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Camden vs Bella (the David & Goliath of the dog park)

Funny story time!

Since I live in an apartment (and it has been so hot- stupid drought), I regularly take Camden to the local dog park in the evenings. This particular evening, Camden & I stayed on the little dog area of the park since Camden didn't seem to like a particular dog. He definitely was the big boy in comparison to the Yorkies and dachshunds.

At one point, a stuffing free toy was added to the mix. Initially, an eight pound dachshund named Bella had the…


Added by Cassie, Camden, and Oaklie on July 27, 2012 at 12:20pm — 2 Comments


I don't even know how to process all this happy at once.

Not only has Ziggy played with another dog, but I got him to play with a toy just too!:D

I just O_O I'm gonna keel over, I am way too happy!


It was very lucky, he got into one of his "PLAY TUG-O-WAR WITH YOUR HANDS WITH ME!" modes, and I was close enough to the toy box to reach over, snag a toy, and replaced it.. At  first, he wasn't too sure, but he started to really get a grip on it.…


Added by Zigward & Kimberly on July 26, 2012 at 12:17pm — 2 Comments

Hmmm, just puppy hair?

Alright, when it comes to puppy coats I am not sure if my corgi is honestly tri-colored corgi, or if he is just the red and white. Both of his parents are red and white, but I do know how genetics don't necessarily work that way. So my question is, does he have just a puppy coat that looks darker than it will become or is this a blue print of what is to come?

Thank you


Added by Aric Michel Cramer on July 25, 2012 at 11:28pm — 12 Comments


Ziggy played with another dog! It was crazy! They ran around, jumping at one another, Ziggy in full derp mode!:D I feel like I could fly, I'm so elated:D

What's weird? Ziggy wanted to play more than the other dog. I mean, that wouldn't be very weird, except for the fact that Ziggy never wants to do anything!! 

At first, it was him hoping around me, playing tug-o-war with my hand when then the other dog in the house, Shadow, came around to see what all the noise was…


Added by Zigward & Kimberly on July 25, 2012 at 1:31pm — 3 Comments

Four loves to chew

Four is my first dog. I find it absolutely incredible how he roams around, with his nose to the ground, eating anything he can. On walks he sniffs ants. Needless to say we don't get very far. In the backyard he eats peaches as they fall from the tree. Inside he  is out of control. Besides food Four loves toilet paper, shoes, chair legs, hands. I'm hoping this will…


Added by J on July 25, 2012 at 1:30pm — 9 Comments


On Sunday I picked up my baby boy Tedy!! His full name is Patriot Tedy B (fairly obvious I named him after Tedy Bruschi, a linebacker for the patriots haha) He was almost 10 weeks old and weighed about 7lbs.  He was so sweet and this was the first time he'd ever been away from his mommy!  I'm crate training him the same way I crate trained my other dogs in the past and he seems to be picking up on it fairly well except I have to keep a close eye on him because he doesn't bark when he has to…


Added by Gillian Arnold on July 25, 2012 at 9:02am — 4 Comments

Will they ever be friends?

I can't tell if Four and the cats like each other. He just wants to play. They don't back down. Will they ever all take a nap together and be friends? That will be a fabulous picture :)…


Added by J on July 24, 2012 at 12:00pm — 14 Comments

Scout, my perfect puppy!

Scout has been home for 3 days now and wow... she is the sweetest little puppy! I cannot believe how amazingly good she has been so far!

On Friday, we made the 3 and a half hour drive to pick her up. The puppies were all so darn sweet but we fell in love with Scout right away! During the car ride home, she whined maybe 15 minutes then was totally calm…


Added by Janna Banana on July 23, 2012 at 8:30pm — 7 Comments

11 months

Lucy turned 11 months old yesterday! I can't believe how much she's grown since I got her at 9 weeks old. I have to start thinking of something fun to do for her 1 year birthday. Any ideas?

Added by Bonni B on July 23, 2012 at 5:48pm — 3 Comments

Spay surgery and Ein meets a baby!

Ein had her spay surgery this morning. Her mommy days are officially over! (Note: I never bred her---but she came from a corgi breeder). The vet sent me a text with a picture of her post surgery. She looked good. She comes home tomorrow. The house is awfully quiet without her! 

