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Cool Easter corgi card I found today!

Added by Bev Levy on April 16, 2014 at 7:33pm — 7 Comments

First time meeting a rabbit and jumped in a Chicken Coop


I'm not one to blog but this is too funny not to tell.

So it's the Sugar Shacks Seasons in our area so my wife and I were invited this past weekend to attend a maple sap boil and maple creation for kids.    They have their makeshift boiler in the back of their home with over 110 trees tapped to gather the sweet product.

The day is perfect, blue skies, warm weather, the snow is wet and soft but packed enough to walk on parts of the property.    I bring Wally with…


Added by Denis J. on April 16, 2014 at 9:00am — 5 Comments

Wynn turns 9!

Seems like yesterday that we got Wynn. Well it's been 9 years ago today that he was born...still my same Wynn but I can see he is aging…


Added by Jane Christensen on April 16, 2014 at 7:00am — 6 Comments

A Long Day, with an Escape

Crawling into the sack with a glass of wine and a handful of chocolate chips instead of a muscle-decramping pill, which is probably more indicated than the potable. But last night's pill made today more or less livable, and after the day's frolics, I deserve a something tastier than a pink tablet.

Let's start, though, by saying we've had to clean up only one puppy puddle today, a decided improvement over six or eight. Goooood pup!

So that's good. One excellent…


Added by Vicky Hay on April 16, 2014 at 3:30am — 2 Comments

Rally Al!

Alphonse got his first two legs in Rally Novice this weekend.  He scored 87 in his first run and placed 5th out of 22 dogs - 91 in his second run and placed 4th out of 18 dogs!

We're proud of him!

Added by John, Alphonse and Pino on April 14, 2014 at 8:30pm — 7 Comments

Normal IL corgi event photo April 12, 2014

Added by Charles Jenkins on April 12, 2014 at 7:27pm — 7 Comments


What's even better than a corgi shirt?? Supporting a small animal shelter!!



Added by Stacy M on April 10, 2014 at 2:01am — 14 Comments

Happy Agility Corgi!

A couple of weekends ago Ashton and John competed in the EMLKC agility trial which was their first agility trial in over a year. Had to take last year off when John started a new job and they had him working 12 hr shifts at nights on weekends. That kind of cut into corgi competition time. They qualified twice in Open Jumpers and once in Open Standard which earned them a new title! They moved up to…


Added by Gail and Ashton on April 9, 2014 at 1:38pm — 5 Comments

A WHOLE DAY without Peeing on the Floor!

Yes! It's true! Yesterday Ruby the Corgi Puppy managed to get through the entire day without depositing a puddle for me to clean up.

Since the average has been about six or eight clean-ups, that's an accomplishment.

There's a trick to it, though: Yesterday …


Added by Vicky Hay on April 8, 2014 at 10:51am — 4 Comments

Puppy Love...or "Them agin' Us"

Oh, dear. Did you know that puppies can recognize each other and, like teenaged humans, gang up against the Old Folks?

Yesh. They don't have to be the same breed, either.

This morning my son called as dawn cracked, asking if I'd dog-sit Charley the Golden Retriever, who, we were told, has the gollywobbles.

This is a dog for whom…


Added by Vicky Hay on April 4, 2014 at 8:00pm — No Comments

The Corgi Is a-Fattenin' Up!

So Ruby-Doo the Corgi Pup (we could call her the Queen of the Universe's Crown Jewel) is growing nicely. She's gained a little over three pounds since her last set of puppy shots: up to a shade over seven pounds and beginning to look more and more like a dog. An excruciatingly cute little dog.

Meanwhile, Her Royal Exalted Highness has been putting on weight, too.

Uh oh.

She's been at her ideal weight (around 23 to 25 pounds) since she deigned to…


Added by Vicky Hay on April 2, 2014 at 2:14pm — 2 Comments

Registering a Pet-Quality Pup with the AKC: WHY????

