! We knew it was right. He is so friendly and happy.
He had a big day today - his second car ride ever, a trip to petsmart, his first walk in the 'city' (really a town but after living on 5 acres..), a new home, new kitty friends and new parents. He took…
Added by Amanda & Tuck on March 8, 2009 at 12:32am —
Hey, thanks so much everyone! Susan: I laughed at your comment about stocking up on baby paraphernalia. How did you know ? :-) Julia: Cooper is also from Dalarno. I wonder if he and Nick share any bloodlines, or parents for that matter...
On the subject of pictures, I took about a million so I'll have to decide which ones to post.
Thanks for being such a welcoming group. I love getting the great feedback from other Corgi lovers and enjoy seeing pictures of your beautiful boys and…
Added by ann/cooper on March 7, 2009 at 10:32pm —
Are there any chewing repellant sprays that actually work? I have a border collie who loves the taste of bitter apple, and our new corgi milo seems to not be put off at all by the taste of Nature's Miracle Best Behavior chew repellant.
Anyone know of any that work? Or any home-made concoctions? He's found a wooden post in our apartment that he really loves to chew on, and if he damages it, there goes our pet deposit! It's literally the only thing in our entire apartment he could…
Added by Luke & Jess on March 7, 2009 at 7:25pm —