All Blog Posts (7,710) smart Corgi&Me with the House Fire ??

Gizmo bark at the door in the middle of the night, I thought...again Gizmo... you talk too much...but to satisfied his demand I went around to see if there was somebody at the door. I found no human close to my home...Gizmo there is nothing wrong there --I told him. He seemed not to believe... sat down by me garding and being full alert...look at to front door straight, he went there and sniff around...

I started to think that Gizmo must sense something wrong...Finally I heard that noise,… Continue

Added by Gizmo on July 16, 2008 at 12:48pm — 3 Comments

Free Greenies PILL POCKETS Sample (US & Canada only)

Link here

Added by Sam Tsang on July 16, 2008 at 11:08am — No Comments


Hi, this is Sidney the corgi again!

I went to the dog park last Sunday and had a lot of fun...until my mom decided I looked hot and she got...get this...water all over my head! She knows how I feel about WATER! Grr! Yeah sure I felt cooler, but I did not like the water. So as soon as she set me down, I found the biggest patch of dirt at the park and rolled and rolled in it, making sure to get all that nasty water off! Mom was yelling at me (and laughing at the same time), I don't know… Continue

Added by Geri & Sidney on July 15, 2008 at 9:30pm — 3 Comments

Mush time!!!

So got the latest update..... My lil Zero baby is eating mush!!! I know its silly to be excited about something so slight but its just like a nice lil milestone which means he is closer to coming home. 1 month and 1 week to be exact! Very exciting times!!!!! :o)

Added by Dannielle on July 15, 2008 at 8:52pm — 1 Comment


I took Faye in to get spayed last Thursday. She was doing fine, I gave her a bath in a shallow pool of water, and we went for a long walk. I just noticed a few minutes ago that the area they stitched up has swollen to the size of a baseball.

Is the healing process really like that or is this an infection? I've been calling and calling the doctor's office, but no one was picking up. I'm freaking out.

Added by Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari on July 15, 2008 at 8:23pm — 7 Comments

Nicknames and other silly things people say

Does everyone make silly nicknames for their Cogis? Here are some of the things folks say:


Buddy, Fatty, Fat Ass, Fatty-bo-batty, Pork Chop, Brodey-odie-dodie, Stubby, Stumpy, Short Stuff, Fatty-mus, Brode, Bro-die, Brodus, Brodey-licious, Mister, Mr. Doggie, Doggie Doodle, Fuzzy Butt, Grunty Pig Dog and Grumbley Guss

People say I look like a...

Foot Stool, Fat Fox, Groundhog, German Shepard with legs cut off, Cross between a Weiner Dog and a Fox,… Continue

Added by Brodey's Mom on July 15, 2008 at 6:30pm — 7 Comments

Alligator on a string! Help with Loose Leash Walking?

My puppy Lucy totally forgets all commands when we are on a walk. She doesn't seem to be getting the loose leash walking idea when I turn into a tree...she just zips around at the end of the leash in a circle still holding it taut. There aren't any animal distractions just normal exciting outdoor stuff. All I want right now is a non-pulling dog. She can wander in front, back or to the side. I just want zero tension on the lead.

Sometimes she does look at me and it loosens up a bit… Continue

Added by Bridget on July 15, 2008 at 5:25pm — 6 Comments

Pet Peeve!

I go through a lot of trouble to have a good puppy. I got her at a time when I knew I'd have several weeks free to be with her and train her, I am very diligent about being consistent and about her leash training. I want, and have, a good dog, through work.

I get REALLY annoyed when I am walking my puppy down the sidewalk (her on my right, walking just beside me) and someone with a dog (usually several) on a stretchy leash is coming on. They pull all their dogs to the side, pull them up,… Continue

Added by Sarah C. on July 15, 2008 at 1:31pm — 14 Comments

Flying Corgis

I just found this recently made video of corgis in a flyball competition on Memorial Day 2008, in Ramona , CA. Apparently a namesake of mine "Timmy" now holds the corgi flyball record!!! Wooo hooooo.

Looks like fun for those interested.

Added by Sylvia & Timmy on July 15, 2008 at 12:00pm — 3 Comments

Long Time, No Blog

Wow, it's been almost four months since I've been on here! No need to worry though, Maddie and I are doing fine. :)

So, let's see, here are some things that have been going on in my and Maddie's lives:

1. Maddie gained a pound (she's now up to 16 lbs!)

2. I graduated from college (yeah!!)

3. I've been accepted to graduate school (Master's degree, here I come!)

4. Ever since the weather got nice, Maddie, my dad, and I have been going for walks at least two to… Continue

Added by Stephanie on July 14, 2008 at 10:22pm — 1 Comment

Camera shy, and this pageant momma ain't gonna take it!

