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The Hunt for Black October (Alt title: Curse of Having a Smart Dog)

This is my little girl, October. She's been protesting Waffle ever since he arrived in May; she used to be my baby. Or, I used to be her human. She's the complete opposite of my macho-cat, Torry. She's extremely loving and needy, a little skittish, and not very brave. Or smart. In fact, if she weren't so adorable, I'm not sure I'd like her.…


Added by Rachael & Waffle on August 5, 2010 at 10:00pm — 5 Comments

Cat Chasing

Let me preface the below statement/question with the following: we have a long-standing tradition of cat-hating among the women in my family. My mother hates cats, my grandmother hates cats, my great-grandmother hated cats. In fact, my grandmother fondly tells a story of her mother (my great-grandmother) who, upon finding a cat in her (farm) kitchen who had decided to partake itself of a recently cooked chicken, picked it up,…


Added by Carla on August 5, 2010 at 8:20pm — 10 Comments

Healing after ACL Surgery

Hi All,

My boy Gunny had ACl surgery 8 weeks ago. The repaired leg is obviously weaker and looks skinnier than the other due to muscle atrophy. I might be jumping the gun here, but I am concerned that I should be doing more to make him use the repaired leg more. We are still helping him up stairs but he goes down once in a while on his own. We are only doing very short walks and trying to keep him from his usual running around. Is there something I should be doing to force him to put…


Added by Diane Burda on August 4, 2010 at 3:25pm — 6 Comments

must sit in chair while YOU, my servant is getting my food ready!

SO, Fleta has this habit of jumping into her chair, JUST as I am getting her dinner ready in her bowl. She does not EVER wait right at her bowl place-right into her chair in the kitchen,then will jump back down to eat. Anyone else have a Corgi that does that? She CANNOT ever wait while she is on the floor- as soon as she sees me pick up her bowl- she is INSTANTLY into her chair. WEIRD!

E(:… Continue

Added by Lian Brehm on August 4, 2010 at 7:30am — No Comments

HANNAH S HOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hannah is resting & rehydrating after 2 weeks on the run ..with luck & love ; the crew at Deeridge Farms stalked her for 2 hr to catch her today 8/3/10 ....she s dirty & thin ,but amazing cosidering her travels alone in suburbia ....such a tough minded little survivor. she was lost at wellington trace & big blue trace . she was found on a large farm on the corner of pierson rd & southfields rd, as my husband is fond of saying "you do the math..." (google it; it will get your… Continue

Added by EMILY T MARSCHOK on August 4, 2010 at 12:51am — 17 Comments

A Red Fred update...

Well, unfortunately I'm ashamed to report that poor Fred the foster Corgi had an accident. The horses made an escape during feeding and poor Fred was run over during the dash. A quick physical exam revealed no broken bones or swelling and resulted in a nip to the examiner. We were extremely concerned for him throughout the night. A trip to the vet has shown no permanent damage. Some bruising, both external and internal, some arthritis, but everything intact and working. We now have our a…


Added by Desert Corgi Pack on August 3, 2010 at 6:35pm — 5 Comments

3rd week

This is her 3rd week Hana has been with us. Last week, went and got 12 weeks shots @ vet. As soon as we entered the office, she starts shaking...don't know whether she knows it is the "scary" vet's office, but after couple of treats she calmed down. Good thing she could be easily bribed. She checked out great...she is now 10+lbs.…


Added by Hana on August 3, 2010 at 10:47am — 3 Comments

Day 2!

Not to boast but either we got the best puppy in the whole world or corgis are an evolved form of dogs! Artemis slept through the whole night without crying once in her kennel :) She's also getting the hang of this potty thing and has learned to climb and descend stairs already. We've been working on sit today and she's definitely making progress on that too!

Added by Christine on August 2, 2010 at 6:30pm — 8 Comments

Wynstan's Strange List of Fears

Wynstan has been developing a strange list as of lately. We go out and then all of a sudden he starts growling at odd things.

