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The Turkey Problem!

The Turkey Problem:

If a family and a half (1 ½ family) can eat a turkey and a half (1 ½ turkey) in a day and a half (1 ½ day),

how many families can eat six turkeys in six days…


Added by Emily & Daisy on November 18, 2012 at 4:39pm — 5 Comments

Just a bit Here and There

Ziggy did the funniest thing earlier.. I was sitting on my boyfriend's lap in the computer chair while Ziggy was perched on the edge of the bed, staring at us.. After about thirty seconds, he starts slightly moaning under his breath.. Then it escalates to whining at a moderate volume.. On to loud "HEYYYYYYYYYY" squeals, accompanied by paw slamming on the bedside.. So, at this point, I get…


Added by Zigward & Kimberly on November 17, 2012 at 3:00pm — 5 Comments

Day Two!

Molly has been amazing :) she slept through the night and didn't wake us up at all! And she didn't potty in her cage. My boyfriend and I stay up late and sleep in, so we took her out a bit before bed, then put her in her cage to let her wind down for the long day. We went to bed around 2am and woke up at 10 am to no accidents. The only reason I woke up was because I had to use the restroom. I took her out to potty and it took her only a few seconds to do her business and move on. After I fed… Continue

Added by manda & molly on November 15, 2012 at 10:26pm — 3 Comments

Molly Has Landed!

Molly came home with us today! It has been a day full of firsts for her, she went on her first long car ride, went to the pet store, got her first collar, started walking on her leash, and played with her first toy. I'm so excited to have her home finally, she and Savannah are getting along amazingly! When we first introduced them we had both outside and away from any of Savannah's potty spots and the two hit it off. Savannah is a grumpy old dog, but for the first time in ages, we got to see… Continue

Added by manda & molly on November 14, 2012 at 10:36pm — 5 Comments

AKC Agility Trial Manhattan, IL October 17th and 18th

I have a few new updates on trials to write about. Things have been very busy lately-- just got married, just moved, general life still happening-- leaving no time for updates... until now!


In October, just three days before getting married, Baxter AND Ziggy (my little boy is all grown up!) entered an agility trial in the suburbs of Chicago. I entered both of them into everything. I may have even gotten a few videos the first day, one of which being Ziggy's very first trial…


Added by Bax & Zigs & Rosie on November 13, 2012 at 10:00am — 2 Comments


Star had her litter on Friday and it was 5 boys, 1 girl, and we’re getting a little boy puppy!!!  We are finalizing puppy names (shhhhh!!! it's a seekrit!) and now we know we're going for a boy puppy name!!!


This is Star:


This is the sire, Andrew:




Added by rae on November 12, 2012 at 6:44pm — 10 Comments

New addition to the household

My boyfriend and I have been getting the house ready to bring Molly home, and that alone has stressed our other dog out. First, we brought a new type of food into the house, and haven't given her any, Savannah is food driven she's 13ish so it's difficult enough to get her to do anything. Then, we brought home puppy toys and treats. She doesn't play with toys, so having toys was strange to her. Recently we brought home Molly's crate and put it in our room, close to the door. Savannah was a… Continue

Added by manda & molly on November 11, 2012 at 9:55pm — 1 Comment

Dixon Corgi Faire

I went to the annual Dixon Corgi Faire.I think this is the third time I have gone with Chloe.  I have never seen so many Corgis!  I entered Chloe is the Corgi Bowling contest, 3 plastic cups with treats underneath, the object of the game is to knock over cup and get treats.  She got third place in her group.  We will practice for next year.  I did enjoy talking to other Corgi people.  What was interesting is that the Corgis in grass area all decided to chase other non Corgi breed like a…


Added by Chloe's parent Liz on November 11, 2012 at 8:01pm — 2 Comments


I need some advice... My husband and I brought Lola to my parents house for the weekend to visit. They have a Tibetan Terrier (about the same size as a Corgi, just a bit taller) female that is 12 years old and very friendly named Madison. We were trying to figure out how to introduce the two without any issues. Lola's been so calm with other dogs at the park and with humans I didn't think there would be an issue... I was really wrong.