I'm just curious about how the "cone-of-shame" is going to work in her crate. We crate her at night, and I'm just wondering how the cone is going to fit in there with her. Her crate is pretty roomy, but I'm…


Added by Ingrid & Ein on July 23, 2012 at 5:32pm — 3 Comments

how to control aggression at 4 months?

Cosmo is almost 5 months and showing a few signs of aggression, when we go to take off his leash he gets snappy and when we punish him, is this normal for such a young age? It just started about a week ago but I'd really like to get it under control as soon as possible. I am constantly  rewarding him for his good behavior and just saying "NO" when he gets snappy. Any other ideas? 

He is such a happy puppy so I dont know where this behavior is coming from?! 



Added by Kelsey Fuhrman on July 22, 2012 at 8:25pm — 10 Comments

Our first month with Ein

Today we've had Ein for one month! The breeder we bought her from gave us a 30 day trial period (money back if we decided to return her), but there was never any doubt we'd be keeping her. I emailed the breeder a couple days ago and said, yep! She's ours! She's such a sweet girl. We wanted an adult from the beginning---puppies are wonderful, but we really just wanted a calm, adult dog. We tried for a year to adopt a rescue. They were in short supply to begin with, and the rescue…


Added by Ingrid & Ein on July 21, 2012 at 10:57pm — 7 Comments

Stairway to Heaven

I know the way to heaven is not supposed to be easy.  Life throws many boulders in your path that you must climb over. But with a little corgi encouragement, it can be attained.  Frankly, I think Austin was thinking more about the studly young men that easily passed us on the trail and the possibility of them packing beefy sandwiches in their packs and that if we didn't hurry to the top they would eat those sandwiches before we arrived.

The climb up (can you see the corgi)…


Added by Kathy Losacco on July 21, 2012 at 7:53pm — No Comments

Sleepy Puppy

I never realized how much a puppy could sleep! Ferris probably sleeps more than 16 hours a day. It's quite nice to have a break from all the hectic puppy stress, but sometimes I wish he would wake up and play too. How long does this constant nap time phase last?

Added by Ferris on July 21, 2012 at 12:32am — 3 Comments

Corgi Pup on Anchorage Craigslist

Purebreed Pembroke Welsh Corgi



Added by Zigward & Kimberly on July 20, 2012 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Snapping Corgi

My 4 yr old Corgi, Sandi snapped at my 19 mo old for the first time when she got to close while she was chewing her bone. Anyone have any ideas on how to stop this before it turns into a bite? She's never been food agressive before, so I'm not sure what has started this. My daughter used to crawl around her while she was eating but not sure why its starting now.

Any input would be very appreciated!!!

Added by Celina Mastin on July 20, 2012 at 7:57pm — 2 Comments

Getting even for not going

My little corgi (18lbs full grown ) has been going on runs with me every night and we are averageing about 5 miles a night. But running in the desert and on gravel roads have left her feet soar and raw, so lately she has been staying home healing ( and not happy about it). While i was getting ready for a run the other night she was so happy and excited but got left at home. So then she decided to get even and let me know that she was not happy and so she chewed up 4 magazines all over the…


Added by Amy Steinbach on July 20, 2012 at 5:19pm — 2 Comments

How The Pembroke Corgi Lost His Tail

Long, long ago back in the days when the land was new and the pixies still tied knots in the sheeps tails and tangled the manes of the horses at night, the Corgi was the steed of choice for the nightly rides of the Queen of the Fairies. Both Pembrokes and Cardigans had long, flowing tails and would wag them brightly as they trotted along.

One night though, after a long day of herding, a Pembroke Corgi decided that enough was enough and that he would rather sleep than be bedecked…


Added by Sarah G on July 19, 2012 at 11:42pm — 3 Comments

Sad :(

I really need some advice here...Is it possible for a dog to just NOT like a human? I have done everything for this dog and he still shows me NO love, NO respect....I really don't know what to do with him.  I have had TONS of dogs all my life and have never met one so distant.  I am really thinking about getting rid of him even after the THOUSANDS I have already spend on him, his vet bills and all he could ever ask for as far as toys, food, care etc.  I really don't feel comfortable giving…


Added by Brooke Busteed on July 19, 2012 at 1:00am — 51 Comments

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