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How can I get my dog a Secret Paw?

I've heard of some dogs having a "Secret Paw". They get random gifts for anonymous people. Does anyone know how I can get my dog one?

Added by Brittany Nelson on June 2, 2010 at 10:30pm — 4 Comments

What color is my dog called?

I've heard dogs called fawn and tri-colored. My corgi is black and white. What is that called?

Added by Brittany Nelson on June 2, 2010 at 10:29pm — 2 Comments

Sick Puppy!?!

Casey has been sort of lethargic today, which I chalked up to the warmer weather. She ate her food same as usual this morning, and had two normal bowel movements (one first thing in the morning, the second at around 11:00). She had a fair amount of water throughout the morning/early afternoon too. I gave her a kong around 1:30 and she didn't eat it; wasn't interested at all, which is unlike her.…


Added by Carla on June 2, 2010 at 10:00pm — 2 Comments

Charlie's growling

Charlie is a 4 month old sweetheart. He is the sweetest dog unless he has his bone treat/bully stick! bout 2 month ago, I have him bully stick and he loved it! I would hand it to him and he wouldn't care if I pet him or touched the bully stick at all. Until one day my brother brought home a bacon flavored nylabone about a month ago and gave it to him, I tried petting but he really loved that bone, growled at me, showed his teeth and even bit me really hard! I didn't know what to do then so I… Continue

Added by Alexsandra Papoban on June 2, 2010 at 8:50pm — 3 Comments

Doggie Spa Treatment

The other day I bought a kiddie pool for Quin. When we go for walks she always digs in the cat water dish when we get back from the walk so I thought she would like a pool. Now we live in the desert on four acres so I have the pool up on the deck other wise we would have mud. So today she went outside chased the cat around for a while then came up on the porch and started digging in the water dish so I filled up the pool and we splashed around for a while. Then she decided to go…

Added by Kari & Quin on June 2, 2010 at 4:03pm — 9 Comments

Looking for a Pembroke Corgi . . . .

Probably a tri-color this time around. Health, personality and great looks from a reputable breeder of course.

Anyone know of litters existing or expected? Southern California area would be best for me since I live in Santa Barbara. I'm experienced with Corgis as I've had two.

Thank you for… Continue

Added by steve ruggles and Ziggy on June 2, 2010 at 12:20pm — 3 Comments

Update on Tot

Well, here it is, and I feel like the world's worst mother...Tot got beat up while he was outside with some of my other dogs. I've determined it had to be my tri-color corgi, Miley, and my corgi/aussie shepherd mix Pandy-Dawn, but can't figure out why. My vet says he has puncture wounds, bruising, and will tell me more when I get there tonight. I feel sick, like I let him down. They've always gotten along, never a problem, never so much as a snarl let alone something like this. So, he's not…


Added by Ann Boege on June 1, 2010 at 2:50pm — 7 Comments

Tot's at the vet...

Hi everyone -

Thanks so much for your kind words, prayers and lovely thoughts for Tot. He's at the vet today so hopefully we'll know something later this afternoon. He stayed pretty still all day yesterday, did drink but didn't eat, went out a couple of times with me carrying him. He had a couple of small accidents in the house, but hey, don't we all - ha ha. He was a little more alert this morning, slept in his 'big boy bed' next to mine all night with not a peep. As soon as I know…


Added by Ann Boege on June 1, 2010 at 9:23am — 6 Comments

desperately seeking fluffy

Helloooooo corgi lovers. After six years of lusting after corgis, doing extensive research on corgi ownership, I'm finally... almost... there to full blown corgi-hood. Since I'm pregnant with the idea of being corgi'd -- I'm officially starting The Epic Search.

Anyone have any leads as to who tends to have the somewhat rare autosomal recessive fluffy in their litters? I realize that "fluffies" aren't breed standards -- but I don't care. Willing to go wherever the fluffies…

Added by DeeDea & Pudge on June 1, 2010 at 5:25am — 4 Comments

New Trees.

We got three new tree's for our back garden and Gwenie was thrilled. She loves her tree's. We have a raised Veggie garden because she eats the veggies right off the bushes and plants. We had to remove the cactus she wanted to eat them. I think she has us well trained. We love her she is so much fun.…


Added by Kitty Kirwin on June 1, 2010 at 12:46am — 4 Comments

My solution to my Corgi's nonending shedding!

