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Melissa and Franklin started a discussion on safety months ago after Franklin broke a tooth.  I commented then that I have had bones that were mostly cartilage and seemed safer to me.  I take the bones away from the dogs when they have finished the joint part and throw away the actual bone part as that is what I think causes breaks.  I am including pictures of 3 old bones in various states of destruction and a picture of 2 brand new ones so that you can see what they look like.  I believe…


Added by Lois B. Allen on February 17, 2013 at 10:48am — No Comments

Devyn the Corgi's Blog

For everyone who can't get enough of a cute Corgi, I have a blog devoted to my little girl. Check it out! Tons of pictures showing all of Devyn's wild, crazy, hilarious, cute, sleepy (and more!) sides.

Added by Lindsay Hayward on February 16, 2013 at 9:55am — 5 Comments

Today Machete is 14 Weeks!!!

and we've officially had him for two of those weeks, yay! he's pretty much just the best little puppy in the whole wide world...ever.  

he started puppy kindergarten yesterday, and it's going to be awesome.  the trainer is really amazing, and we're so excited about it.  snow is melting every day so we'll get back on the leash training and…


Added by rae on February 15, 2013 at 10:28pm — 14 Comments

Happy birthday, Ein!

Valentine's Day is Ein's birthday! Happy 4th

birthday to our little shortcake. We love you!!…


Added by Ingrid & Ein on February 14, 2013 at 9:43pm — 4 Comments

Happy Valentines Day, Everyone!

Hope everyone's day is going well :) Anyone got big plans?

For Valentine's Day, the Corgidog got a Pig Ear....Today, upon seeing one up close in the light, I realized that "Pig Ear" wasn't just a name for a weird treat.. It was a pig's ear! I…


Added by Zigward & Kimberly on February 14, 2013 at 4:58pm — 4 Comments

Stinky Situation

Before I got Ellie, I did a lot of research on owning corgis.  One thing I read repeatedly was that you shouldn’t bathe corgis very often.  Most people suggested every couple months.  Have these people ever lived with a corgi?  Dirt might fall out of the coat when it dries, but it still stains white fur, and corgis are as stinky as every other dog out there.

I have a very sensitive nose, so I prepared in advance before bringing Ellie home.  The air fresheners are working overtime, I…


Added by Heather & Ellie on February 14, 2013 at 12:11pm — 23 Comments

First week back at work...

Monday started Machete's first days alone in the house without either of us — safely crated, with his water bowl accessible & the puppy cam focused right on his little face — and he did SO WELL!!

Seriously, best little pup ever! He didn't mess his crate, he totally amused himself or stayed napping, and when I came to visit him on my lunch breaks he went potty very quickly and was happy to play.  He's done great on the housebreaking so far, though I can tell he's getting a bit of…


Added by rae on February 13, 2013 at 10:48am — 7 Comments

2013 - Will this be my year?

I am starting to get my life together, there is just one thing left to do, get a steady job and apartment. As soon as I get that cleared, I'm going to finally get my corgi if I can find him. To finally get my life together and hopefully be financially stable will mean I can support a dog in my life. I keep dreaming of corgi puppies so I think this might be my year. Will be…


Added by Cassondra Wilkins on February 12, 2013 at 5:00am — 8 Comments

Bento's at the hospital. Updated 2/11/13

Bento managed to get past the baby gate at the bottom of the stairs and got to the second floor and the second bedroom where we were hiding a stash of Patrick Roger's dark chocolate from Belgium.  

He devoured a pound of the chocolate before we caught him red handed, or chocolate pawed.

After trying to induce vomit, it didn't work, we took him to the emergency room where he's spending the night even as I type.

Bento has never slept anywhere but at…


Added by Kim Ales-Yan on February 11, 2013 at 12:00am — 27 Comments

Comments Welcome

Any thoughts on this are welcome. Currently have 2 Cardi's that are VERY close.What is your take on a 3rd? Would it break up the 2 dynamic?"