Any time Madison gets within 5 feet of…


Added by Megan, Lola, & Hank on November 11, 2012 at 1:58pm — 4 Comments

Free Corgi on Craigslist

I saw an ad today on the Northern Michigan Craigslist where someone is giving away an 8 year old tri-color female Pembroke corgi.  The ad said she was healthy and active and was an outside dog that would be good on a farm.  I just wanted to let everyone know in case someone is looking to add a corgi to their family!

Added by Cindy Lincoln on November 10, 2012 at 9:35pm — 1 Comment

Happy Ninth Month Mark, Ziggy!


It's been NINE months since Ziggy came to live with us today :) Only three months until it's been a year... This has to be the first time I've noticed how fast time flies instead of thinking about how long it takes a year to go by. Anyhoo, we're…


Added by Zigward & Kimberly on November 8, 2012 at 8:30pm — 7 Comments

Really cool National Geographic special on dogs!

I found this special made by National Geographic about how the dog came to be what they are today. There is even a section on the Pembroke Welsh Corgi :D

Added by Jesse Jodoin on November 8, 2012 at 4:48pm — 6 Comments

This video cracks me up every time I watch it

Both the corgi's are really hesitant to go into the water and then finally the tri corgi gets impatient and gives a little nudge to the other corgi, lol.

Added by N a t h a n & L u f f y on November 8, 2012 at 12:23am — 3 Comments


Does anyone have a Pinterest Account with a Corgi Board I can follow ? 

Great Corgi Photos

Added by Wilson Waddlepants and Joyce on November 7, 2012 at 11:29pm — 7 Comments

Gizmo the Service Dog

Gizmo the Service Dog

This dog is adorable.  Watch him tug with all his might to close a door after his owner goes outside.  At the grocery store he seems to just pick up stuff his owner either drops or knocks off shelves !  It's hilarious.

Added by Wilson Waddlepants and Joyce on November 6, 2012 at 11:59pm — 8 Comments

Gromit Does His Civic Duty

Since Gromit turned three this year and that's over 18 in dog years I registered him to vote.  He was keen to vote for AZ. House of Representatives member Frank Pratt who is a corgi owner.  At the polling station they questioned whether Gromit should be allowed to vote and I said "He was born here so he's a citizen…


Added by Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug on November 6, 2012 at 4:03pm — 10 Comments

Stop asking me whether she is pure?

I LOVE my little girl and would NOT trade her for anything.

But I sometimes got the same question "Is she pure?" from the people who knows a little bit about corgis or from some corgi owner. I don't think there is anything wrong with my girl. I know she is pure and she behaves totally in Corgi-Style, but we have to admit that each dog looks different. Those beautiful ones which are considered close to the standard would participate in the dog shows. Those ones ain't we still…


Added by Nora on November 5, 2012 at 4:28pm — 30 Comments

Snooooow! <3

Took Ziggy out for his morning potty, and woohoo, snow!

"Do what? Look…


Added by Zigward & Kimberly on November 5, 2012 at 8:30am — 8 Comments

Not the right time.

It’s a sad day for me.

top is Gina, Bottom is a picture that shows Kippers back legs.

I was going to adopt this little 12 week old corgi girl named Gina, she has a slight disability because of her front paw…


Added by Marie Ploof on November 4, 2012 at 5:49pm — 4 Comments

To Those Who Are Contemplating Breeding...

I'm on a couple other forums around the 'net and I don't know what it is in the air right now, but a LOT of people (mostly in the U.S.) are wanting to breed their bitch for X or Y reason. So, since I plan on C+P-ing this everywhere I encounter such an idea, I want to post it here, too, just to cover as much ground as I can.

So you want to breed your female. You know what to expect if everything goes right.…


Added by Ludi on November 4, 2012 at 1:38pm — No Comments

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