I bought a brush like this at my local Walmart for $2.00! It its an amazing tool to have for your dog! It helps her shedding and is very cheap! she also loves it and it doesn't pull her hair. She now enjoys her everyday brushings!

Added by Brittany Nelson on May 31, 2010 at 9:55pm — 2 Comments

My little guy is sick...

Hello everyone -

My little red and white Pem Corgi, Tot, is sick and I'd appreciate prayers. He's been lethargic today and tonight had some blood in his urine. We are going to the vet tomorrow. Please pray for him. He's my little man, and I'm scared to death. He's only a little over 3 years old and he is my sunshine. I love him so much.

Thanks everyone - I'll post and let you know how he is - I can't bear the thought of losing him.

Hugs to all…


Added by Ann Boege on May 31, 2010 at 9:18pm — 6 Comments


So went down to Lebanon, OR for memorial day weekend just got home.. Ace had a BLAST with his cousin pug Bebe they played so hard we had to seperate them so bebe could get some air LOL they had a grand ol time chasing tennis balls ad each other

had a BBQ yesterday hot dogs and hamburgers~ yum

Ace was a dream and was very well behaived though he HATED being in his kennel when we had to get supplies... and he whined and cried i felt like a horrible person.. he…


Added by Ace and Jen on May 31, 2010 at 9:03pm — 1 Comment

He's no super model...

I am trying to sell one of my extra dog collars on ebay. I bought it too big for Molly (thus the pink and green skull and cross bones, Tigger has green with pink skull and crossbones). I put it on Tigger because it fit him best, I thought it would be a good sales hook to put a super cute picture of a corgi wearing the collar on ebay, so I put the collar on him and I powered up the camera....he absolutely would NOT cooperate! I say he's no Cindy Crawford, my friends say he's probably more of…


Added by Katie on May 31, 2010 at 9:00pm — 2 Comments

How can I help my Corgi to not chew up things when I'm gone? HELP?!

My Corgi LOVES to sleep with me. But sometimes I like to sleep on our living room couch. My Corgi is not allowed in the living room because she sheds ALOT of hair and the hair falls on the carpet and I have a 10 month old who is learning to crawl on it. So my Corgi sleeps in my room. I wait till my Corgi is alseep and sneak away quietly. But when I come back into my room she has gotten out all my clothes out of hampers and baskets that aren't even in her reach. She only chews up cardboard and… Continue

Added by Brittany Nelson on May 31, 2010 at 4:14am — 9 Comments

Three must be our lucky number....

...because Lyla and I got third place again today!

We had a couple of bumps along the way, but ended up with a score of a 92 (out of 100), which is 5 points higher than we got yesterday! Now, fingers crossed that we don't lose it tomorrow. If we can Q again we will have our very first title!

Added by Sky and Lyla on May 30, 2010 at 3:24pm — 4 Comments


So, I've had Wydget for a little more than a month now and it's an EXPERIENCE.


I've *never* had two dogs at once, let alone a puppy and an adult. It's *crazy*.

Zephyr is taking to the baby waaaaaay better than I thought she would! They're actually play buddies now! At first Zephyr had no idea what the little fuzzball was. But…


Added by Emily Schroeder on May 30, 2010 at 2:50am — 6 Comments

Rainy Days and Dirty Dogs

I have a motto about rainy days and walking corgis: you go out once, you go out for a long time, you come home and wash'em, and then you stay in. Today happens to be a rainy day up here in Alberta, as was yesterday, and so will tomorrow. So instead of doing our usual 2-3 20/30 minute daily walks, we went to an off-leash ravine trail (10 minute drive from our house) for 1 1/2 hours, just to make sure she was good and tired so…


Added by Carla on May 29, 2010 at 7:00pm — 2 Comments

Big Brag!

Lyla and I have been training for Rally for about 2 months now. This weekend is our first show. Today was our first run (I didn't enter yesterday, as I wanted one day to walk her around and get her used to the environment). I was so nervous and she was just loving being there! We had a couple signs we'd never seen before, so that was scary, but still doable.

Well, the second we walked into the ring, she realized there were lots and lots of…


Added by Sky and Lyla on May 29, 2010 at 2:30pm — 8 Comments

No more brother


Added by Kimberlie on May 29, 2010 at 1:26pm — 6 Comments

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