Added by Katherine "Kat" Davis on February 10, 2013 at 7:00pm — No Comments

In Memory of Stinky Wink

I knew this day was coming. It was a year ago today, Feb. 9, 2012, that our beloved Morgan “Stinky Wink” went to the Rainbow Bridge. I could never, in a million years, have imagined the pain I would feel as I held him in my arms while he took that last deep breath. My only comfort from that moment is in knowing that HE knew that I was holding him, and that he heard me whisper “I love you, Stinky Wink” in his ear, that one last time. That was the culmination of almost twelve years of…


Added by Randy DeJaynes on February 9, 2013 at 8:03pm — 12 Comments

Goro, a Japanese corgi needs help for surgery

If any of you watch corgis on YouTube you may have seen a most precious red and white Pembroke named Goro who lives in Japan. He even has his own channel, Goro@Welsh corgi. His owner is Sirowan. I guarantee he will charm you and break your heart. Sirowan has been posting videos of Goro since he was a puppy, and he is now 7 years old. Now he has some serious, but fixable, health…


Added by Cheryl Boiko on February 9, 2013 at 1:00pm — 5 Comments

Bogart is getting over his first cold...

I don't remember our previous Corgi ever having a cold... but I have found out dogs do get them!  

Last Sunday evening Bogart clearly wasn't himself. Instead of being right under foot in the kitchen he stayed in his bed while dinner was being prepared.  His nose was warm and I took his temp - first time - with a special digital thermometer I got at PetSmart. He didn't fuss about the temperature taking (in the behind) and it was 100.2,…


Added by Bogart the Cardigan on February 8, 2013 at 11:23pm — 2 Comments

Happy Gotcha Day!



Added by Zigward & Kimberly on February 8, 2013 at 7:00pm — 6 Comments

Bear Goodbye for now

Hello everyone, Tammey here....

As usual I am jumping into Cavens' world and trying to put things into order. Problem is, he is the calm and orderly half of our betrothal and I am the hurricane:)

I wanted to let Bears wonderful friends know our little old Bear just up and took a road trip all on his own, straight to Heaven, a while back and as usual he is leading the way. We didn't want him to go, he told us goodbye in many ways and that he loved us as much as ever but he just…


Added by Tammey & Caven on February 8, 2013 at 9:49am — 11 Comments

Puppy Love

Machete loooooooooooooooooooooveesssssss Aragorn...gets sooooo happy when he comes home from work!

Added by rae on February 7, 2013 at 9:18pm — 11 Comments

Chewing on other dogs.

My puppy Charlie is 4 months old. We are dog sitting for a female boston terrier that is staying at our house. They get along great! Just one thing I noticed is the exsessive chewing and bitting he does on her. She doesn't seem to be hurt by it at all, but I am still concerned and don't know what to think of it. 

Added by Melissa Burns on February 6, 2013 at 8:48pm — 1 Comment

Possible tumor in Corgi

I have an 8 year old Pembroke Corgi with fluid abounds his lungs due possibly to a tumor near his kidney. Has anyone ever experienced this and if so what treatments did you allow them to perform?

Added by Leila lugo on February 6, 2013 at 1:30pm — 6 Comments

Meet Connie!

Sidney has a sister! We adopted her from our local Humane Society this morning. She has been spayed and has a chip, but the person who answered the contact number declined owning her. They think she is three years old. She's very sweet and gets along with Sidney and also our kitty, Sally. She's tiny, only 19 pounds. For now, we are keeping her in the loft upstairs with my…


Added by Geri & Sidney on February 4, 2013 at 8:19pm — 32 Comments

Mondays, man...

Machete is totally dubious of Mondays.  We had an issue at home with the bathroom renovations and the WORST CREW EVER and it's made the house a disaster and is slowly traumatizing the pets.  The cats are dealing with the worst of it, right now, poor lil' guys.

Machete is not a fan of the car at the moment.  He will quietly settle eventually, but at the start he's…


Added by rae on February 4, 2013 at 2:17pm — 6 Comments

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