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Put Him on the "Fluff" Cycle Please...

So, yesterday Wyatt decided to hop into one of the dyers at Doggie Daycare. Fortunately, his little stunt was caught on camera:

Added by Chelsea and Wyatt on June 1, 2012 at 11:17pm — 2 Comments

New Member

hello I am just saying my first hellos to you all I am glad to be a member of such a great site band I look forward to hearing from you all I am also droping a line to say that I will be attending the corgi meet in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma tomarrow and I look forward to see other corgis and having fun. so thanks and best wishes.

Added by isidro javier rodriguez on June 1, 2012 at 11:05pm — 3 Comments

New member...

im brand new!! would love some insite and friends!

Added by Kelsey Fuhrman on June 1, 2012 at 6:56pm — 5 Comments

Corgi Countdown: T-Minus 12 Days

  Seeing as this is my first post I will explain a little about myself first. My name is Ashley, I am 21 years old and live in WI with my boyfriend (Joe). I am currently going to school with a major in Biology and a minor in Wildlife Ecology, what am I going to do with that you ask? I dunno, hopefully something at least science related! Anyway, I have had dogs all my life. When I was younger we had Shetland Sheepdogs, then as a preteen we had German Shepherds. When I was about sixteen and…


Added by Ashley and Zorro on June 1, 2012 at 10:56am — 8 Comments

Very sad yesterday

It started as a uveal cyst in Loo's left eye.  We took her to the Ophthalmologist to get it checked out.  The cyst is fine and will take care of itself.  But...

other issues in her eyes, the beginning of cataracts and a hemorrhage in her right eye, got the ball rolling on pinpointing her age.  When we adopted her in 2010, we were told by the rescue she was 5.  Test results from her eye and stomach are reflecting she is 10+!

At her initial vet…


Added by Stephanie Starkey on June 1, 2012 at 10:15am — 16 Comments

Shippo at the Nature Walk

I took Shippo to this little walking trail in the city of Logan, UT today, with my boyfriend's sister Lexi and her dog, Joey. I just thought I would share some phone pics of our time there. =) Also, please ignore how terrible I look in these pictures LOL.

Looking awesomely majestic on a large fallen log. =3…


Added by Shippo & Koga Corgis on May 31, 2012 at 10:30pm — 2 Comments

Rainy Days and Thursdays

A number of years ago--too many really--The Carpenters sang a song called "Rainy Days and Mondays," in which Karen sang "rainy days and Mondays always get me down." Well, we finally had a rainy day here in arid Central Illinois and it didn't get me down at all. We didn't get nearly as much as we need but, at this point, anything is welcome. It was something new for the boys. We haven't had any "real" rain since they have been here. Since it rained most of the day, it was…


Added by Randy DeJaynes on May 31, 2012 at 8:07pm — 3 Comments

Country Romp

Today we took Pippa and Dante to my dads to visit Pippa's brother, Thumper, and to enjoy some leash-free time. Three corgis on three acres-they all had a blast! I dont think Pippa has ever been this worn out and content. I am going to have to do that again soon (and with tennis balls)!

Thumper & Pippa…



Added by Rachael McClanahan on May 31, 2012 at 1:47am — No Comments

Just Who IS In Charge?

Huey and Taffy were sitting on the deck one fine afternoon, enjoying the lovely weather.

Taffy: Are Mommy and Daddy still in the house?

Huey: Yes.

Taffy: Have they gone potty yet?

Huey: No. And they're not coming back out until they do!

Added by Randy DeJaynes on May 30, 2012 at 8:06pm — No Comments

Baya Week 2

Picked up our daughter Kaelyn from college last Saturday, so Baya had to add a new member to her pack.  Kaelyn currently has to work her way up the hierarchy. Baya proved to be a good traveller as she survived about 7 hours in the car that day without any side effects except for working off a little excess energy after we returned home.

She has started herding the two younger cats, and she and the older Siamese have decided on a mutual standoff for the most part(with some…


Added by Norine Olson on May 30, 2012 at 5:14pm — 3 Comments

Cleaning Tear Stains?

Vikki has some dark marks under her eyes from tear ducts leaking I'm guessing. I was wondering whats the best way to clean those? It looks icky, lol.

Added by Brianne Mumy on May 30, 2012 at 4:56pm — 2 Comments

potty training.

Bailie is pretty much potty trained for the most part but last night she peed in the floor and today popped in the floor and later peed on the couch without giving any warning and she is normally very good about giving warning. I wanted to nip this in the bud bc I don't want her to start going inside again. Any idea what the deal is?

Added by Marah and Thomas Baker on May 30, 2012 at 1:06pm — 3 Comments

holding objects

We have been trying to teach Bailie to hold objects in her mouth but I'm having some trouble. She'll take the object but drop it right away. Any suggestions on getting her to hold it til we tell her to drop it?

Added by Marah and Thomas Baker on May 30, 2012 at 12:16pm — 1 Comment

Story, Day 4

We are loving this puppy!  She has adjusted to our home perfectly, she is playing hard, learning to have quiet time and nap time in her playpen and sleeping all night in her crate next to the bed.  Training is integrated into her whole day, she has a beautiful sit, although she is not motivated by training treats as much as tiny, tiny bits of cheese.  She is quite strong-willed, as I expected, and immediately decided my 6 year old son was HER play toy, joyfully stealing his socks and herding…


Added by Tomi and Story on May 30, 2012 at 10:30am — 1 Comment

Looking for another corgi....

Now that is has been awhile since we lost Arthur, we're looking for another.  All of our pets have been rescued.  Breeders are nice we just can't afford that path.  We'd really like a dog young and healthy enough to play with our other corgi - Jake.

Added by Jeff & Cheryl Weber on May 30, 2012 at 2:02am — 2 Comments

Dog is Good photo contest

Hi guys!

I entered photo of Sidney and me in the Dog is Good Mother's Day contest. Voting is live now! You can vote once per day. Would you consider taking a moment to vote for us?

This is the photo:

And this is the contest link:…


Added by Geri & Sidney on May 29, 2012 at 11:00pm — 3 Comments

Raindrops Keep Fallin'...

It's amazing how things happen sometimes. A couple of weeks ago, my wife was trimming bushes on the south side of the house. By her own account, she was somewhat mindlessly trimming away when she went over the nest of a Mourning Dove and nearly decapitated the resident--a not too young baby. Fortunately she/he ducked. The damage, however, was done. The nest was exposed and the hot sun beat down on it. She was so upset with her self and the plight of the mother and baby. I went to look, and…


Added by Randy DeJaynes on May 29, 2012 at 10:30pm — 5 Comments

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