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Update on Foster pup

The animal control officer called me and told me the quarantine band has been lifted from the shelter yesterday. Woot! She also told me (just a few minutes ago) that she's taking "my baby" to the vet for his check up and if that goes well he will be neutered! I hate that she's calling him "my baby" because I don't want to get attached and I think that's what she's trying to do..the mean woman. He seems like he's a sweetie.

I'm debating on naming him. I'm afraid of getting terribly… Continue

Added by Corgibyassociation on April 8, 2009 at 11:08am — 2 Comments

Late Post: Corgi Meetings at the Dog Park!

So this past Sunday we went to the beach. The Sunday before THAT we went to the dog park (my youngest sister and I). So that's how far behind I am.

Kim had sent out a message saying she'd be there if anyone wanted to show. We were a little late so we got there right as they were leaving, but she stuck around a bit because no one can resist a corgi puppy in a new bandana! Hopefully we can have a meet-up at her house as she so kindly offered. Pooka… Continue

Added by GoGoRainbow on April 8, 2009 at 2:30am — 6 Comments

Corgi needs a new home

Just a quick note to anyone in southern California, there is a one year old male tri-color that needs to be re-homed.
Just go to the San Diego COrgi Meet-up board for info:

Added by Geri & Sidney on April 8, 2009 at 2:22am — 1 Comment

Riley now home for keeps

After another day in the hospital, Riley has been released and is back home for good. It's amazing what a difference a day made. He is back to his usual Corgi self, buzzing around the house and yard like a furry little lightening bolt. Good news from the docs, no permanent damage. Should have no evidence anything ever happened within 48 hours. Thanks for all the well wishes. It's nice to know people care. It's hard at times with all the headaches and heartaches and in this case, medical… Continue

Added by Riley & Sadie on April 7, 2009 at 7:04pm — 2 Comments

News Alert! Herding/Cattle Dog survives on a remote island for 4 months while eating Baby Goats for food!

Well it's not our beloved Corgi but an Australian Cattle dog named Sophie. This story is Amazing, its very overwhelming. I mean a dog surviving on a remote island for 4 months, while eating baby goats to survive, PLUS instinctively remembering her mommy and daddy when reunited?!? WOW! I am pleased that herding dogs are extremely intelligent, they can survive just about anywhere.

Here's the link:

Added by Meryl on April 7, 2009 at 5:03pm — 1 Comment

Superstar got spayed!

Well hello hello everyone! it has been a long day for me because i took Superstar to the spca to get ovariohysterectomy at 730 am (bleh) and I just picked her up, and she looks so miserable! she doesnt want anyone near her, not even me! she hates me :(....when do you think she will recover?

Added by Boots and Superstar! on April 7, 2009 at 4:02pm — 8 Comments

Losing Baby Teeth

When can I expect to see Riff start losing his baby teeth?

Added by Riff and Family on April 7, 2009 at 1:34pm — 3 Comments

Welcome Home Little Rylee!

Finally, finally! After weeks of trying to find and research breeders, choose a breeder, choose a pup, and wait for them to be old enough to bring home, I was able to collect my sweet little Rylee! The breeder lived several hours away, and so I had to make a bit of a car trip to get there. Rylee was such a good girl and slept almost the whole way home!

She had a bit of trouble settling in at first-- whining and barking all night long… Continue

Added by Joie on April 6, 2009 at 8:06pm — 14 Comments

Riley is back home for now

Thank you everyone for all for the kind words of care and support. Riley is doing much better tonight. He has his spark back in his eyes, and does not look like an old man anymore. We opted to bring him home tonight, rather than leave him unattended at the Vet in the event he has any overnight episodes that require care. He has not had any vomiting or diarrhea since very early this morning, and x-rays and bloodwork look good. He is resting quietly in… Continue

Added by Riley & Sadie on April 6, 2009 at 6:59pm — 14 Comments

Fiona in Heat, Signed for Basic Obedience

While we were in Korea, our dogs didn't get enough socialization and we finally decided to take them to obedience school so that we can try to break some bad habits. They are fine meeting people but big dogs are a different story. I worried about the first day. Our dogs can be a little crazy so it should be interesting. It's time to take some active steps into teaching them how to act properly around other dogs.

