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Oona, week 10!


Added by LaRissa L. Head on January 27, 2011 at 9:33pm — 6 Comments

Missing my corgi

We had to say goodbye to our beloved corgi, Kujo, on Saturday afternoon :( 

He started feeling poorly on Friday night, I got him in to the vet first thing on Saturday morning. At first they thought he had kidney stones but after further tests they found a very large cancerous tumor in his bladder.  Bladder cancer is very deadly in dogs and there was absolutely nothing that could be done for him.  We are missing him like crazy and our house just isn't the same without him.  We have a 3…


Added by Ann Welsh on January 27, 2011 at 7:45pm — 17 Comments

Daisy goes snowshoeing

Hi, I am wondering if any one can recommend some snow boots for Daisy, the last pair was 1/2 on & 1/2 off in the first 5 minutes of being outside in the snow...  I have a little coat for her thats not to heavy... Plus because she came from a breeder she still has dewclaws???  Thanks for any help you can offer...

Added by Carry Mackenzie on January 27, 2011 at 6:21pm — 1 Comment

Corgi neighbours!

When I moved into my apartment complex a few months ago, I met my neighbour Ruby and her chihuahua Bianca. We often take the dogs out at the same time, and one day, Ruby mentioned to me that she had seen another corgi in our complex, named Olive. 


Last night, I was walking from my car to my apartment with groceries, and lo! There was a young woman walking her fluffy corgi. I said, "This must be Olive!" It was. :) Olive was very friendly - much more extroverted than…


Added by Laura Harris on January 27, 2011 at 5:16pm — 1 Comment

cow hoof treats

My corgi, Sassy, got a cow hoof from her groomer at Christmas.  Has any one else given them to their corgis?

I've read that the rawhide is not good for their stomachs. But I never read any thing about cow hoofs.  Sassy really likes to chew on them.

Added by Margie Wilkinson on January 27, 2011 at 11:43am — 3 Comments

Another went over the Rainbow Bridge!

When we got Bucher as a puppy, he was quite the hit in our neighborhood.  We had really great neighbors and so we all would hang out together in the summer.  Our neighbor’s two houses away, Ann & Brian, really liked Boo so they ended up rescuing a corgi Kujo.  We no longer live in that neighborhood, but still stop and visit.  We just stopped last month to visit with Ann, Brian & of course Kujo and they also have another dog Easton.  I told Ann about this site and was so excited when…


Added by Lynne Cerny on January 27, 2011 at 8:05am — 5 Comments

And the snow just keeps on coming...


We're in a bit of a pattern here in Kentucky.


It snows, all the schools close, we're out for a day or two, the skies clear for 5 days, then the cycle repeats.


This cycle has almost repeated perfectly since the 2nd week of December - if it weren't so troublesome it would be amazing.


Here is yet another short video of my two beasts enjoying the snow.

Besides baking and cleaning, videoing the dogs is one of the few things that…


Added by Stephanie on January 26, 2011 at 7:00pm — 1 Comment

Day 2 :]

Luca is home now! Here's a few things I've noticed in the two days she's been home


-She doesn't like her collar.

-She despises the leash.

-She hates her crate.

-She loves her food so much that she swallows it whole and spits it back up. :[

-She wants to chew on everything(expected) especially on mom's hands/toes. 

-She follows my every step. this makes me happy :]

-She has picked up pretty quickly that potty time is…


Added by Nikki and Luca on January 26, 2011 at 10:30am — 3 Comments

Finally getting allergy tested!!!....any last minute advise?

So in my last blog posts I wrote about my corgi Dax, who has had terrible allergic reactions to who-knows-what over the last couple of years. This last August/September was the worst it had ever been. Dax had been on multiple allergy medications (both holistic and regular veterinary medications) and the only thing that had seemed to give him any relief from his constant itching was a double-dose of prednisone. I even had him shaved so that I could attempt some topical meds (which didn't even…


Added by Samantha, Daxter and Seeka! on January 24, 2011 at 10:31pm — 10 Comments

Dog poisoning

I am sorry to report that my sister in-law who got a corgi ( Axel ) about one month after we got our Quin, is having trouble with her neighbor who is poisoning her dogs. One of the dogs who was a Boston terrier and belonged to her daughters boyfriend died and Axel was in very bad shape, he was vomiting blood and had blood in his urine. Terry has spent a lot of money at the vets, luckily she found the poisoned patties in the backyard and took them to the vet and the police I guess Axel was… Continue

Added by Kari & Quin on January 24, 2011 at 8:18pm — 23 Comments

My Obedience Training Diary

This blog is a place for me to makes notes on what I'm learning in my 8 week obedience training course with my 4 month old corgi Ein. Feel free to read my posts and follow our obedience journey, but remember that this is very new to me, so the things I will be posting are things we are just now trying and learning.

