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Tod is vomitting and has diarrhea!

I am worried. Tod's been throwing up and having projectile diarrhea since morning. We did not change anything in his diet, nor routine. The only new thing: last night we gave him one Milk-Bone Dog Biscuit for the first time. Can that be it?

He's resting now in his crate...looking very tired and weak:(

Should we just let this thing run its course or do can we do something to help him?… Continue

Added by Worthington Natalia on June 5, 2009 at 4:25pm — 7 Comments

Yoda on top!

Couple days ago, I came home from the grocery store, as I came thru the door, I found Yoda on top of the coffee table. He was whining for me to get him down. I get him off the table, but I was wondering how it happened. When I leave the house, he is put in a fenced up area in the living room. The fence is not fixed to the floor so it can be pushed around. Apparently, he pushed the fence next to the table and climb out of the area and onto the table! He had a good old time and pushed everything… Continue

Added by David on June 5, 2009 at 1:15pm — 6 Comments

Sick puppy...

Loki is is scaring me...he has a vet appointment first thing in the morning but that is the earliest I could get him in...I am so worried....on a positive note...both ears are now up and he loves playing fetch!

UPDATE: Loki is doing so much better! It turns out his tummy does not like the water at our new house. The water was causing him to puke and have diarrhea which made him dehydrated. The vet gave him fluids under his skin and now he is back to his… Continue

Added by Carolyn on June 4, 2009 at 7:04pm — 10 Comments

Chew This!

Skyler has been chewing this raw hide my best friend gave him yesterday. He is so focused on it, so devoted to chewing it--I mean, jeepers, I wish I had that kind of focus! Tell me this Sky, why chew it right next to my feet though???

So Sky has a little foot love. Loves to lick them, loves to be near them. He doesn't bite them or nip, just loves feet. Which means, ideally, he would like to chew his raw hide next to my feet! Oh what a little genus! >_br>

I'm a worry… Continue

Added by Laura on June 4, 2009 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment

Another corgi, same high-kill shelter.

I found another Pembroke at the shelter where I got Katamari. I feel like I have this personal responsibility to take in any homeless Welsh Corgi I see... Does anyone want another corgi friend?? This little boy needs help and right away.…


Added by Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari on June 4, 2009 at 2:28am — 9 Comments

Broken Family: Week 2.5

So week 2 went off without a hitch... Dash was super awesome uncrated at M's place. She's taking him on runs in the morning before work with a minimal load in his pack. He even made it through a whole day without incident when she couldn't break at lunch as planned!

So far this week, I've started to test out the same routine (minus the break at lunch) for him that M started (with the exception of coming to work with me on Fridays)... so as to transition him better and to try and keep… Continue

Added by Michael Hong on June 4, 2009 at 2:15am — 6 Comments

FDA Animal Literacy

A Corgi is the cover!

Added by Chloe's parent Liz on June 4, 2009 at 1:23am — No Comments

It's my birthday!

Happy Birthday to Warhol!

Added by Warhol on June 3, 2009 at 11:59pm — 7 Comments

Miss Daisy's Eye Update

Dear Weeders

Just thought I would bwing you up to date on Miss Daisy's eye pwoblem az well az a couple of her, what Momma calls "mile stones," whitch she says akshully mean what I thought they did: stonez to mark a mile. Funny though, I mark lots more times than just once every mile. Can't be too careful about leaving my business card for all to read.

Daisy wents to the eye doctor speshullist this morning. Her dwy eye iz only a teensy bit bedder, so Dr. Kelly an' Momma… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on June 3, 2009 at 11:30pm — 5 Comments


You may enter your dog in any or all of the categories.Best Senoir,Cutest Puppy,Friendliest,Most Beautiful/Most Hansome,Most Vocal,Best Dresset,Best Mirror Image,And Best in Show.All dogs receive a goody bag and a picture with thier owner from their Photo Department.Pre Registration is recommended to ensure enough goody bags are avalible.You may register the day of the event starting at 2:00 P.M.Registration is a $5.00 donation to Childern's Miracle Network.

(MAYBE THEIR… Continue

Added by julie on June 3, 2009 at 11:00pm — 4 Comments

Penny's Online Store: Shop Now

If you would like to help Penny's cause, please visit her online store at

Added by Stacy Pearsall on June 3, 2009 at 9:37pm — No Comments

Pennies for Penny

I have had a great response to Penny's fund raiser, "Pennies for Penny". If you would like to send donations directly to Penny's fund, please send it to:

654 King Street
Suite D
Charleston, SC 29403

Every little penny counts. Thank you for your help and donations!

Stacy Pearsall

Added by Stacy Pearsall on June 3, 2009 at 5:48pm — No Comments

Ruined some vertical blinds.

Well, Eddy hasn't chewed anything off-limits for an entire month. No shoes, table legs, PS3 controllers, nada. Until today! He shredded the bottoms of our vertical blinds while I was showering!!! We've always let him roam while we shower- it's like 10 minutes, ya know! - and crate him for all other times. He's never had issues, I get out of the shower and he's still a Good Puppy. And he's teething right now, doing a lot of crying and chewing, so we got him some extra-nice chewies. A big… Continue

Added by Sunni A. on June 3, 2009 at 5:34pm — 3 Comments

Anyone want a corgi?

Just Kidding!!! I'm not really giving up my sweet girl, but I'm frustrated enough with her this morning I'm feeling that "I'm about to put you out on the street corner with a sign that says 'take me,;" feeling that I used to get when Sky was little and naughty!

This morning Lyla was having lots of fun playing in the rain. This made it harder than usual for me to get her in from outside. (She is hard to get in on an average morning,… Continue

Added by Sky and Lyla on June 3, 2009 at 11:21am — 11 Comments

Vest Harness Pictures

I love the fact that the harness snaps on top of the back and not under the belly! The seatbelt slips right through the top belt too! Very cool!

One happy boy after all his walks of the day!!

Here are the pictures of the Vest Harness I… Continue

Added by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on June 2, 2009 at 10:30pm — 12 Comments

A corgi animation!

I just made an account on the website and this is how my first animation turned out! You can tell I'm obsessed huh... ^-^;…


Added by Abbea and Vivi on June 2, 2009 at 5:55pm — 9 Comments

It's a GIRL!

Meet Shirley......the latest addition to my family. Is she cute or WHAT!?!?!? She was born on March 24th and I got her from a wonderful breeder in Ellensburg not far from here. I brought her home on May 19th on her 8 week birthday and she has settled in nicely. Between her and LaVerne they keep my days very full. It has been fun to watch the 2 of them. LaVerne keeps a close eye on her and tattles when Shirley does something Its too funny!… Continue

Added by LaVerne & Shirley on June 2, 2009 at 5:55pm — 12 Comments


Hi just wanted to know if anyone in San Angelo is fixin to have puppies around Christmas? My neice wants a corgi.

Added by Sam on June 2, 2009 at 4:48pm — 1 Comment


that dog you see in my pictures is my sisters dog that died of parvo =(

Added by Lori Walton on June 2, 2009 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

Say hello to... Katamari!

I posted a few entries back that I'm adopting a 1yr old female Pembroke from the animal shelter. Well, this was her first day home. She was very groggy from being sedated for spay surgery. She wasn't her usual spritely hyper self, but she was still very loving. She did snap at my 4yr old Faye when she passed by. I was so surprised that Faye was so well-behaved. I praised her and pet them both at the same time. Katamari stole Faye's bed hahaha so sad.…


Added by Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari on June 2, 2009 at 3:30am — 10 Comments

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