The infamous corgi bark intimidates other owners so it's been hard to… Continue

Added by Frank and Jinny on April 6, 2009 at 4:42pm — 5 Comments

The Queen's Corgi Room

Find more videos like this on

Photographer Gary Ramage from the Sydney Daily Telegraph filmed inside the "corgi’s room" at Buckingham… Continue

Added by Sam Tsang on April 6, 2009 at 3:16pm — 2 Comments

My Blog is at

Added by Heather Bishop Jasso on April 6, 2009 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Work in Progress--Advice or Critiques are welcomed

Outside of the potty training issue that has cropped up (which may possibly be a territorial thing *shrugs*) things have been going relatively smooth in terms of the food aggression.

Both dogs are separated when feeding. Freya goes into her crate to eat and Cloud goes in the hallway. She eats significantly slower than Cloud, and if he even steps foot in the room she will start growling. Keep in mind, she is locked in her crate so there's no way anything could be stolen. We've been… Continue

Added by Corgibyassociation on April 6, 2009 at 11:32am — 1 Comment

Paper trouble, trouble no longer

Update: We did receive an application for registration and for papers Friday. I filled them out and paid and will be getting them soon. So all is well, Bonnie is happy and so are we. Thank you everyone for your comments, advice and support! You all are wonderful!

Added by Stephanie & Bonnie Fox on April 5, 2009 at 5:58pm — No Comments

Spay and neuter your pets!

This is so, so important. In San Antonio alone 26,207 pets were euthanized just last year. Already this year 4,000 have been put down. 73% of the animals brought to the shelter last year were euthanized-many on the first day they arrived due to overcrowding. There is rampant overcrowding and San Antonio they are trying their best to control this problem. 100,000 animals a year would have to be spay/neutered to make this a kill free city by 2012. Due to the rally to get this job done last year… Continue

Added by Amanda on April 5, 2009 at 5:07pm — 1 Comment

Excessive Barking

Optimus is just over 4 months old now and he's recently starting barking a LOT. It's usually because he wants us to play with him, but we can't always do that when HE wants to. We also live in an apartment so we really can't just ignore him and hope he stops (which he doesn't). We've tried holding his mouth shut, but he just thinks we're playing and he pounces at our hands with his tail wagging after we let go. We really need to lessen his barking, any tips?

Added by Matt & Hilliary on April 5, 2009 at 12:01pm — 5 Comments

Cardigans Looking Beeeeuuuteeefull

Momma an' me were serfing the web this evening and happened on this spot, not to be confused with the dog named Spot in Dick an' Jane--if you iz old enuff to know uv Dick an' Jane, then you cans guess how old iz my Momma. Oooops. She iz coming in the room to take over her typer thingie, soz I'll be signing off till later. Bye, the sneaky Skeezman

Added by Melissa Bee on April 4, 2009 at 11:30pm — 2 Comments

Free At Last

So we went out to do some arrends and we left little Thiago lose in the house. He will be 8 months old in 5 days. Fingers crossed when we got back, and everything was in its place. No chewed objects and no pee or poop anywhere! He doesnt ever chew on wires or things but it would be just our luck that the first time we dont put him in his crate when we're out he'd chew on the lamp wire or something, so we unplugged what ever he could get his snout on. He has been so great with getting trained, i… Continue

Added by Thiago's Mom on April 4, 2009 at 8:17pm — 2 Comments


Today's visit to the breeder's was awesome. We spent close to 2 hours with our new little girl, who we now have a name for.


We decided after we got home. It was our number one choice, but we just couldn't decide. She is such a cutie with a very delicate personality. We can't wait to get her home. The next two weeks is going to be torture!

I have a few pics here, but a full album with over 80 Phoebe photos is at my hubby's flickr:… Continue

Added by Amanda E on April 4, 2009 at 7:01pm — 1 Comment

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