Added by The Geek's Wife & her Corgi Ein on January 24, 2011 at 1:34am — 2 Comments

Groomers for the first time

Ella's got her first trip to a groomers tomorrow.  I usually just bath her myself, but our new town has so many choices for groomers that I thought I'd give it a try.  A local pet store (that I love) has a separate small pet salon w/ just one groomer and a helper.  It's by appointment only and I loved that her first questions were "what's your dog's name" "what breed of dog is she". Then once she had the type of dog, then she could schedule for the time she would need for Ella.

I like…


Added by Heather and Ella on January 23, 2011 at 11:04pm — 2 Comments

Dry skin?!

My dog has never itched this much in her life. She is constantly scratching/biting her tummy. She doesn't have fleas and I think it's because of the cold weather she just has dry skin....Does anybody else have this problem with their corgi around this time of year? I gave her a bath with oatmeal body wash and I'm going to the vet tomorrow to get fish oil pills because apparently that helps....But just double checking to see other opinions!
-Ash & Annie Mae.

Added by Ashley Richardson on January 23, 2011 at 9:06pm — 2 Comments

Central FL Corgis Jan 2011 Meetup

The wind nearly blew us away but the corgis didn't seem to…


Added by Stanley & Charlotte on January 23, 2011 at 11:37am — 4 Comments

Corgilicious Made New Friends Today!

I introduced corgilicious to the barn's resident Great Danes today. There are three at the barn...a senior male (11 years old!!!) tan, a one year old blue female, and a tan GD/something mix.   I don't think the corgis had ever met dogs as big as the Danalicious so I was a bit worried they would be intimidated and be rude. After all, these are the two that give stink eye and like to boss anything around. I think the corgs thought they were ponies or something, it was no big deal.  What a…


Added by Katie on January 22, 2011 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

Last ditch Plea, help me find homes!!

Hi everyone, throwing out my last ditch plea to find help to find homes for 2 of my remaining pups from the litter my Foster Tri-Pem had November 17.  I have 2 females left, a Merle and a Tri.  They are MIXED with Dad unknown, but cute none the less.  One My Corgi Member has the other sister, Oona.  If anyone knows anyone interested in a Corgi Mix, please contact me.  My next move is placing a local ad, which, I so DO NOT want to do!! Thanks so very much!… Continue

Added by Cheryl Lyons on January 22, 2011 at 9:30am — 15 Comments

Way to go my Sagie girl!!!!

I am so proud of Sage tonight. She hasn't been able to come to work with me all week as we have a new person who moved in and this person has MS. Today was Sage's first chance to meet the person and Sage did wonderful. She listened and was perfectly behaved when near this person. Actually after a few hours the person wanted Sage to move in (I had to say "no" but she can visit often:) Although we haven't started formal training for Therapy Dog we will do one more obedience class and then test… Continue

Added by Jane Christensen on January 22, 2011 at 12:15am — 12 Comments

Introducing...Scarves for Sidney

Hi Corgi friends,

As many of you know, last August Sidney was diagnosed with hip dysplasia, and he underwent FHO surgery in order to give him mobility and alleviate some of the pain. If you've been reading my blog posts, you've seen how he did in his recovery and how he's moving really well now and walks without a limp. It was the right choice to get him the surgery.



Added by Geri & Sidney on January 21, 2011 at 11:30pm — 5 Comments

Corgi Meet and Greet!!

What great pictures of all the dogs playing.   

Added by Vicki and Christina Brown on January 21, 2011 at 7:27am — No Comments

Leaving Ellie overnight for the first time


Heading away for a weekend at the beach...The downside?? 2 nights away from Ellie. She s staying at my parent's place..they treat her like a "human grandchild" and she goes there many times suring the week...Hope I'm more upset about leaving Ellie than she is about being left by us:-(

Added by Rebecca and Ellie on January 20, 2011 at 6:46am — 3 Comments

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