Here is a short list

Certain alien languages from Star Wars, especially Huttese and Rodian

Remote Controls

A bowl of peppermints


Sheriff Deputy patrol cars, he doesn't growl at local PD patrol cars or state trooper ones.

a certain old feather duster that has real… Continue

Added by Buddy & Wynstan on August 2, 2010 at 11:04am — 22 Comments

Chloe got scared at dog park

I took chloe to the dog park today, it is separated between large and small, so we go to small side. Things were fine until a jack russell mix boy came-he , barred teeth, Chloe ran behind my legs, then sat down to me on the bench, she was very friendly to all the people. I probably did not help but I was nervous since seemed showed her teeth back. I could tell that she would want to play but when this dog came by she changed her mind. The owner's brother in law said that their dog has to run…


Added by Chloe's parent Liz on August 2, 2010 at 2:49am — 4 Comments

To those who I have talked to..

I just wanted to let everything know that the thing with Odin ended up not working out... But we have found a new and better breeder that we will visit once we are ready(it's still kind of hard right now) but we will hopefully find a new puppy just as cute when we are ready. Thank you to those of you who have helped me in understanding corgis more and hopefully once I have gotten my first corgi I will get back on again and ask for your very helpful advice.

Added by Alaina, Dyer and Odin on August 1, 2010 at 11:28pm — 2 Comments


We are all enjoying our new house! Simon and I have moved as we are both starting our first teaching jobs (at the same school!) in a few weeks. He's teaching sixth grade and I'm doing k-12 vocal music. The dogs love our new place. This rental has all wood flooring all through the house and tile in the kitchen which is sooooo great for our dogs. I'm loving not having to vaccuum. It will ultimately be much cleaner because I can now see where the dog hair is and sweep it up. We also have a…


Added by Simon & Anne on August 1, 2010 at 10:00pm — No Comments

Artemis' first day!

I knew Corgis were supposed to be intelligent dogs but HOLY COW our puppy has amazed us beyond belief for only knowing us a few short hours! Artemis not only learned her name incredibly quick but she also was walking easily on a leash within the first hour of trying! Artemis also has thoroughly impressed us with how calm she is in her crate. Our cat hates the car far more than she does ^_^ Let's just say we've been blessed and have been so lucky with our animals temperaments thus far. I just… Continue

Added by Christine on August 1, 2010 at 9:50pm — 4 Comments

Cardigan welsh corgi breeders!!!

Hi, I am looking for a cardigan welsh corgi breeder near Simi Valley, CA Please contact me because i really want a cardigan corgi.
Thanks so much
Tiana Poetzsch.

Added by Tiana & Ein on August 1, 2010 at 6:06pm — 2 Comments

Can you help me name my pup?

Toby's getting a baby shiba inu sister next week and i wanted to know if anyone had any name suggestions for her? I was thinking maybe a Japanese name, and am kind of leaning towards Meiko...

any suggestions would be appreciated! =)…


Added by Tobias, Meiko, & Marshall on July 31, 2010 at 12:41am — 11 Comments

Stella's Big Day

I took Stella to my parents' house today. They have a lot of land and not only did she get to chase tennis balls in their yard, but my dad took her for a walk along the entire property. She was very good and followed his commands off-leash. My mom also fed her tons of treats, as usual. When we came back she was REALLY tired. I thought I'd share this pic of her lounging out corgi style. :)…


Added by Nicole, Stanley and STELLA! on July 30, 2010 at 11:27pm — 6 Comments

Is there such a thing as Black and White Pembroke Welsh Corgis?

I have seen black and white corgi puppies but does that mean they will grow up to be black and white or will they become black headed tris? I haven't really seen any adult black and whites before.

Added by Alaina, Dyer and Odin on July 30, 2010 at 11:25pm — 5 Comments

Some other little quirks...

Bandit is mainly with my girls, he is so funny how he plays with them.

My youngest says he "pecks" her! I've seen him do it too. He jumps at her and jabs his nose at her! She gets this when they first come in and sit down. They run up and down the street together so they are wired but ready to sit and rest. He does it to my older daughter too and she complains that pecks her little sister more! He's so funny...

The other day I put my little bunny out to play in her playpen and there… Continue

Added by Cindy Kay on July 30, 2010 at 8:10pm — No Comments

3 months now! He's doing great! Not much of an outside pet though...

I had thought that because he was bigger than my chihuahua and the only way we could have another dog was to make him an outside dog.

We also had spent so much time outside that I figured he'd be with us alot anyways. My girls have adopted him as their "child" and it rained so much and was so warm on days that they brought him in so he wasn't alone out there.

I told them he'd be inside for bad weather days but he's like another toy to them. They drag him in, put him on…

Added by Cindy Kay on July 30, 2010 at 8:00pm — 1 Comment

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