Skittles is camera shy, as in she tries to hide when I take it out, turn it on, snap a pic (with or without flash). This obviously gets in the way of me taking hundreds of pictures of her fuzzy face, so how do I get her to step into the limelight? What's worked for y'all?

Added by Melissa on July 14, 2008 at 3:07pm — 6 Comments


Its been a long time since I've posted anything regarding Blaze. Sadly, we decided to give him back to his breeder. We had him for eight weeks, and it just seemed like no matter what we did, he continued his aggressive tendencies towards the children. As I mentioned previously, he was the alpha dog in his litter. I wish now that we had observed him with his litter prior to getting him, but that wasn't possible since there were only three pups and one was taken before we got there.

It… Continue

Added by Kimberly on July 14, 2008 at 9:07am — 13 Comments

Visited parents and threw up in the car.

Last weekend was very busy for Risa. On Saturday we went to see my parents. Risa had just a tiny breakfast and off we went to my hometown, 1 hour car ride away. Risa was such a good boy in the car! He loves to look out and watch the surrounding landscape go past. However, just a few minutes away from our destination, he threw up his breakfast. No big deal, I… Continue

Added by wendulik on July 14, 2008 at 9:00am — 3 Comments

Why do some dogs not chew their dog food?

I always wondered why some dogs dont chew their dog food. Just wondering if anyone has any explanation for this.
Does anyone have a dog that doesnt chew their food! It just seems like it would be better for them to chew it, or does it not matter. Is it because the kibble is so small they feel no need to chew it? I find it interesting that our dog loves to chew toys but not his food!

Added by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on July 13, 2008 at 6:11pm — 7 Comments

New pics :o)

So as usual on Sunday I check my e-mail and Celeste is wonderful enough to send pics. Two new pics!! Yay I am soooo super excited I already posted them for everyone to see. I cant believe how big he is getting and his eyes are finally open :o) Just wanted to share with everyone. Only 5 weeks to go!

Added by Dannielle on July 13, 2008 at 2:44pm — 2 Comments

Izzie's First Swim

I spent a good amount of time outside today with the pups. My dad put up the pool last weekend but we didn't really get to go in until today. We never tried putting Lily in the water but my dad was kind of anxious to see how Izzie would do in the water. I wish I would have brought my camera out! It was sooooo cute! Lily is too old now to shock her with putting her in the water, but Izzie was a little shocked too! I lifted Izzie to give to my dad who was in the pool and he dunked her lower body… Continue

Added by Rachel on July 12, 2008 at 9:08pm — 3 Comments

St. Pete Meet up: THAT could have gone better

These are the thoughts of my boyfriend Ryan whom I dragged along to the meet.

So, Jen woke me up this morning so we could go out to a corgi meet she heard about on I figure it would be nice to meet some other corgis and their owners, and possibly some of the people she's been talking to on the website. We got there with minimal trouble, a LOT less than when we went to go see Banzai in person... THAT was a hell of a trip.

We mingle, we schmooze, and…

Added by FuzzyButt on July 12, 2008 at 9:07pm — 7 Comments

Happy Birthday, Ein!

*sniff* My Einsy-roo is now FOUR years old. It seems like not that long ago, he was still just a pup. Our babies grow up so fast.

I had planned to celebrate his birthday with FrostyPaws, but our grocery store had Busy Bones on clearance. We never buy them because they don't last long - so that was as good a treat as any. Of course, his brother and sister got to celebrate with a Busy Bone, too. We don't know when their birthdays are, so I like to include them in Ein's birthday… Continue

Added by Nicole on July 12, 2008 at 9:05pm — 4 Comments

Maggie Goes Camping

Maggie turns out to be a good little traveler on our recent camping trip. She sits or lays down between us and plays with a toy or sleeps on my lap. We stopped often to walk her and she was very good.

She licked ice cubes from her dish as we drove ...loved those! It's a neat way to get her water in the car.

Then when we got to the campground she played with the kids there and even walked to the shore of the river. She was very excited to see the water. She's good with… Continue

Added by Maggie May on July 12, 2008 at 5:30pm — No Comments

How it Went

We got lost about 5 times and was 30 minutes late. Even worse I forgot my cell phone.

Once we were there we got greeted by Courtney (the momma of Indy, Banzai, Olive, and Mia), Beauty (5 month tri puppy), Ruby (fatest black sausage I have ever seen), Robin (Ella and Reese's mother), and Angel (a sweetheart red/white). LOL Celeste is so sweet. She told us everything about the night they were born. Courtney went into premature labor, and that's why a lot of the boy pups died. Indy, and… Continue

Added by FuzzyButt on July 12, 2008 at 6:03am — 4 Comments

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