Sooo... the American Kennel Club has been importuning me to purchase any number of services and products for  Ruby-Doo the Corgi Pup, even though sometime in the next five or six months she will be spayed, and even though the rankest amateur can see at a glance that she is not, repeat NOT, a show-quality corgi. And that is even though pup's registration papers distinctly state "OFFSPRING OF THIS DOG NOT ELIGIBLE FOR REGISTRATION."

In addition to …


Added by Vicky Hay on March 31, 2014 at 7:47pm — 12 Comments

Sparda and Dante show up! :)

Hi. This is Kevin, Sparda and Dante's Corgdad. I have been told by both of them that they weren't going to act cute anymore until I told you all about them (I don't believe they can stop, but I'm not taking the chance).

We got Sparda as a puppy in March of 2013. We were told she was born Febuary 26tg so has just celebrated her first birthday. Iria (my wife)saw her one day and it was basically guarenteed she was coming home with us as soon as I saw the pictures.

After Iria… Continue

Added by Kevin on March 31, 2014 at 2:14pm — 2 Comments

Wesly is biting!

Hi all, 

Recently I've brought home Wesly, my new 8 week old red and white corgi pup. Since he's been home with us, he has been biting and nipping like crazy! I'm assuming its from his teething. He bites my fingers, hands, arms, legs, ankles.. toes, any body part with skin thats visible..! Has any of your corgi pups like this? Any tips or suggestions you've dealt with in the past that have worked? Thank you! I love him more than life but he hurts!!! 

Added by Wesly and Tina on March 31, 2014 at 10:38am — 4 Comments

wont eat her dog food at all

Hi my name is nicole and I have a female corgi dog that is 3 years old and she does nkt eat her food but just play with it which just ends up al over the floor.The only thing she likes to eat are house food or dog good from the can oh and not to forget her treats.How come?:)

Added by Nicole on March 30, 2014 at 4:48pm — 6 Comments

House-Training Blues: Of Hawks, Pool-Dunking, and Stealth Peeing

So Ruby-Doo the Baby Corgi was doing pretty well in the house-training department until she fell in the drink. Since then, she's forgotten a fair amount of Technique. She's doing OK with No. 2, but as for No. 1: the fount flows exuberantly and endlessly.

I'm afraid I caused one of my readers to have an accident in…


Added by Vicky Hay on March 27, 2014 at 11:00pm — 9 Comments

Puppy Pool Barricadification

On the QV every minute since Pup tumbled into the deep end of the pool, I realized that something had to be done to forestall a repeat of that adventure. Pup needs to be able to go outside without Human dithering over her every moment, and Human's nervous breakdown must be forestalled.

What to do that would be navigable for the human but nonnavigable for the canine? And preferably not TOO…


Added by Vicky Hay on March 26, 2014 at 6:13pm — 4 Comments


Holy Sheee-ut! That was too, too close!

I'm sitting here on the back porch writing a long-overdue blog round-up for Funny. Pup and Cassie are dorking around, squabbling over bully sticks, loafing, and (in Pup's case) searching for noxious plants to chew on. Pup wanders over to the east end of…


Added by Vicky Hay on March 23, 2014 at 9:30pm — 5 Comments

Puppy Food Antics and Discoveries

So...after a commenter here at suggested conferring with a "holistic" vet, I googled "<same>" and discovered one such person at the mega-commercial-vet that is the legacy of my old friend, now retired, and all-around great vet and redneck good-ole-boy, Jerry Jenkins. Who'd've thunk it? Jerry's veterinary empire is right down the road, as opposed to halfway across the city where I've been schlepping Cassie and now, New Pup.

Well. It was off to…


Added by Vicky Hay on March 22, 2014 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments

Happy first day of spring

As we are digging out from 6-8 inches of snow this morning, Becca and I would like to wish everyone a happy first day of spring. I was shocked to get a snow day off from school today, it was supposed to rain. Becca has enjoyed my day off by playing in the snow, walking with some doggie friends and now having a snooze.

My ipad won't let me put an image on the blog, so I'll add it to photos.

Added by Marcie on March 20, 2014 at 10:35am — 18 Comments

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